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Originally Posted by caribny:

So Moses is trying to earn his $100K pay as APNU/AFC ignores the plight of ordinary Guyanese?

The poor has been cuddled and spoiled for too long so they grew lazy.  PNC will incentivize them via the top-down approach.  Nagamootoo will be a transformed man when Sita breaks a broad smile seeing that juicy pay check.


Jalil ask Brother Moses who wrote the sentence in bold in the Constitution...ask him why?


Article 90 of the Constitution provides for the election to the office of the President as follows:


  1. A person shall be qualified for election as President and shall not be so qualified unless he is (a) is a citizen of Guyana by birth or parentage as defined in Articles 43 and 44 of the Constitution; (b) is residing in Guyana on the date of nomination for election and was continuously residing therein for a period of seven years immediately before the date; and (c) is otherwise qualified to be a member of the National Assembly.
  2. A   person elected as President after the year 2000 is eligible for re-election only once.
  3. A person who acceded to the Presidency after the year 2000 and served therein on a single occasion for not less than such period as may be determined by the National Assembly is eligible for election as President only once.
  4. In determining continuity of residence absence form Guyana to:
    1. seek medical help;
    2. study at a university or an intuition of higher learning for not more than four years;
    3. work for the Government, shall be disregarded.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So Moses is trying to earn his $100K pay as APNU/AFC ignores the plight of ordinary Guyanese?

The poor has been cuddled and spoiled for too long so they grew lazy.  PNC will incentivize them via the top



Moses tell everyone

 Monkey Mountain CaribJ

 pull the 100% Pay Increase out he Backside......

and Redux run with for 2 days

before he shove it back....

up CaribJ Crack.

Originally Posted by VVP:

Jalil ask Brother Moses who wrote the sentence in bold in the Constitution...ask him why?


Article 90 of the Constitution provides for the election to the office of the President as follows:


  1. :
    1. seek medical help;
    2. study at a university or an intuition of higher learning for not more than four years;
    3. work for the Government, shall be disregarded.


Intuition, what intuition, who Moses, that the PNC will try to upset the cookie jar??

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Office of the Prime Minister - Guyana
Yesterday at 5:38pm

Prime Minister Moses V. Nagamootoo today held fruitful discussions with Minister of Governance The Honourable Raphael Trotman and prominent attorney-at-law Mr. Nigel Hughes with regard to the formation of a Steering Committee for the establishment of a Constitutional Reform Body.

Office of the Prime Minister - Guyana's photo.

It is about time that old boy PM Moses takes charge. Harmon is all over the place and needs to have his wings clipped by President Granger.


Trotman is very intelligent and this government should properly utilize his talents.


I am doing my best to be impartial here.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Office of the Prime Minister - Guyana
Yesterday at 5:38pm

Prime Minister Moses V. Nagamootoo today held fruitful discussions with Minister of Governance The Honourable Raphael Trotman and prominent attorney-at-law Mr. Nigel Hughes with regard to the formation of a Steering Committee for the establishment of a Constitutional Reform Body.

Office of the Prime Minister - Guyana's photo.

It is about time that old boy PM Moses takes charge. Harmon is all over the place and needs to have his wings clipped by President Granger.


Trotman is very intelligent and this government should properly utilize his talents.


I am doing my best to be impartial here.

With Granger out of the country so often, Moses gets to play President more often than Granger...except that he has no power. This explains his broad smile from ear to ear. Luckiest man in the world.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Vishnu Moses will be Visiting soon....we will see how much power he get.

Jalil, you mean you haven't gotten the requisite permission for Moses to visit the sacred grounds of Vishnu's Richmond Hill?

Kari yuh forget Richmond hill

do not follow regular Protocol.


Them Bhai follow

Raj Singh, Jagdeo, Bobby Ramroop,

and New GPC and end up with LIMACOL.


When yuh follow Limacol....

yuh does do all kind stupidness...


Yuh would Hang Mala

pon wan Gal from Foreign Affairs

and tell de following at the Peoples Temple

that dem Hang Mala pon De Prime Minister.


If dem stick with De Limacol arrangement....

do not be surprised

if CaribJ is seen walking in Richmond Hill

and them Lasso him and

carry him to the Peoples Temple.....

and claim dem hang Mala pon de President.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So Moses is trying to earn his $100K pay as APNU/AFC ignores the plight of ordinary Guyanese?

It look like while them GDF Solder Boys rounding up them PPP thieves and hauling them before the Court.......

Moses and De Legal Scholars focusing on Fixing the Guyana Constitution.

How many of the PPP thieves they rounded up so far?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC will try once again to amend the constitution so that the PNC can win forever.  They did that in 1980 but they forgot one thing. The Indians will always vote as a block and so will do the blacks.

Who give a crap, the GDF will "blacken" the whole thing.  PNC pon tapp bai.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So Moses is trying to earn his $100K pay as APNU/AFC ignores the plight of ordinary Guyanese?

It look like while them GDF Solder Boys rounding up them PPP thieves and hauling them before the Court.......

Moses and De Legal Scholars focusing on Fixing the Guyana Constitution.

How many of the PPP thieves they rounded up so far?

Start keeping count.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC will try once again to amend the constitution so that the PNC can win forever.  They did that in 1980 but they forgot one thing. The Indians will always vote as a block and so will do the blacks.

That would only be the case if there is advantage in doing so. People vote their self interest. That is not conserved by voting for outcomes detrimental to it. There is a rising mixed race class and a rising educated class who do not think as you old folks do but are internationalized and ensconced in western culture. They will always be voting their self interest. A constitution reform with intent to strengthen a plural society will make ethnic voting patterns inconsequential without alliances with other groups hence conserving the rights of all.




And here we have the PPP dirty tricks caught in the act.  The PPP continues to think that Amerindians are "bush children" who they can bully, bribe and intimidate.


The PPP knows that, as a "coolie party" (their description), they can only remain in power by driving "baad black man" into 6the hearts of Amerindians and Indians.


If APNU/AFC play their cards right, and win 50% of the Amerindian vote in 2020, the PPP will remain in the opposition.  Until they learn to respect the African/mixed vote, that is where they should stay.


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