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Former Member

Sam Hind lil decent.


PPP focused on regaining majority in National Assembly


By Kurt Campbell in Babu John

[] – Prime Minister Samuel Hinds says his hope at the next General Generals, whenever it may be, is for the governing Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) to regain its majority in the National Assembly and called on supporters to work towards that achievement.

The PM was at the time delivering remarks at an event to remember the life and work of former presidents Janet and Cheddi Jagan at Babu John, Port Mourant, Berbice on Sunday, March 09.

“My hope at the next elections is to see an overwhelming majority of Guyanese voting with the Peoples Progressive Party, if we are earnest in our annual journey here to pay tribute to the Jagans we must ensure that people see Cheddi in us” Hinds added.

He urged supporters present to never allow the current situation which occurs at present, where the opposition holds a majority in the House to recur.

“This situation where the opposition holds a majority in the House must never occur again and we must work towards turning the situation around and regaining our majority status.”

Meanwhile, General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee also echoed similar sentiments as the Prime Minister. Rohee in his address opined that the regardless of the party’s status in the National Assembly, it remains the largest and strongest political force to reckon with.

“You must be aware and alert of the political adversary working to change the political dynamics in this country, they are working to ensure that the PPP doesn’t remain a solid political force and we have to work to and do everything that is possible to ensure they do not succeed” Rohee told supporters.

He said the opposition continues to use it one seat majority to bully the executive, adding that the party, which was democratically elected will remain solid as a rock until the next elections are held.

According to the PPP GS, citizens are fed up of the opposition’s (APNU, AFC) behavior in the House. There was much talk also of Cheddi Jagan’s efforts to bring together Guyanese of all class and ethnic background.

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Thank you Mrs Deolatchmie Ramotar to mannersing them lawless PPP men.  Much more decent pronouncement.




Where is Mr. BUTT PLUG and cheif cuss bird, still with a plug up his arse in Florida?


Opposition’s obstructionist agenda’ takes center stage as PPP pay homage to the Jagans


y Kurt Campbell in Babu John

[] – Hundreds of supporters of the incumbent People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and government officials gathered at Babu John, Port Mourant on Sunday, March 09, in their annual fashion to pay homage to former Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan and to reverberate the party’s ideals.

IMG_7024This year’s remembrance activity saw a divergence from what has become an annual forum to ‘cuss out’ the political opposition.

However, despite this refrain, the opposition was not spared of having pointed out what the government has termed its obstructionist agenda.

First Lady Deolatchmie Ramotar read President Donald Ramotar’s message, who was unavoidably absent as he joined other CARICOM Heads of Government for their annual meeting in St. Lucia.

In his message President Ramotar said that the joint opposition, through its actions has clearly taken a position which seeks to obstruct social and economic progress and to inflict as much harm as it possibly can to the economy. The Head of State recalled cuts instituted to the national budget by the Opposition over the last two years, what he said was opposition motivated riots which led to the loss of lives, its non – support for the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and more recently what the “extortion of all efforts” to prevent the passage of the Anti – Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill.

He said this failure will not only expose the country to international economic sanctions but also shows the Opposition’s support for money launderers, gun smugglers and traffickers.

Meanwhile, General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee also pointed to what he said were efforts by the Opposition to thwart national development and opined that citizens are fed up of their behavior. He urged that citizens demonstrate at the polls their disgust with the opposition’s behavior and help the PPP regain its majority in the House.

Rohee said the overwhelming endorsement for the AML/CFT Bill have demonstrated the potential for unity at the national level adding that the People’s National Congress (PNC) which makes up the APNU is an enemy of such unity.

“Guyanese have had enough of messing with their lives by their political predecessors” Rohee added.

He added that the Opposition game plan is clear for all to see, which he said was to bring to economy to ruins. Rohee debunked claims that there was mass corruption in the Government and country by extension.

According to him there has been more investment in education and health now than any other period in the history of Guyana, adding that the PPP administration has been able to regularize squatting settlement in a major way.

The PPP GS said there still remains room for improvement while pointing out that the PPP’s programme is a work in progress as he promised more for the working people and farmers.

Rohee said the PPP continues to hold tight of the ideals of the two former presidents who he said were the greatest man and woman to walk the earth of Guyana.

“Their life and work has been enduring and has stood the test of time and all leaders of the PPP have drawn examples from their life as guidance.”

He said the Jagans have left the PPP with a rich legacy that is still relevant today.

“They taught us to fight against any form of dictatorship, fight against political bullyism, and fight for national democracy, peace and progress and to lend support for the oppressed around the world.”

Last edited by Former Member

“My hope at the next elections is to see an overwhelming majority of Guyanese voting with the Peoples Progressive Party, if we are earnest in our annual journey here to pay tribute to the Jagans we must ensure that people see Cheddi in us” Hinds added.


Sam Hind used to hope his son from QC would have been a medical DOCTOR too, Now he is a potential jail bird and abuser of WOMEN.




ONLY a GOAT can conclude like this???  The opposition has nothing to do with the POLITICAL changes in Guyana; that was a decision of the people.


The PPP will get less than 45% in the next elections and that is why they are afraid to call the elections.



“You must be aware and alert of the political adversary working to change the political dynamics in this country, they are working to ensure that the PPP doesn’t remain a solid political force and we have to work to and do everything that is possible to ensure they do not succeed” Rohee told supporters.

He said the opposition continues to use it one seat majority to bully the executive, adding that the party, which was democratically elected will remain solid as a rock until the next elections are held.


At the 2012 memorial for her mother Janet, Jagan-Brancier urged those who were gathered to visit her parent’s Bel Air house to see how humbly they lived compared to how government officials live at present.

“I really encourage people to go in Bel Air and see the house where they lived because they lived a very simple life; they didn’t have a big ostentatious house that you see nowadays with government officials, party officials, which is a very sad thing, I think personally,” she said.

“To me the most important point [is that]… my parents had very, very, very high moral…standards [and] this I find is very lacking in many of the leaders. My parents… [were] probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards that unfortunately do not exist, or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and of the government,” Nadira said last year.

She said that while the Jagans fought for workers, especially the sugar workers and the poor, the downtrodden of Guyana and the world and stood by them, “certain elements” of the party had “moved away from these very, very important values that held the party together and that makes the PPP what it is.”


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