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@seignet posted:

First, this was all about blocking Irfaan and Jagdeo. Now, the PNC realized they can get away with everything and anything. Before the week is out, President Granger will be President Granger AGAIN.

Stupid PPP men and women think that the vote will give them the opportunity to disrespect atleast 50% of the population. Dem stubborn to present ppl with men of questionable past upon the black ppl. And dem bruddahs answered and is answering. Perhaps, until thy kingdom come.  

The PPP has more votes than the Coalition. Just because the blacks wrong and playing strong, we should give up and left the country in the hands of inepy Politicians.  You are something else out of theis world. 

The majority wins, Bukko.

@Sheik101 posted:

Not at all. And I can bet my bottom dollar that Granger is very irked by Barbados  PM Mia Mottlely whom he bestowed upon,  Guyana"s second highest award the Order of Roraima.

Then she turned around and bitch slapped him.

The truth hurts.

Granger also chose Justice Rtd. Claudette Singh after insisting that the CCJ give him that license to pretend that he was both President and Opposition Leader. Then of late when she sees the light and is trying to save her own reputation, he wants to fire her. The whole world is against the PNC because the PNC has given them enough reasons.

And what level of depravity does some possess that they are still saying that he never violated the constitution. Here are some of his violations.


I note the Ministry of the Presidencyโ€™s response to my earlier Statement. The author of that response insults the collective intelligence of this nation by titling the Statement โ€œPresident Granger abides by the Constitutionโ€. The People of Guyana, nay the people of the world, are very much aware of President Grangerโ€™s unparalleled record of serial and gross violations of the Constitution. For example:

1. President Grangerโ€™s willful refusal to act upon the recommendations of the Judicial Service Commission;

2. President Grangerโ€™s willful refusal to constitute the Judicial Service Commission since August 2017;

3. President Grangerโ€™s instructions to Mr. Joe Harmon to direct the Police Service Commission, an independent constitutional body, to halt promotion of Police Officers;

4. President Grangerโ€™s directions to Ms. Simona Broomes to direct the Public Service Commission, an independent constitutional body, to halt the promotion of Public Servants;

5. President Grangerโ€™s unconstitutional revocation of dozens of rice farmersโ€™ leases;

6. President Grangerโ€™s unilateral appointment of Justice James Patterson as the Chairman of GECOM, in violation of the Constitution;

7. President Grangerโ€™s willful refusal to resign, disband cabinet, and call an elections within three (3) months after the successful passage of a no-confidence motion, in December 2018, as mandated by the Constitution;

8. President Grangerโ€™s continuous refusal to accept the will of the electorate expressed by the ballots at the March 2nd 2020, Elections, as mandated by the Constitution;

9. President Grangerโ€™s continuous and repeated attempts, through his Commissioners and acolytes, to interfere with the operations of GECOM, an independent constitutional body;

10. President Grangerโ€™s willful refusal to engage the Leader of the Opposition to secure an agreement for the purposes of the appointment of a Chief Justice and Chancellor of the Judiciary, as is required by the Constitution.

The above list is by no means exhaustive. In almost every one of the examples cited above, a Court of law has pronounced on the unconstitutionality and illegality of the Presidentโ€™s actions or decisions.

I maintain most resolutely that there was a meeting at which the removal of the Chairman of GECOM, by the President, was discussed. Indeed, it is only after it was realized that the Chairperson cannot be lawfully removed that one of the Presidentโ€™s minions was dispatched to the High Court to seek Orders to restrain GECOM from discharging its constitutional duties of declaring the elections results, based upon the totals generated from the National Recount Exercise - another - colossal assault upon the Constitution and the democratic ethos embraced by the Constitution.

Rather than issuing a Statement of sanctimonious platitudes and rhetoric, President Granger can easily prove me wrong by directing his underlings to withdraw the legal proceedings filed today and to permit the Constitutional Electoral Process to run its course, paving the way for GECOM to declare the true results of the March 2nd 2020 Elections, reflective of the franchise of the electorate.

@cain posted:

Anil forgot number 11 in his press statement...its about him, Spermgate, yall remember that? There is more, yall remember that? How about Lawbookgate, the attackgate at KN, hmmmm. Those PPP guys are such angels.

And, don't forget his speech at Annandale about keeping the comrades mobilized.  The mobilized comrades at Bush Lot caused the death of a teenager who allegedly was so "mobilized" he chopped a policeman and was attacking a second when he was shot .  


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