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Former Member

Bibi Haniffa started a thread titled: "The Future of Guyana - The PYO Dream Team". In that thread Bibi writes: "The PPP is working tirelessly on their youth.  Some of these young men and women work nonstop on the LGE campaign.  They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th." And Bibi posted some photos showing a large contingent of PYO members marching and in a large crowd. The problem is: Those photos were taken out last year at Babu John when the PPP/PYO were in government and the PYO was campaigning heavily in Berbice for the May 11 elections. Those photos have nothing to do with the upcoming LGE on March 18.

Here are recent photos which I got from the PYO Facebook page. They show the PPP paying tribute at Babu John to Dr Cheddi Jagan a few days ago. As you can see, not one of Bibi's photos appears in the PYO's recent post.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

OK the blacks were marching for PPP soup.  Now that there is none they have run off to Granger.

Where is Mr. Urling and Elisabeth Harper by the way?  Is Americo Selman in line to replace Jagdeo as head of the PPP?  OR at least a MAJOR leadership position in the PPP, or is she exiled to Civic, that PPP Bantustan for negroes which Cheddi set up to keep them out of the PPP?

susan posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


I do not in any way question Bibi's post. 

I do question your motive with this post.

And why don't you question Bibi who proved that she is a mischievous LIAR.

Very mischievous. And Bibi is unfazed. 

Oh my.  Say what you like I will continue to tell the truth.  You can be rest assured that I am not a coolie hater like you.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

Bibi Haniffa started a thread titled: "The Future of Guyana - The PYO Dream Team". In that thread Bibi writes: "The PPP is working tirelessly on their youth.  Some of these young men and women work nonstop on the LGE campaign.  They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th." And Bibi posted some photos showing a large contingent of PYO members marching and in a large crowd. The problem is: Those photos were taken out last year at Babu John when the PPP/PYO were in government and the PYO was campaigning heavily in Berbice for the May 11 elections. Those photos have nothing to do with the upcoming LGE on March 18.

Here are recent photos which I got from the PYO Facebook page. They show the PPP paying tribute at Babu John to Dr Cheddi Jagan a few days ago. As you can see, not one of Bibi's photos appears in the PYO's recent post.





Oh Gilbakka - you are disgusting.  To try to demean the young people of our country is a low blow.  Several of these young people are running for local government and they are promoting their campaign with pictures, literature, and meetings.

Glad to see that you chose to post pics of BJ and Indians only because you want to portray the PPP as a Coolie party, when nothing could be further from the truth.   It's people like you who poison our country.  You promote divisiveness.  My pictures portrayed unity.  That is what I am about.  And that is what I will continue to do.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
susan posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


I do not in any way question Bibi's post. 

I do question your motive with this post.

And why don't you question Bibi who proved that she is a mischievous LIAR.

Very mischievous. And Bibi is unfazed. 

Oh my.  Say what you like I will continue to tell the truth.  You can be rest assured that I am not a coolie hater like you.

Now how can recognizing the humanity and similarities in all races mean that I am a "coolie hater"? 

If you said that I am no racist then you would be bang on target! If you said that I am not embroiled in partisan politics you would also be right. 

Partisan politics clouds your vision. You have my sympathy. 


No need to be sympathetic.  I am not a flip flopper.  I support those I know well if they stand up for the right thing.  I was born into the PPP party and I will die in the PPP party.  My convictions are very strong.  I do not give up on my dreams and the people I support.   My loyalty will never be questioned - to my family, to my friends, and to the party that was built by my own.

Bibi Haniffa

Maybe you will be one of those to make the PPP emerge as the inclusive non partisan leaders of Guyana. 

My convictions lie in recognizing the oneness of all people of this planet. I support all good things done by anyone and everyone regardless of political disposition  or ethnic origin. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:



Oh Gilbakka - you are disgusting.  To try to demean the young people of our country is a low blow.  Several of these young people are running for local government and they are promoting their campaign with pictures, literature, and meetings.

Glad to see that you chose to post pics of BJ and Indians only because you want to portray the PPP as a Coolie party, when nothing could be further from the truth.   It's people like you who poison our country.  You promote divisiveness.  My pictures portrayed unity.  That is what I am about.  And that is what I will continue to do.

Bibi you are shameless.

Unlike Gilbaka who posted the true nature of the PPP and pictures sourced from the PPP, you are being disingenuous as always by selectively showing pictures with a few token Afros.

baseman posted:
susan posted:

Maybe you will be one of those to make the PPP emerge as the inclusive non partisan leaders of Guyana. 

My convictions lie in recognizing the oneness of all people of this planet. I support all good things done by anyone and everyone regardless of political disposition  or ethnic origin. 

Sheer stupidness!!

That's because you are a congenital racist.

susan posted:

Maybe you will be one of those to make the PPP emerge as the inclusive non partisan leaders of Guyana. 

My convictions lie in recognizing the oneness of all people of this planet. I support all good things done by anyone and everyone regardless of political disposition  or ethnic origin. 

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - the World is one family. 

World Culture Festival is happening now. 155 countries represented in Delhi India to celebrate this truism: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.  

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
susan posted:
susan posted:

Maybe you will be one of those to make the PPP emerge as the inclusive non partisan leaders of Guyana. 

My convictions lie in recognizing the oneness of all people of this planet. I support all good things done by anyone and everyone regardless of political disposition  or ethnic origin. 

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - the World is one family. 

World Culture Festival is happening now. 155 countries represented in Delhi India to celebrate this concept. 

All alyuh kumbaya people, I'm sure if alyuh daughter walk in with a Black man, alyuh gon get the runnings!!

Plenty ah dem on dis board. Dem rass gun run to Home depot and buy some rope.

Bibi Haniffa posted: Oh Gilbakka - you are disgusting.  To try to demean the young people of our country is a low blow.  

One can make a point without resorting to dishonest tricks. Bibi is within her rights to sing the praises of the PYO. However, Bibi did the PYO a disservice when she wrote: "They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th."

I repeat: The photos of the PYO "parade" were taken out one year ago. To post them now along with the highlighted sentence is trickery. Plain and simple.

I am not against the PYO. I am against Bibi's dishonesty. Unsuspecting visitors and members were led to think that Bibi's photos showed the most recent PYO "parade". 

One more thing: before I started this thread, I contacted an oldtime PPP comrade who attended the recent PPP ceremony at Babu John. He said that there were a few PYO activists but not the large contingent that was there last year as in the photos.

baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
baseman posted:
susan posted:
susan posted:

Maybe you will be one of those to make the PPP emerge as the inclusive non partisan leaders of Guyana. 

My convictions lie in recognizing the oneness of all people of this planet. I support all good things done by anyone and everyone regardless of political disposition  or ethnic origin. 

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - the World is one family. 

World Culture Festival is happening now. 155 countries represented in Delhi India to celebrate this concept. 

All alyuh kumbaya people, I'm sure if alyuh daughter walk in with a Black man, alyuh gon get the runnings!!

Plenty ah dem on dis board. Dem rass gun run to Home depot and buy some rope.

Daddy, I'm pregnant:

And Daddy meet your son-in-law

And here is Daddy!!!

Aray... Obama..

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: Oh Gilbakka - you are disgusting.  To try to demean the young people of our country is a low blow.  

One can make a point without resorting to dishonest tricks. Bibi is within her rights to sing the praises of the PYO. However, Bibi did the PYO a disservice when she wrote: "They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th."

I repeat: The photos of the PYO "parade" were taken out one year ago. To post them now along with the highlighted sentence is trickery. Plain and simple.

I am not against the PYO. I am against Bibi's dishonesty. Unsuspecting visitors and members were led to think that Bibi's photos showed the most recent PYO "parade". 

One more thing: before I started this thread, I contacted an oldtime PPP comrade who attended the recent PPP ceremony at Babu John. He said that there were a few PYO activists but not the large contingent that was there last year as in the photos.

What is wrong with BIbi's statement?" They began with a parade at Babu John" she did not say when they BEGAN, but she stated that NOW they take us to March 18th. This is politics, this is a political forum, the PNC and the PPP will see the same but will interpret differently. As an x PPP reporter you should be the last to complain. Nothing was written by Bibi to say the photo was recent.

baseman posted:
warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:


I do not in any way question Bibi's post. 

I do question your motive with this post.

Bibi is a part of the ppp we all know she is a fraud no supprise here,its only the admin will make her get away with this shit

Compared to the AFC/PNC lies and fraud, this is child's play!!

Fool this have nothing to do with the AFC or PNC the fact is she try to defraud this board 

Gilbakka posted:

Bibi Haniffa started a thread titled: "The Future of Guyana - The PYO Dream Team". In that thread Bibi writes: "The PPP is working tirelessly on their youth.  Some of these young men and women work nonstop on the LGE campaign.  They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th." And Bibi posted some photos showing a large contingent of PYO members marching and in a large crowd. The problem is: Those photos were taken out last year at Babu John when the PPP/PYO were in government and the PYO was campaigning heavily in Berbice for the May 11 elections. Those photos have nothing to do with the upcoming LGE on March 18.

Here are recent photos which I got from the PYO Facebook page. They show the PPP paying tribute at Babu John to Dr Cheddi Jagan a few days ago. As you can see, not one of Bibi's photos appears in the PYO's recent post.





Regardless of Babu John pictures and all the useless ranting, your PNC will be voted out come 2016.  You really had to go all the way to dig this up, darn wish I had so much time, I am jealous.

alena06 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Bibi Haniffa started a thread titled: "The Future of Guyana - The PYO Dream Team". In that thread Bibi writes: "The PPP is working tirelessly on their youth.  Some of these young men and women work nonstop on the LGE campaign.  They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th." And Bibi posted some photos showing a large contingent of PYO members marching and in a large crowd. The problem is: Those photos were taken out last year at Babu John when the PPP/PYO were in government and the PYO was campaigning heavily in Berbice for the May 11 elections. Those photos have nothing to do with the upcoming LGE on March 18.

Here are recent photos which I got from the PYO Facebook page. They show the PPP paying tribute at Babu John to Dr Cheddi Jagan a few days ago. As you can see, not one of Bibi's photos appears in the PYO's recent post.

Regardless of Babu John pictures and all the useless ranting, your PNC will be voted out come 2016.  You really had to go all the way to dig this up, darn wish I had so much time, I am jealous.

Always amazed with the rebuttal of "highly intellectual".

Django posted:

Regardless of Babu John pictures and all the useless ranting, your PNC will be voted out come 2016.  You really had to go all the way to dig this up, darn wish I had so much time, I am jealous.

Always amazed with the rebuttal of "highly intellectual".

High intellectuals like you hang out on a message board all day posting nonsense.

Last edited by alena06
Bibi Haniffa posted:
susan posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


I do not in any way question Bibi's post. 

I do question your motive with this post.

And why don't you question Bibi who proved that she is a mischievous LIAR.

Very mischievous. And Bibi is unfazed. 

Oh my.  Say what you like I will continue to tell the truth.  You can be rest assured that I am not a coolie hater like you.

Yes. Posting pics from last year, and pretending as if it was a 2016 event.  How "truthful".

alena06 posted:

Regardless of Babu John pictures and all the useless ranting, your PNC will be voted out come 2016.  You really had to go all the way to dig this up, darn wish I had so much time, I am jealous.

Here is what it going to happen.

PNC areas will chose representatives who THEY want. Likely to be people who are already active and these communites, and maybe even people with strong competencies.  These people will owe Grainger NOTHING, and so will be able to confront central gov't when they fail to perform. They might also evolve as a nucleus of opposition to APNU/AFC come 2020, so APNU/AFC will have to respond to them.

In PPP areas, Jagdeo will select who will represent the people, who like frightened sheep, will meekly vote for these people. Given that these people are NOT responsive to the community, but instead to Jagdeo, the local community will have no input into what they do.

The PPP refuses to understand that this isn't a proxy national election. LGE is so that LOCAL communities can chose candidates of THEIR choosing, to ensure that the COMMUNITY's interested are represented.

So don't cry and squeal and blame Granger if some of these PPP areas become neglected!

Last edited by Former Member

Now is it the fact that most Indians evolved out of Dalitdom why they don't seem to understand that Jagdeo DOES NOT have a right to determine who should be involved in local gov't. That it is the communities THEMSELVES which should have the right to do this.

In PNC areas there has been a well spring in groups who are at least attempting to ensure that THEY and NOT Granger or Harmon, or Bulkan, will determine who leads these communities.

Now why the difference?  Neither population have had much exposure to local gov't, given that BOTH the PNC and the PPP went out of their way to UNDERMINE local governance.

I don't hear Granger running up and down, pushing his slate. I do hear Jagdeo doing this, and NO ONE telling him that this is inappropriate.

alena06 posted:
Django posted:

Regardless of Babu John pictures and all the useless ranting, your PNC will be voted out come 2016.  You really had to go all the way to dig this up, darn wish I had so much time, I am jealous.

Always amazed with the rebuttal of "highly intellectual".

High intellectuals like you hang out on a message board all day posting nonsense.

Fortunately I am my "own boss"

alena06 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Bibi Haniffa started a thread titled: "The Future of Guyana - The PYO Dream Team". In that thread Bibi writes: "The PPP is working tirelessly on their youth.  Some of these young men and women work nonstop on the LGE campaign.  They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th." And Bibi posted some photos showing a large contingent of PYO members marching and in a large crowd. The problem is: Those photos were taken out last year at Babu John when the PPP/PYO were in government and the PYO was campaigning heavily in Berbice for the May 11 elections. Those photos have nothing to do with the upcoming LGE on March 18.

Here are recent photos which I got from the PYO Facebook page. They show the PPP paying tribute at Babu John to Dr Cheddi Jagan a few days ago. As you can see, not one of Bibi's photos appears in the PYO's recent post.





Regardless of Babu John pictures and all the useless ranting, your PNC will be voted out come 2016.  You really had to go all the way to dig this up, darn wish I had so much time, I am jealous.

What an ASSinine statement.

Django posted:
alena06 posted:
Django posted:

Regardless of Babu John pictures and all the useless ranting, your PNC will be voted out come 2016.  You really had to go all the way to dig this up, darn wish I had so much time, I am jealous.

Always amazed with the rebuttal of "highly intellectual".

High intellectuals like you hang out on a message board all day posting nonsense.

Fortunately I am my "own boss"

Whatax! Bhim!  LOL!

baseman posted:

I think they understand that very well!!  Local elections and national elections are two very different things, for the points you noted!!  I, and many, don't see this as a proxy for national elections, especially in Guyana, where ethnic voting will be around for generations!!

Jagdeo is trying to use the LGE as a proxy national election. 

Let me make it easy for you. Who selects who will be mayor of NYC?  NYC voters, or Barack Obama?

Jagdeo hand picked people to run as PPP candidates, so if these folks win, as they will in all PPP strongholds, he will then use this as vindication, and will claim full credit.

So who will these PPP candidates in the local gov't respond to?  JAGDEO!

If the folks, who aren't on the APNU/AFC slate, win seats in their local gov't Granger will have NO control over those people.  So if people in those communities wish to confront APNU/AFC Granger will not be able to stop their representatives from doing so.

Pity the PPP supporters are so stupid.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I don't hear Granger running up and down, pushing his slate. I do hear Jagdeo doing this, and NO ONE telling him that this is inappropriate.

If he was in opposition, you might have seen him more active.  From his current vantage point, I don't see why he should be!!

Granger has every need to be active.  It is within the PNC strongholds that there are the most independent candidates.  Suppose those people beat the APNU/AFC candidates?  That means that APNU/AFC might not have control over several communities within their strongholds.

Granger has a better understanding of local gov't than does Jagdeo, who remains a DICTATOR!  He apparently realizes that each community should select who they wish, without coercion from the central party leadership.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
warrior posted:
baseman posted:
warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:


I do not in any way question Bibi's post. 

I do question your motive with this post.

Bibi is a part of the ppp we all know she is a fraud no supprise here,its only the admin will make her get away with this shit

Compared to the AFC/PNC lies and fraud, this is child's play!!

Fool this have nothing to do with the AFC or PNC the fact is she try to defraud this board 


Hey cow calf thief, How do you know what person is trying to defraud this board? Do you know what defraud means? I can tell you this, it's not stealing cattle or goats.

susan posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


I do not in any way question Bibi's post. 

I do question your motive with this post.

And why don't you question Bibi who proved that she is a mischievous LIAR.

Very mischievous. And Bibi is unfazed. 

'Bibi Haniffa' and other jagdeo disciples have this strange conviction that it is their RIGHT to LIE!

that's how immoral people roll

the crude thinking & primitivism still manage to shock . . .


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