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Sugar output still dismal, Skeldon far below target

Posted By Pushpa Balgobin On October 27, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

With its sugar output continuing to be far below expectation, the Skeldon sugar factory is preparing for the conversion of the current hydraulic dump system to an electric winch system which will help it get closer to its 350 tonnes per hour crushing potential originally promised under the China National Tech-nical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC) construction contract.

When Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) officials appeared before the National Assembly’s Economic Services Com-mittee recently, Technical Services Manager Yusuf Abdul had noted that to fix the ill-performing punt dump could cost US$4 million. Significant controversy has surrounded this figure as the rehabilitation of the punt dump was one of six projects that was supposed to be done by the South African firm Bosch Engineering.

Stabroek News had been reliably informed that the cost of the Bosch rehabilitation would be approximately US$30 million. However, in March, GuySuCo refuted this figure and said the total repairs cost US$1.8 million.

The US$110 million Skeldon sugar factory has consistently given problems since it was commissioned in 2009. More money was subsequently spent to help realize the full potential of the factory, the lynchpin of the Skeldon Sugar Moderniza-tion Project (SSMP). Five years later, it is still nowhere near delivering on its projected target of 110,000 tonnes of sugar per annum.

In addition to the conversion of the hydraulic dump to a winch-based system which was being pushed by factory management up to last August when Stabroek News visited the estate, Skeldon is also considering bringing the feeding system from the old factory into the new factory. This publication was made to understand that local contractors who were solicited for the job estimated that it could cost up to $40 million or more to bring over the components.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP headed to a massive victory because they care says fookeetutu and Reverse.


PPP will sell out sugar to the chinese its only a matter of time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Oh Meh Mumma Sugar gone fuh Channa, Guyana gone fuh Channa.  Since 1992 meh ah hear this song, it got a reggae beat.

Bull you been hearing this since 92. You been hearing this since 2008/9 maybe?


And the PPP lost the majority vote in the last election? correct?


If hubcap and his PNC cohorts did not bastardize the constitution further the PPP would be in opposition benches today correct?


If there is one thing the PPP regime should be embarrassed about, it is the dismal condition of the sugar industry.

PPP founder-leader Cheddi Jagan says the 1948 killing of 5 Enmore sugar workers caused him to take a solemn oath to struggle for the freedom and prosperity of the Guyanese people.

Dr Jagan formed the PPP which derived sheet-anchor support from sugar workers and their families. Lives were lost and enormous sacrifices made to secure recognition for GAWU. Naturally, the more prosperous the sugar industry, the bigger the labor force, the higher GAWU membership, the greater the workers' satisfaction.

Alas, under the current PPP regime the sugar industry is heavily indebted and declining. It is not a source of pride for the PPP. It is a source of embarrassment. 





Stop focusing on the past and concentrate on the future.


The PPP opportunists are leaving the party by the dozens..


They thing that they are a force but when push comes to shove, they are the same bastards that destroyed the country.  They have nothing new to offer the people. The PPP will survive and live to run another election.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Stop focusing on the past and concentrate on the future.


The PPP opportunists are leaving the party by the dozens..


They thing that they are a force but when push comes to shove, they are the same bastards that destroyed the country.  They have nothing new to offer the people. The PPP will survive and live to run another election.

until racist fools like die and the people start vote with ideology 


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