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Prashad posted:

Prashad recently spent one month in Harlem. Every where he went he was referred to as brother by African Americans. In Guyana and the Caribbean he is referred to as the East Indian. Some day we will get our independent sovereign country where we will have the institutions of the state to ensure our human rights and dignity as a people are respected.

yeah...pushing up daisys

yuji22 posted:

Only a few days ago Cain was asking Nehru Bhai to stop posting Indo music.


Just wondering. How much of the music that Nehru was bombarding GNI with is actually Indo GUYANESE?   If the answer is NONE than how does it represent anything to do with the diversity of Guyana?

I bet if some young black kid comes on GNI bombing the place with gangsta rap you will have loads to say.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Bai we have a mixed race of almost 20 percent of the population. We cannot ignore them. Guyana is a diverse country. Land of six, now seven races. 

Mixed people self identify as such for a diverse range of reasons. So how can they be reduced to being a race.   Guyana has people of Indian, African, Amerindian, Chinese and Portuguese descent. We mouth European, but aside from Portuguese how many of them do we know.  The last of them left during the Cheddi era.

Those who self identify as mixed do so because they dont see themselves as being racially monolithic. So how can they be a race?

seignet posted:

That country doan belong to black ppl either. I know racism dull ur senses, hope you can rationalize that.

And who here says it does. In fact EVERY black identified person who posts here acknowledge that Indians have a right to think poorly of the PNC based upon how they were/are treated.  I for one was quite vocal about Volda claiming that she will only hire "PNC" as few Indians will ever be PNC supporters so she was excluding them. And she certainly didn't agree with Jagdeo's de facto exclusion of blacks because they weren't "PPP".

So here is what is called racism on GNI. Blacks standing against Indian racism directed towards them.  This is what is racism on GNI.  Then folks wonder why we think that DG's black history moment isnt a project that we will participate in.

Prashad posted:

. To move beyond Guyana to an independent sovereign country that respect and continues their cultural identity and heritage in a free and democratic society that respects their human rights on the South American continent.

And you were told that if multi ethnic, multi cultural, multi religious Guyana isnt a place that you can exist in then a return to India will be appropriate.  There is NO part of Guyana that belongs to any one race, so if this is your wish you cannot stay in Guyana!

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

I warned about Mars racist ways many times. His hatred for Indos is well documented.  If not for my wheelchair, I would smack he rass around like a little bytch. 

Hahaha. You think I’d allow a pipsqueak like you to even raise your hand at me. You would need a wheelchair for real after that beat down I’d unleash on you.

He will raise his finger tips and punch hard on the keys and then scream what a hyper masculine man that he is. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Prashad recently spent one month in Harlem. Every where he went he was referred to as brother by African Americans. In Guyana and the Caribbean he is referred to as the East Indian. Some day we will get our independent sovereign country where we will have the institutions of the state to ensure our human rights and dignity as a people are respected.

1.  The black Americans aren't aware of your contempt for blacks that is so huge that you dont see them as a people who are fit for you to live around.  Given the history of this country had they known that about you that  would NOT see you as brother anymore than Donald Trump is.

2. What is wrong with you being see as East Indian by Afro Caribbean people. Isnt this what you scream daily? Would you prefer it if they demanded that you eradicated all aspects of your Indo Caribbean culture and adopt an Afro Caribbean creole narrative?

3.  Black Americans aren't known for being too tolerant of perspectives of "blackness" different from their own.  Note the negative attitudes towards blacks from the Caribbean and Africa that exist among many of them.  We get indicted for having identities based on being "Jamaican", "Guyanese", "Nigerian" and "Ghanaian,"  which many of them see as a denial of "blackness".

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

. To move beyond Guyana to an independent sovereign country that respect and continues their cultural identity and heritage in a free and democratic society that respects their human rights on the South American continent.

 There is NO part of Guyana that belongs to any one race, so if this is your wish you cannot stay in Guyana!

I agree!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If mixed is not a race then what is mixed?

We need to describe mixed and find if they are differences even amongst the mixed.  Not all Latinos are considered whites. They have a problem with race too

There are many sub-categories to the three main races.  Most peoples of South -East Asia/Indo-China are a mix of Chinese and Indian.  In LATAM there is the Mulato race!


Ayoo leff we bai Yuji Balahoo alone. If ayoo tink Yuji racial dem Kwayana racial too. Burnham was influence by ASCRIA to. And what yuji seh could be wan option after abie give it one lass try. Me only concern is me not livin in wan place where Bharrat is president. Hey hey hey...oh...den it go be easy foh defeat Bharrat. De blackman boogie man go be gone. Hey hey hey...

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

. To move beyond Guyana to an independent sovereign country that respect and continues their cultural identity and heritage in a free and democratic society that respects their human rights on the South American continent.

 There is NO part of Guyana that belongs to any one race, so if this is your wish you cannot stay in Guyana!

I agree!

I like to respect the order of things. Guiana is and always will be an Amerindian country. The Europeans came to trade and their wars had them swapping lands all over the globe. So, the Amerindian lands we came to live on and claiming, is illegal in the statues of the mighty. God gave us all our own abode.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If mixed is not a race then what is mixed?

We need to describe mixed and find if they are differences even amongst the mixed.  Not all Latinos are considered whites. They have a problem with race too

I know that you think that douglas are a race, but in fact they are a combination of at least two races, so cannot be a race.

Mixed people in Guyana are;

1. People of ancient mixed ancestry,

2. People who wish to PRETEND that they have some ancient mixed ancestry.

3. People whose ancestries are so diverse that they cannot link themselves to any specific group even if they tried.

4. People with parents from two distinct racial groups.

5. People who think that Guyanese obsession with race is toxic so step out of it by claiming to be "non racial".

Given the diversity of ways that people have to claim mixed identities I do not know how they can be a race.

seignet posted:

I like to respect the order of things. Guiana is and always will be an Amerindian country. 

Prior to the arrivals in the Europeans the Amerindians had their ferocious wars among the various groups, the Caribs being especially ferocious with the Warraos apparently suffering tremendously from larger and more aggressive Amerindian groups. 

The Europeans arrived and were just bigger and better than they were and were better able to resist whatever diseases that existed in the Americas than were the Amerindians able to resist the Euro/Afro/Asiatic disease matrices that they brought with them.

So in 2019 Amerindians are mere Guyanese just like the rest of us.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad recently spent one month in Harlem. Every where he went he was referred to as brother by African Americans. In Guyana and the Caribbean he is referred to as the East Indian. Some day we will get our independent sovereign country where we will have the institutions of the state to ensure our human rights and dignity as a people are respected.

1.  The black Americans aren't aware of your contempt for blacks that is so huge that you dont see them as a people who are fit for you to live around.  Given the history of this country had they known that about you that  would NOT see you as brother anymore than Donald Trump is.

2. What is wrong with you being see as East Indian by Afro Caribbean people. Isnt this what you scream daily? Would you prefer it if they demanded that you eradicated all aspects of your Indo Caribbean culture and adopt an Afro Caribbean creole narrative?

3.  Black Americans aren't known for being too tolerant of perspectives of "blackness" different from their own.  Note the negative attitudes towards blacks from the Caribbean and Africa that exist among many of them.  We get indicted for having identities based on being "Jamaican", "Guyanese", "Nigerian" and "Ghanaian,"  which many of them see as a denial of "blackness".

This is the behaviour that I was referring to. Prashad is 23 percent West African with genes from three different West African countries but because he has East Indian ancestry he will always be seen by the Caribj types of the Caribbean as a lowly inferior koolie.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Just call them dugla!   What’s wrong with that?

Because not all of them are of mixed African and East Indian ancestry?

Redefine Dugla and any mixture of the Six Master Races.  Then Trotman will have a home. 

When most Guyanese refer to dougla is to Afro/Indo, so just leave it as mixed. Dugla is one of the mixed types, red being another, buffianda, etc.

Prashad posted:

This is the behaviour that I was referring to. Prashad is 23 percent West African with genes from three different West African countries but because he has East Indian ancestry he will always be seen by the Caribj types of the Caribbean as a lowly inferior koolie.

 If you are 23% African then you are mixed and should celebrate ALL of Guyana.   Please dont tell me that Indians respect douglas more than blacks do because you know better than that.  How many blacks disown their kids who marry Indians?  

Some of your Indo Nazi friends consider a suggestion that a family member married a black person to be such an insult that they rush to the moderators demanding that whoever made that comment should be banned.  And saying that a daughter of theirs might marry a black man is equivalent to calling her a whore.

And I will see you as lowly because you see yourself as that.  It is clear that you have low self esteem.  You dont really respect your part Indian heritage, and in fact you despise it.  This is indicating by your constant harping for white women, clearly envying those who think can get what you so yearn, but are apparently unable to.


The racist insults continues. At least Caribj is clear about the anti-koolieism hate that is on his mind. The danger is those who have the same anti-koolie hate but smile at us and pretend that they like us. One day we will no longer have to live with their deep stinky hate for the inferior koolie. Who they see as lower than sewage.


caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

This is the behaviour that I was referring to. Prashad is 23 percent West African with genes from three different West African countries but because he has East Indian ancestry he will always be seen by the Caribj types of the Caribbean as a lowly inferior koolie.

 If you are 23% African then you are mixed and should celebrate ALL of Guyana.   Please dont tell me that Indians respect douglas more than blacks do because you know better than that.  How many blacks disown their kids who marry Indians?  

Some of your Indo Nazi friends consider a suggestion that a family member married a black person to be such an insult that they rush to the moderators demanding that whoever made that comment should be banned.  And saying that a daughter of theirs might marry a black man is equivalent to calling her a whore.

And I will see you as lowly because you see yourself as that.  It is clear that you have low self esteem.  You dont really respect your part Indian heritage, and in fact you despise it.  This is indicating by your constant harping for white women, clearly envying those who think can get what you so yearn, but are apparently unable to.

The Carib has got a point here.  Prashad does not care if Africans and Indians marry each other.  Without the African women in Guyana, there would have never been East Indian Guyanese.  For every 14 East Indian men off the indenture ships, there was one East Indian woman and that East Indian woman was also being courted by Chinese men who had even fewer Chinese women.  That is the reason why every East Indian Guyanese regardless of what they say in reality a true genetic profile of their ancestry will show that they have some African ancestry in them.

Prashad posted:

One day we will no longer have to live with their deep stinky hate for the inferior koolie. Who they see as lower than sewage.


You are in fact wedded in self hate and this is what you think of yourself. A "lowly inferior koolie".  

On what basis do black Caribbean people think that today's Indian is "inferior".  Everyone eats roti and doubles and chutney soca is now popular every where.  

If there is a negative attitude towards Indians in Trinidad and Guyana its the notion that they are all rich and control the economy.  And that they use this power to keep down blacks. Not sure that rich people are seen as "lowly and inferior".

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Baseman posted:

Caribj don’t believe Indians are full and equal citizens of Guyana. To him our indentureship is still valid.  We are on a working visa in Guyana!

Really.  I see that if I object to Indian racism then it must be because Indians aren't allowed to be Guyanese?

Its interesting how the Indo Nazis seem appalled that people say that their racism is vile.

Prashad posted:


 If you are 23% African then you are mixed and should celebrate ALL of That is the reason why every East Indian Guyanese regardless of what they say in reality a true genetic profile of their ancestry will show that they have some African ancestry in them.

This reminds me of a fight between 2 men I saw on FB.  The one who I thought was the Indo was the Afro and the one who I thought was the Afro was the Indo. He was darker and with negroid facial features.  Both men had their hair cut down low.

But dont go to Freedom House and mention this.  You will induce cardiac arrests, vomiting and ultimately you will be evicting for insulting people there.  I am fully aware that many (older) Indo men consider the vilest curse to be "your daughter gun married to one black man". 

I think that Yuji or skeldon used to boast that they would beat their daughter if they ever thought that she planned that. his before tossing her out.  Luckily Guyanese dont practice honor killings as this might have also been threatened.

Last edited by Former Member

Indian and African - Dougla

Amerindian and African  = Buffiana

Chinese and African = Muffiana

European and African = Mullato

European and Amerindian = Mestizo

Indian and Amerindian = ?

Indian and Chinese = ?

Indian and European = ?

Brazilian and Indian = ?

Venezuelan and Indian = ?

Amerindians and Indians are inter-marrying at record numbers in Guyana.  I already have three members of my extended who are wedded to Amerindians.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Indian and African - Dougla

Amerindian and African  = Buffiana

Chinese and African = Muffiana

European and African = Mullato

European and Amerindian = Mestizo

Indian and Amerindian = ? Amerindo

Indian and Chinese = ? Indochino

Indian and European = ? Indoeuro

Brazilian and Indian = ? Brazindo

Venezuelan and Indian = ? Indoven

Amerindians and Indians are inter-marrying at record numbers in Guyana.  I already have three members of my extended who are wedded to Amerindians.  

There you go.

yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Indian and African - Dougla

Amerindian and African  = Buffiana

Chinese and African = Muffiana

European and African = Mullato

European and Amerindian = Mestizo

Indian and Amerindian = ? Amerindo

Indian and Chinese = ? Indochino

Indian and European = ? Indoeuro

Brazilian and Indian = ? Brazindo

Venezuelan and Indian = ? Indoven

Amerindians and Indians are inter-marrying at record numbers in Guyana.  I already have three members of my extended who are wedded to Amerindians.  

There you go.

This is very funny. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:

Look at this lying POS. 

Please keep peoples families out of this and please stop making up stories.

You are a lying POS !


Case in point.  Yuji thinks that suggesting that a family member married, or is interested in marrying a black person is an grievous insult and a scandal.

No wonder blacks hate the PPP.

yuji22 posted:

You are a lying POS. 

First you drag peoples family members into your lies and yet another lie.

You lying POS !

And he continues to scream that its a disgrace for any family member to even think about getting married to a black person.

Yuji if someone married a black man what would you do? And I state black man because this is when racists like you become even more enraged.


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