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Ba$eman and his cohorts like Bibi and Cobra support all the things tghat Trump stands for. They made the mistake of thinking he's a winning candidate but we're seeing Trump's maddeningly moronic character on display.

So having seen their mistake, these GNI Trump supporters are now spinning the whole Trump fiasco, but they support his principles - if that what you call it. So they are in favor of anti-intellectualism, anti- non-white's successes in the USA (perhaps including their own), anti-being-informed, etc.

These people have no shame or smarts; yet they palava her. But you know what they provide humor value. Seeing them squirm is certainly hilarious.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Well, didn't that make you little lousy day a tad better!!

Is that the best that you can do?

What do I say?  He made a stupid statement not worthy of my response!  I explained why I backed off and look at the news that past few days, it was the very reason why his overall poll numbers went down. There are many like me, including politicians!  So, what's so "disingenuous" about my position and statement!

I stated that I do support much of his policies but he is just meandering into small stuff and creating crises when there should not be!  I stated that I agree, in principle, with his stance in immigration, Islamic extremists, some trade and economic issues, etc.  I still do agree but he is just not holding things together as I would have expected!  And going after the Khan family the way he did was just one too far!

But of course, Kari as usual, what some spotlight, so he started a thread!

Last edited by Former Member

Looked at CNN Don Lemmon last night. That chap is a bigot. No different than Trump. Doan surprise if he gets canned. And Trump surrogates should avoid his show. His Black guests are unbelievable.

The strategy of Trump is to rise up white voters in the masses. He knows, muslims, hispanics and black voters are not going to him in masses. Suh, the down in polls will work in his favor. It will invigorate the Whites.

Everybody is a racists these days. So, get over it. That is the nature of the beast.



Right now Trump is basically appealing to mostly white bigots because the identify with his intolerant platform. They like when he says that anyone who break our laws and work here illegally will be sent back. This while his current wife may be guilty of doing just that. When one of his supporters was asked yesterday if he has a problem with Melania having worked here illegally he replied that he doesn't have a problem with European immigrants. He also only attract white people to his rallies which is proof positive that he is preaching to the most bigoted in our communities. With each passing day, Trump is looking more unqualified to be president. Now he is telling his poorly informed supporters about a video of the money coming off a plane in Iran. Guess he is seeking a similar reaction like when he lied about Muslims dancing after 9/11. He and his supporters don't seem to understand how balance of trade works either.


Getting elected is the only game. After that, then he will be a decent fella.

He knows, only Whites will get him elected. The other side is saying doan vote for Trump, he will marginalize you. Trump is saying, White People get out there and vote and get other white to vote. If u dont, then you can loose ur country to undesirables. And White people know dah is true.

seignet posted:

Looked at CNN Don Lemmon last night. That chap is a bigot. No different than Trump. Doan surprise if he gets canned. And Trump surrogates should avoid his show. His Black guests are unbelievable.

The strategy of Trump is to rise up white voters in the masses. He knows, muslims, hispanics and black voters are not going to him in masses. Suh, the down in polls will work in his favor. It will invigorate the Whites.

Everybody is a racists these days. So, get over it. That is the nature of the beast.


You're talking sheer crap as usual. An ole bigot like you trying to call someone else a bigot. Get real. Why don't you explain for us how Don Lemon was being a bigot on his show last night. I saw the show and the discussion focused around Clint Eastwood's stupid comments that people should accept racism today because it was acceptable when he was growing up. Clint grew up in an era when segregation, lynching and the KKK were prevalent. Maybe that senile old jackass wants us to accept that today. Graham Beckel who was defending Clint's comments was bizarre to put it mildly. See the discussion below. 

seignet posted:

Getting elected is the only game. After that, then he will be a decent fella.

He knows, only Whites will get him elected. The other side is saying doan vote for Trump, he will marginalize you. Trump is saying, White People get out there and vote and get other white to vote. If u dont, then you can loose ur country to undesirables. And White people know dah is true.

Seignet, I dont know if you are aware of US reality, only about 30% of the Population are Rednecks and School dropouts. So Trump will find it really difficult to get 40% bin November.


Most of the American people will vote based on who is better for the economy and security from terrorism.  Trump might have the edge here since he is an astute businessman who wants better trade relations with our major partners. On the security front Trump will try a new strategy on containing and destroying ISIS even if it means reviving the Bath Socialist Party in Iraq with a new Saddam at the helm.  He will do it.  On immigration, even democrats in this country have a problem.  Trump's stand on this issue appears extreme. Immigrant groups, especially Latinos will most likely favor Hillary. This election can go either way. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:
seignet posted:

Getting elected is the only game. After that, then he will be a decent fella.

He knows, only Whites will get him elected. The other side is saying doan vote for Trump, he will marginalize you. Trump is saying, White People get out there and vote and get other white to vote. If u dont, then you can loose ur country to undesirables. And White people know dah is true.

Seignet, I dont know if you are aware of US reality, only about 30% of the Population are Rednecks and School dropouts. So Trump will find it really difficult to get 40% bin November.

U doan know that. Maybe smart Whites will vote for him, eventually. In the end it could come down to the scenerio of dem and us. American society has always been that way. This election exposes it even more. People actually get to vote on race in America. 

kp posted:
Nehru posted:

Dat white Dude was on some real Crack.

He is presently working in a film directed by Clint, Clint is his BOSS, he has to defend Clint even if he speaks shit.

That is what I mean. Why go on a show where black people would be disrespectful to u. Respectful of opinions has gone out the window. No point a Trump supporter should ever be interviewed by a Black person. They doan like Trump. So what can be expected.


Rush was just telling his listeners that Mr Khan was on Pakistani tv today saying that "Allah, peace be upon him, (as in Allahu Akbar), is making Trump make mistakes." If this isn't baiting nothing is. You may find Muslins who are thieves, murderers, terrorists, rapists, to name a few or you may find them to be very normal everyday people. But you would be hard pressed to find a Muslim who will say 'peace be upon him'  when they mention the word Allah. But Rush's uninformed listeners don't know that so he can easily lie to them. Hannity lies all day also.

seignet posted:

Looked at CNN Don Lemmon last night. That chap is a bigot. No different than Trump. Doan surprise if he gets canned. And Trump surrogates should avoid his show. His Black guests are unbelievable.

The strategy of Trump is to rise up white voters in the masses. He knows, muslims, hispanics and black voters are not going to him in masses. Suh, the down in polls will work in his favor. It will invigorate the Whites.

Everybody is a racists these days. So, get over it. That is the nature of the beast.


Even after all this time you did not accumulate enough processing power to make sense. America is a multicultural society yet you are thinking it is normal for this demagogue to finesse his way into office on the backs of just one group! How could a healthy society emerge from that?

Fortunately, that group does not have sufficient numbers to take the presidency so this fellow you so admire has to thread the needle by convincing some percentage of the other side to vote against their interest and follow him. Again, fortunately, he polls zero from black folks and under ten percent from Hispanics with little or no Asian support so he just is against the tide.

And everybody is not racist. I certainly do not consider myself racist. Only a racist would try to dissimulate with such a proposition.

ksazma posted:

Smart white people aren't supporting Trump. His supporters are mostly non-college educated white men. Oh,  and they are also racist bigots.

When the votes are tallied, we will see.  

Lyndon Johnson stated, "ballot boxes used to be tossed away by politicians." That could happen again, not ballot boxes this time, but electronic tampering.

Trump already saying it, implying the Democrats will do it. Maybe, he himself will do it. I still say, White People will come to their senses and Vote Trump. I cannot see them just handing over America. 


seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Smart white people aren't supporting Trump. His supporters are mostly non-college educated white men. Oh,  and they are also racist bigots.

When the votes are tallied, we will see.  

Lyndon Johnson stated, "ballot boxes used to be tossed away by politicians." That could happen again, not ballot boxes this time, but electronic tampering.

Trump already saying it, implying the Democrats will do it. Maybe, he himself will do it. I still say, White People will come to their senses and Vote Trump. I cannot see them just handing over America. 


What absurdity! Diebold makes electronic machines and they support the republicans. Each state have their own elections commission and most of these are also mainly under republican control.

To whom a would "white" people be losing "their" country to? You are a loon.

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Smart white people aren't supporting Trump. His supporters are mostly non-college educated white men. Oh,  and they are also racist bigots.

When the votes are tallied, we will see.  

Lyndon Johnson stated, "ballot boxes used to be tossed away by politicians." That could happen again, not ballot boxes this time, but electronic tampering.

Trump already saying it, implying the Democrats will do it. Maybe, he himself will do it. I still say, White People will come to their senses and Vote Trump. I cannot see them just handing over America. 


Dam dude,you come across as a coolie redneck or should that be a redneck coolie?

Voting for Trump will be handing over America to an idiot who would then hand it over to whoever he so wishes,to his Russian buddy, perhaps  Perhaps because of his ignorance to everything he's gonna really piss off the Chinese next, after China done with the US they would even own it, so doan talk shyte banna.

It is sad that you have this thing about whites being overlords. To you and any other who agree with your thinking this might be so but to those who have moved on, evolved, have had their ( and their ancestors) shackles removed, it ain't so.


Last edited by cain
but he is just meandering into small stuff

Which is why he is unfit to be president. Look how easily he was manipulated and now the GOP is in full flight from him.

The "Stop Trump" must now be kicking themselves that they didnt go into full riot mode at the Convention.

Any way its all good.  The GOP has been exposed as a party which attracts assorted fascists, racists and bigots.  People like YOU.

seignet posted:
. Maybe smart Whites will vote for him,  

LOSER whites are voting for him. The most educated whites have been fleeing the GOP for the passed few decades and are in full flight now.

In fact many have canceled their vacations, too embarrassed to have to explain to foreigners why an idiot like Trump is the presidential candidate for a major party.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Most of the American people will vote based on who is better for the economy and security from terrorism.  Trump might have the edge here since he is an astute businessman who wants better trade relations with our major partners. On the security front Trump will try a new strategy on containing and destroying ISIS even if it means reviving the Bath Socialist Party in Iraq with a new Saddam at the helm.  He will do it.  On immigration, even democrats in this country have a problem.  Trump's stand on this issue appears extreme. Immigrant groups, especially Latinos will most likely favor Hillary. This election can go either way. 

Well you think that Jagdeo is great.

Just as Guyanese rejected Jagdeo so will Americans reject Trump.


Bai, if wasn't for the White-man, this world would be a dark place.  They are the equivalent to the Titan who gave the ancients FIRE. White people have taken the mathematics and sciences of India and Greece and gave us computers. They have taken the alchemy of the Arabs and gave us pharmaceuticals. They have refined music. They gave us culture. They preserved the annals of the ancients. They gave freedom to the world. They have removed serf system of existence. They have universalized education which permits hateful individuals to hate them.

They have massaged the world for their satisfaction. And EVERYBODY wants to escape from shyte and strife to their world.

And now, fools want to destroy the White-man world. Making it into the shyte and strife they escaped from. The muslims already setting the strife. Hillary leading the barrage of the other MISFITS who will pile up the shyte. 

I doan know of any race of people who are more generous to mankind on the universal scale. The Arabs with all of their money doan give a rats ass about infidels. The Chinese will rob you blind. As for the Black race, my goodness they will only complain about past hurts, failure to move on. And my goodness, Indians, VERY VERY selfish people whose only purpose in existence is segregate their own kind, and hold them there.


cain posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Smart white people aren't supporting Trump. His supporters are mostly non-college educated white men. Oh,  and they are also racist bigots.

When the votes are tallied, we will see.  

Lyndon Johnson stated, "ballot boxes used to be tossed away by politicians." That could happen again, not ballot boxes this time, but electronic tampering.

Trump already saying it, implying the Democrats will do it. Maybe, he himself will do it. I still say, White People will come to their senses and Vote Trump. I cannot see them just handing over America. 


Dam dude,you come across as a coolie redneck or should that be a redneck coolie?

Voting for Trump will be handing over America to an idiot who would then hand it over to whoever he so wishes,to his Russian buddy, perhaps  Perhaps because of his ignorance to everything he's gonna really piss off the Chinese next, after China done with the US they would even own it, so doan talk shyte banna.

It is sad that you have this thing about whites being overlords. To you and any other who agree with your thinking this might be so but to those who have moved on, evolved, have had their ( and their ancestors) shackles removed, it ain't so.


Gave u something to actually mek u tink, rather than ur regular train of thoughts. Like doping comments.

caribny posted:
cain posted:

It is sad that you have this thing about whites being overlords.


Seignet was one of those slaves who begged their Massa not to free them.  They enjoy groveling to whites.

U only think one way. Grovelling to Whites, is Black people thing. U people are the only race who are the imitators of White-people. Everybody else have a culture.


U like race baiting. Suh, fire away.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:

It is sad that you have this thing about whites being overlords.


Seignet was one of those slaves who begged their Massa not to free them.  They enjoy groveling to whites.

U only think one way. Grovelling to Whites, is Black people thing. U people are the only race who are the imitators of White-people. Everybody else have a culture.


U like race baiting. Suh, fire away.

How often do you hear blacks calling the white race the master race as you do?  And worship and endorse white bigotry.

Btw.  What language do you speak?  What type of clothes do you wear? What image of Jesus do you worship?

The fact that you wish to pretend that you aren't also a product of European colonization is truly amusing. The fact that you might retain more of your ancestral culture was part of the British plot to keep the two major groups divided in places where Indians were large in numbers.

I suggest that you visit Grenada, Guadeloupe, and Jamaica and see what happened when Indians weren't present in sufficient numbers for the colonials to want to bother to divide them from the rest of the population. 

Nehru posted:
seignet posted:

Getting elected is the only game. After that, then he will be a decent fella.

He knows, only Whites will get him elected. The other side is saying doan vote for Trump, he will marginalize you. Trump is saying, White People get out there and vote and get other white to vote. If u dont, then you can loose ur country to undesirables. And White people know dah is true.

Seignet, I dont know if you are aware of US reality, only about 30% of the Population are Rednecks and School dropouts. So Trump will find it really difficult to get 40% bin November.

He was polling well and competitive even after the Democratic convention.  There were many like baseman who were on the edge waiting and hoping for a pivot to the General, but responding to the Khan family the way he did lost many of us.

He could climb back but it's a haul and getting people like me back on board will take some convincing.  Had he done the correct thing, he had this in his hands.  [Crooked] Hillary is the gift that just keeps giving, but he seems always in some rabbit hole fighting off little nonsense to capitalize!

BTW, 74% of the American workforce are doing jobs without or not needing a college education.  These are the people he is after and he could have got to the magic number.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Fox New, Hannity, Rush, Trump and his uninformed supporters will argue that the Liberal media is lying about Trump.

Or they will plead that he is just a baby to this process and in due time he will mature.  

Some of this I would put to "evolving" as it's comparison on positions decades apart.

Hillary, on the other hand, says one thing this week and another next week!  She is a prolific liar

ba$eman posted:

He was polling well and competitive even after the Democratic convention.  There were many like baseman who were on the edge waiting and hoping for a pivot to the General, but responding to the Khan family the way he did lost many of us.

He could climb back but it's a haul and getting people like me back on board will take some convincing.  Had he done the correct thing, he had this in his hands.  [Crooked] Hillary is the gift that just keeps giving, but he seems always in some rabbit hole fighting off little nonsense to capitalize!

BTW, 74% of the American workforce are doing jobs without or not needing a college education.  These are the people he is after and he could have got to the magic number.

Although he never seem interested in all these people. He seem to appeal more to the racist and bigoted segments of our population. He gained election traction because most of the south voted early in the election cycle. Similar to how Cruz really only took off because Texas came up early in the cycle. Prior to Texas, Cruz was even less relevant than Rubio who by the time Florida came around, the tides were deeply in Trump's favor.

Trump can't help himself about fighting in a rabbit hole because he is most comfortable there. The optics of his read speech endorsing Ryan, McCain and Ayotte was painful, seemingly mostly for Trump.

Lastly, it is amusing to hear Hannity complain that the DNC shamelessly use the Khan family in their convention when the RNC did the same thing one week earlier with Pat Smith. They say that while Trump is being chastised by the media for his response to the Khan's speech, Clinton was not for her response to Pat Smith which is interesting since Clinton did not respond to Pat Smith. So Breitbart crested a stretch by stating that Clinton essentially lied to Pat Smith although Clinton didn't actually lie to Pat Smith.

In conclusion, the Republican party lost its way when they chose to go over the edge over a black man living in the white house. That gave rise to the likes of Bachmann, Blackburn and eventually Trump.

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Fox New, Hannity, Rush, Trump and his uninformed supporters will argue that the Liberal media is lying about Trump.

Or they will plead that he is just a baby to this process and in due time he will mature.  

Some of this I would put to "evolving" as it's comparison on positions decades apart.

Hillary, on the other hand, says one thing this week and another next week!  She is a prolific liar

No doubt, people are free to evolve. Unfortunately for trump, he does not demonstrate any rhyme or reason for his evolutions. Like last week alone, he liked the crying baby, then he hated the crying baby and then back to not only liking the crying baby but willingness to pay for the crying baby to train to be the next Pavarotti. Same incident, same week.


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