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the relaxing the testing protocols in a rush to find a cure for this virus can do damage. The companies making test kits should logically go up. Leave the science of vaccine to labs with a sound reputation. Developing vaccines is an arduous time consuming task. One for this virus is probably a couple of years away. Epidemiologically, mitigation is our only strategy we have to work against it. We can no longer contain it. 


It's hard to tell if we reach the bottom of this market.  You just have to stay invested, DCA, and push through the storm. History of stock markets show that being in the market for a long time yield great results.  Hard to time it.

BTW, the oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia sent the price of crude down very low.  I am thinking no oil money will come in this year for Guyana. Exxon might show a major lost to justify giving Guyana nothing or very little.  I think we are in for a big surprise.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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