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Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

He also campaign on " Mexicans are RAPISTS" and " White Immigrants only". Bloody orange Orangutan!!!

Trump is doing it to protect all of us in America. He is tired with brown-skinned, shithole people that never thank America.  Lol

Trump is starting this shit to protect himself.

This is all political diversion, Mueller has the evidence of collusion and Russian interference in the election. Michael Cohen received $500,000 from Russian to pay off Trump's debt.

ksazma posted:
Prince posted:


People need to come clean and speak the truth rather than putting personal issues before a nuclear-free Middle East. 

Only an idiot would say that the Middle East is nuclear free. Israel already has nuclear weapons and is also the biggest bully in that region.

Please dont quote me directly with your attitude. Make your comment independently so we dont have to cross each other path. I dont deal with unstable people. This is the sixth or seventh time you have made nasty responses to me and you coming back again with the same shit. I dont have friends or enemies here but I will not take shit from you either. When you start to respect people, you will get respect in return.

Just this one time I will tell you that Isreal never accepts or denied to the world that they have nuclear weapons. You believe what you want to believe but I will take a realistic approach to stay neutral on something that is maybe. I dont have an agenda like you to put personal likes and dislikes to faciliate your argument.

Peace out.

Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

He also campaign on " Mexicans are RAPISTS" and " White Immigrants only". Bloody orange Orangutan!!!

Trump is doing it to protect all of us in America. He is tired with brown-skinned, shithole people that never thank America.  Lol

Trump is starting this shit to protect himself.

Dummies, he campaigned on this.  He just wants to get something he can claim as victory and check the box.  He will not rip up the deal.  You people are over reacting.  He wants a few lose ends buttoned up and he moves on. 

Prince posted:
ksazma posted:


Only an idiot would say that the Middle East is nuclear free. Israel already has nuclear weapons and is also the biggest bully in that region.

Please dont quote me directly with your attitude. Make your comment independently...

Listen Banna, in choosing to post here, you gave up your rights not to be not quoted!

ksazma posted:
Prince posted:


People need to come clean and speak the truth rather than putting personal issues before a nuclear-free Middle East. 

Only an idiot would say that the Middle East is nuclear free. Israel already has nuclear weapons and is also the biggest bully in that region.

Thanks to America. Israel is the biggest terrorist country in the ME. More dangerous than Iran.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
ksazma posted:


Only an idiot would say that the Middle East is nuclear free. Israel already has nuclear weapons and is also the biggest bully in that region.

Please dont quote me directly with your attitude. Make your comment independently...

Listen Banna, in choosing to post here, you gave up your rights not to be not quoted!

Listen Banna, I know the rules. I am registering my displeasure with a known member who always addresses me as Idiot, *******, skont and ****. That's not for me. I don't mind him quoting me directly as long as he remembers his mannerism. This is the seventh time he has done so and he knows it. He definitely has his personal agenda when discussing Isreal and the Middle East. 




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