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Baha’i Faith devotees apprise President of community activities

By , Georgetown, January 7, 2013, -- Source - GINA


A five-year work progamme in communities across Guyana, taking the form of youth education programmes at different age levels and devotional meetings in select areas, has entered its second year for the Baha’i Faith in Guyana.


Jennifer Dewar and other members of the faith met President Donald Ramotar at his office today to explain to him their endeavours and the progress the religious group has been making since the programme started.


The education programme caters for three age groups beginning with junior classes for youths 12 to 14; study circles for youths 15 and above seeks to equip beneficiaries with necessary work skills to among other things, give their time and knowledge back to the programme.


“This is how we raise the teachers for the children’s classes and tutors for the study circle so that the process is self sustaining,” Dewar said in an invited comment to the Government Information Agency (GINA).


President Donald Ramotar in talks with members of the Baha’i Faith in Guyana. Leading the group was Jennifer Dewar (right)


Youth activities vary from one community to another and feature lessons on developing a spiritual character, the history of the Baha’i Faith and other religions according to information on the Baha’i website.


Its founder Baha’u’llah, a Persian nobleman from Tehran propagated a message of unity  and the philosophy that  that there is only one God, one human race, “and that all the world’s religions represent stages in the revelation of God’s will and purpose for humanity.”


The Baha’i faith is one of several religions in Guyana’s multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society, where the right to freedom of religious beliefs, expression and association is enshrined and upheld in the constitution.

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