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UPDATED: Lindeners shot through heart with "bronze-capped" rounds - independent pathologistPDF | Print |
Written by Kwesi Isles   

Wednesday, 25 July 2012 12:51




Independent pathologist Professor Hubert Daisley says preliminary results from Wednesday’s autopsies on the three Linden protesters indicate that the men were all shot through the heart with “bronze-tipped” rounds and not rubber pellets as the police contend.

The Trinidad and Tobago expert witnessed the autopsies conducted by government pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh on the men killed in clashes with the police a week ago.

According to Professor Daisley, the three men all died in similar fashion with two shot in the chest and the other through the back.

“One of those persons was also shot in the left leg and the right leg with the fatal injury for that person being in the anterior (frontal) chest penetrating both the lung and the heart and causing profuse bleeding. The other two individuals, one was shot in twice in the back, one in the lower left back and one in the upper left back. The shot in the upper left back penetrated the heart and the lung and he also exsanguinated,” the pathologist explained.

The third individual, he said, had one shot to the anterior left chest.

“The metal fragments in two of the cases look almost identical and there was a little variation in the other metal fragment that went into the chest. Of course these are going to be verified by ballistics to determine what calibre weapon was used but two of them looked pretty similar and probably they were being fired upon by multiple people, probably they all had similar weapons or the ballistics might tell you from one weapon,” Professor Daisley said.

Asked whether the wounds were caused by plastic or rubber pellets as the police claim the expert gave an emphatic no.

“These were metal, they were capped with bronze-looking cap, almost gold but I think it is bronze, and the core of these were lead. These were not rubber by any chance, they were metal,” he stated.

According to him, one of the slugs recovered from a leg wound had flattened out like “a Trinidad ten-cent piece” while the other warheads looked like “missiles from a handgun” which he opined may have been a low velocity weapon.

“They entered but they didn’t exit and we were able to locate them. We were able to retrieve the missiles or metal fragments and they were given to the investigating officer.”

On whether there was any difference of opinion on the findings between him and Dr. Singh the visiting pathologist said there was no deviation.

“The thing is Dr. Singh was conducting the autopsy, I was just observing and we had discussions as we went along but what I’ve said here there’s no deviation from what was found by Dr. Singh,” he stated.

Professor Daisley’s involvement was organised by the AFC. Lindeners have called for the police involved in the shootings to be charged with murder as one of their conditions to come off the streets.  The protests initially intended for five days against the government's move to increase electricity rates in Linden is now in its eighth day.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We all know that there are AFc/PNC operatives working in the police force. Now they have to match the bullets to the specific guns to determine who fired the shots. The PNC/AFC agents will be revealed. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

We all know that there are AFc/PNC operatives working in the police force. Now they have to match the bullets to the specific guns to determine who fired the shots. The PNC/AFC agents will be revealed. 

And one day you will realize that your daily ramblings on nonsense reflect the early onset of senility.


Guyanese chat and run their mouths and you know this.  If the PNC/AFC were doing this some one will boast about having this knowledge and the whoile world will know.  OR the various factions within BOTH parties will use this to undermine those who they dont like.


So druggie the PNC/AFC do no such thing.  I do understand that years of abusing crack has severely damaged your brain so your babble this assinine thoughts.

Originally Posted by God:

Now this terrifies the PPP. An INDIAN female equating the PPP brutality with that of Burnham and the colonial autocrats


Baseman I am sure considers her a traitor of the most vile sort!!!!!

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Could it be that people were placed in the crowds to shoot nilly willy?

The only people who were shot were assaulted by the police.  A TRINIDADIAN professional has revealed REAL police bullets were used, meaning that the police went there with a mission to kill.


So who told them to do this?


So many days later and you all PPPites still cant furnish proof to defend your claims, yet other evidence is surfacing to undermine your claims.  Both that Lindeners are being subsidized by GPL and that the police resorted to violence after they had reason to fear for their lives.


The AFC & APNU should file for compensation for wrongful deaths against the Guyana Government on behalf of  the families of these slain martyrs and   simultaneously  file a petetion with international human rights agencies.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by God:

Now this terrifies the PPP. An INDIAN female equating the PPP brutality with that of Burnham and the colonial autocrats


Baseman I am sure considers her a traitor of the most vile sort!!!!!

Nah, she has survival on her mind.  Who know who her neighbors are.  The poor lady knows what happened to the 3,000 Indians in that area during the 60's.  If I were in her shoes, I would probably do the same.


If she is to bee slaughtered like the people in Lusignan and Bartica, Lindeners would not be protesting for justice, but celebrating "justice done".

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

She may need to add a fourth name... the other victim seems to be slipping away slowly.


Who sent the phantoms?

State sponsored murder is the M.O. of the PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:


If she is to bee slaughtered like the people in Lusignan and Bartica, Lindeners would not be protesting for justice, but celebrating "justice done".

Shouldn't you be posting your 'extreme' stuff as "sledgehammer" and not "baseman"?


U know . . . that way you can return to 'polite' society and engage as per normal after a hot shower, scrubbing, disinfecting . . .


probably not worth your while anymore . . . diminishing returns and all that

Originally Posted by TI:
At least the lady is fair. You would never find a black woman talking about Indian martyrs.

That by itself is believed to be a politically paid advertisement. It reminds me when the Lindeners were holding placards with messages that say dust from the mining industry has affected their health. GR of the AFC was leading that protest.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

We all know that there are AFc/PNC operatives working in the police force. Now they have to match the bullets to the specific guns to determine who fired the shots. The PNC/AFC agents will be revealed. 

And one day you will realize that your daily ramblings on nonsense reflect the early onset of senility.


Guyanese chat and run their mouths and you know this.  If the PNC/AFC were doing this some one will boast about having this knowledge and the whoile world will know.  OR the various factions within BOTH parties will use this to undermine those who they dont like.


So druggie the PNC/AFC do no such thing.  I do understand that years of abusing crack has severely damaged your brain so your babble this assinine thoughts.

He is far from senility. He is four years younger than me and he is also supposedly a devout episcopalian. That he chose to make up stories like this at ease means he goes to confessional twice a week and possibly ate up the church supply of communion wafers.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by God:

Now this terrifies the PPP. An INDIAN female equating the PPP brutality with that of Burnham and the colonial autocrats


Baseman I am sure considers her a traitor of the most vile sort!!!!!

Yall give this woman lil fry rice money to hold up that placard. You see how drugged up she looks. ahahha

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

We all know that there are AFc/PNC operatives working in the police force. Now they have to match the bullets to the specific guns to determine who fired the shots. The PNC/AFC agents will be revealed. 

And one day you will realize that your daily ramblings on nonsense reflect the early onset of senility.


Guyanese chat and run their mouths and you know this.  If the PNC/AFC were doing this some one will boast about having this knowledge and the whoile world will know.  OR the various factions within BOTH parties will use this to undermine those who they dont like.


So druggie the PNC/AFC do no such thing.  I do understand that years of abusing crack has severely damaged your brain so your babble this assinine thoughts.

You notice the police which is run by pNC supporters and consist of PNC supporters, how they deny the shooting and only had shotguns, which are not the type of bullets found by the autopsy. Do you have any reason to disbelieve your own PNC brothers in the police who were at the bridge firing rubber bullets?  Is pNC/afc criminals that shoot up the people to cause political unrest, these folks sly as fox but they gun get ketch. 

so your babble this assinine thoughts.

You notice the police which is run by pNC supporters and consist of PNC supporters, how they deny the shooting and only had shotguns, which are not the type of bullets found by the autopsy. Do you have any reason to disbelieve your own PNC brothers in the police who were at the bridge firing rubber bullets?  Is pNC/afc criminals that shoot up the people to cause political unrest, these folks sly as fox but they gun get ketch. 

Were this true you all wouldnt be demonizing the protesters.  Instead you wouild be demonizing the police for attempting to embarrass the govt.


But the PPP tells lies like the bullets werent for police guns when forensics experts have stated that they are.


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