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Babbie get skin up through de gazette

Oct 15, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-through-de-gazette/

Old people always seh de more you watch, de less you see. And de magicians does seh de less you see is better fuh me. And de saying got to be true and Jagdeo had to be a magician because he never want nobody to see or know what he did.

He give away too much things. He give away so much of Guyana Assets that it gun tek several generations and nuff forensic audits to find out what he give away.

Babbie is ee best friend. He seh suh. Dem boys see de drug contracts, de radio, de TV, de newspaper, state lands and so much things that it gun tek de whole year newspaper to name everything Jagdeo give him.

That is why dem boys believe that he holding all dem assets fuh Jagdeo.

And dem boys gun go to dem grave believing that.

Just de other day de newspaper report that Babbie get a whole heap of land pun de East Bank. As a matter of fact, de ink fuh de purchase didn’t even dry when he sell it and millions in Uncle Sam money as profit.

Dem boys thought that was all de housing land Jagdeo put in ee name until dem boys read last week Official Gazette.

Dem see that Babbie set up a housing development company name FUTURE DEVELOPERS INTERNATIONAL INC fuh de state land. De same company got a registered office in Queens Atlantic Industrial Estate, Industrial Site, Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Guyana. This is de Sanata Complex that Jagdeo also give Babbie.

De gazette seh dem want to mortgage de state land to a bank and dem got a good reason.

SARA going after all dem state assets that went to every Tam, Harry and Joseph, friends and family, party supporters and ass kissers.

Jagdeo de scamp immediately tell Babbie how to tie up de land. He send Babbie to his favourite bank. Suh it seems to dem boys. Dem want people to see how dem bareface and really wrang and strang.

Talk half and hope Bro Clive read de October 7 Gazette.

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