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saying their site is a PPP site. Why are they upset at Swampy for being a PNC site.

Cooolie ppl will kill an Indian for being a PNC supporter, just as is demonstrated on GuyanaBackdam. Generally, Black ppl will be tolerant of a differing view points. I do see Eric Philips, Hinds or Trotman cussing up anybody. But Dave is like a rough neck at Rosignol Stelling cussing ppl about dey Mudda Skont.

Sase plan to promote the Backdam in the new year, foul mouth Indians would love it.

Seignet plan to point out to Ray, that our people must have respect for each other, coolieman, blackman or buckman.

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Some posters previously felt that Backdam should not be discussed on this forum.  But from what we are told, posters here are constantly criticized on Backdam and it should be countered, including their personal information posted on Backdam.

Furthermore, the rules seems lacking on Backdam and moderators like Florida Swampy, including Ray, allows personal information to pass. However,  the same Backdam posters who criticized  Django and deleted their  membership here, with a  promise never to return, returned with their previous nastiness.     

Last edited by Tola
@Prashad posted:

Ignore the Backdam political section. Their aim is to focus their marketing on capturing the Cheddie and Janet Jagan Father and mother of the Universe in Guyana and other such matters audience and their money. Let us focus on discussions of real issues.

I can't.

Politics in my blood.

Investing in someone elses idea is not for me. I invest in mine.

@seignet posted:

I want them to change and be Guyanese rather than PPPites. They are new. My country needs an electorate that makes choices rather than being prejudiced. We nah going to get anywhere wid all this dem and us.

Dis dem and us ting is hard to avoid, without independent thinking. NGOs working on programs for mostly Indians and the [Indian] government they support in an election, don't support them.

A progressive solution for Guyana is NOT with the PPP, or the PNC.   

@seignet posted:

Delete if you want, you are missing the point of thread, including dem over there. IT seems they think I am attacking them.

Guyanese business is all Guynaese business, we are not dealing with an individual's home.

I understand the discussions what is happening here ,it's nothing new .I think no one should be bothered .Ideas should be discussed not private people. One member ,who is a moderator said if i sign up there he is out like south . Another member out my personal information ,i complained privately ,nothing was done. I am not bothered ,they can't do squat when i am in GY.

Last edited by Django
@seignet posted:

Every word written over there expresses dem quagmire attitudes. Dave now becomes Sase/Sir, but his foul mouth is still noticeable.

Ray is a decent chap, I know he is going to ban some dem asses soon.

I hope you are right about Ray, cause he did not act when contacted about personal information posted on Backdam.

If he start banning, he might have a riot on his hand. Like the way some of his posters previously reacted on this forum, when their colleague was banned. 

@Tola posted:

Why is the Backdam admin canvassing this forum for members?

Maybe because y'all decided to give them oxygen by publicly engaging in the buse down. I understand this is like an inter village low class rivalry wid alyuh Indians and as the only black man hay I should stay out, but this is sheer Fking grown ass men engaging in this shit.

See ya!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Maybe because y'all decided to give them oxygen by publicly engaging in the buse down. I understand this is like an inter village low class rivalry wid alyuh Indians and as the only black man hay I should stay out, but this is sheer Fking grown ass men engaging in this shit.

See ya!

As a so called upadee blackman, why de fk you putting you nose in this you-called Indian runnings. Instead of stayin de fk in you whorin corna ?

Tek a leap....

Last edited by Tola
@Prashad posted:

Jaganites have bottomless hate for any East Indians who don't accept Cheddie and Janet Jorgan as the Father and Mother of the universe in Guyana and other such nonsense. The rest of the PPP is trying to get the Jogans on their side. It is a cult like party.

Hey Prashad, Jagan is history. PPP is all about Jagdeo now. You need to update your notes.

Iguana posted:

Maybe because y'all decided to give them oxygen by publicly engaging in the buse down. I understand this is like an inter village low class rivalry wid alyuh Indians and as the only black man hay I should stay out, but this is sheer Fking grown ass men engaging in this shit.

See ya!

Like you tired of us all, over here and over there too.

There are decent iNdians you know? And Black ppl too.

This thread was never about rivalry, it was about their content of language. I want them to do better as a new site. The bad mouth ppl all ended up over there. And anyone reading that site, will get the wrong impressions of Indian Guyanese, certainly if Black ppl reading.

@seignet posted:

Like you tired of us all, over here and over there too.

There are decent iNdians you know? And Black ppl too.

This thread was never about rivalry, it was about their content of language. I want them to do better as a new site. The bad mouth ppl all ended up over there. And anyone reading that site, will get the wrong impressions of Indian Guyanese, certainly if Black ppl reading.

Just like the PPP government who often make rules to suit themselves, some Indians don't care what others think of them. They often don't even know when they degrade and embarass themselves.  By bad-talking this forum and leave, only to return with blackpot on their faces.          Shameless pricks !!   

@Former Member posted:

Hey Prashad, Jagan is history. PPP is all about Jagdeo now. You need to update your notes.

Some members of the Jagan family are still engaged in hate, promoting hate with their robotic followers and the cuss down in public of President Jagdeo and any East Indian political person who they felt went against Jagan and his Romanian/Hungarian wife. So Prashad retains the right to answer back with facts.

Last edited by Prashad
@Tola posted:

Just like the PPP government who often make rules to suit themselves, some Indians don't care what others think of them. They often don't even know when they degrade and embarass themselves.  By bad-talking this forum and leave, only to return with blackpot on their faces.          Shameless pricks !!   

Let's wish them


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