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Badminded-ness  and spite…

…on Jagdeo

Now, from the day we got our own Parliament – when the British decided we were all grown up and ready to run our own affairs, the Opposition chaired the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). And what exactly is the PAC and why this tradition?

Well, in the British Parliamentary democracy, the Toffs knew that in the “National Assembly” once a Government has a majority, the song of the Minority Opposition is pretty much “Do what you want wid me!”. It doesn’t matter how nasty the motion is – the “ayes” from the Government bench will always “have it”. The Speaker doesn’t even bother to lift his head up as he calls the vote.

So to give some meaning to the essence of democracy – “the other side must be heard” – the Chairing of the PAC is given to the Opposition. The said PAC can enquire into how the Government spent the funds its “ayes” gave it to spend. Even though they can’t change anything – they can at least identify excesses committed. The arrangement at least allows skulduggery to be exposed – albeit after the fact. Now the PAC also have Government’s MP’s – so it’s not like the Opposition can “do what they want wid dem!”

And we arrive at the “bad-minedness” of the new Government. Suddenly they’ve decided that since Jagdeo might be the Chair of the PAC – the arrangement should be abandoned!! And this in the face of the conventions of Parliament – with as much force as the written law, in the British system – that you just change Constitutional whimsically. Even if your token PM is from Whim!

The reason for the flip-flop, the Government’s partisans say, is the PAC under Jagdeo’s chairmanship will be reviewing the last years of the PPP’s administration. We can hear your collective “What the *#~%!!!!”, dear readers. So how come the PPP didn’t change the transition when they took over from the PNC? And who’s messed up our finances more than the PNC?

So Jagdeo can do what he wants in the PAC? Are the Government MP’s on the Committee so bereft of testicular fortitude to stand up to him? – Notwithstanding what Nagamootoo might’ve whimpered to them!! The fact of the matter is, after Jagdeo’s tour de force during the budget debate- in which he made Winston Jordan and Nagamootoo look like water boys – the Government’s shi**g bricks about repeat performances!

So this Eyewitness just hopes APNU/AFC will man up and take their medicine.

It might just help them with their motions!


…on solders

  1. This Eyewitness understands that Public Servants were shafted by the new Government – who, they thought, were their friends. And for whom they’d voted en masse. In their Manifesto, APNU/AFC’d announced that within 100 days, they’d give Public Servants “significant” salary increases. Jollity and mirth filled the halls and offices at Ministries when “their party” won. Counting their chickens before they were hatched, they went on a shopping binge – on credit.

When their Government finally gave them a “raise” with the right hand, they took it back with the left hand when they only made it applicable for HALF the year! And a lot of faces went sour. So Patrick Yarde – the 70-yr-old President of an organisation in which all members have to retire at 55 – decided to take revenge.

He announced to an administration with 3 Brigadiers, one COP, one Commodore, three Colonels and three Captains (there are too many lower ranks to mention) it is top level – that he’s going to unionise the discipline forces!!

Revenge is best served cold.


…on Amerindians’ guns

With (armed) crimes spiralling out of control on the Coast, Ramjattan grandly announced a “gun amnesty” to counter it. 142 guns were turned in. Problem is, they’re all antiques – with 122 from the interior.

They were used by Amerindians to hunt for meat – but with supermarkets introduced they’re superfluous. Crime? Still spiralling.

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