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Bai Shan Lin delinquent with NIS/PAYE payments

September 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- GPSU warns foreign investors to obey laws


President of the Guyana Public Service Union, Patrick Yarde, said Wednesday that foreign investors who come to Guyana

Patrick Yarde

Patrick Yarde


should adhere and respect the labour laws of the country.
Yarde was at the time responding to questions pertaining to reports about Chinese logging company Bai Shan Lin not being up to date with National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) payments.
Investigations have shown that even though Bai Shan Lin claimed to be creating jobs and contributing to Guyana, it is not up to date with its NIS and PAYE payments. Yarde said that these taxes must be paid and the fact that they weren’t paid, the authorities should apply the law.
According to the GPSU President, there could be criminal charges for people and companies that do not comply with the law. “I want to make it clear; there must be good governance. Investors must respect the laws of the country.”
“NIS is an important matter; it has to do workers remuneration and compensation among other things,” Yarde noted.
Checks revealed that the company, Bai Shan Lin International Forest Development, which was registered in 2007, only started paying NIS and PAYE in 2013. Bai Shan Lin Housing and Construction Inc which was registered in 2012 only paid NIS and PAYE in October 2013.
Further checks revealed that Bai Shan Lin Shipbuilding Inc which was registered in 2012 has never paid NIS or PAYE. Bai Shan Lin Mining Development Inc was registered in August 2013 and has never paid any NIS or PAYE contributions.
The records are a clear contradiction of what advertisements by Bai Shan Lin claimed. In the advertisements, BSL had stated that it is committed to abiding by the laws of Guyana in its execution of work in the forestry sector.
It is unclear whether workers are required to pay their own NIS and PAYE, but the company has not been up to date with payments, one source explained.
The company also claimed that having started operations in Guyana since 2007, it then moved to purchase logs from local concessionaires and entered into joint venture agreements with several.
Indian Logging Company, Vaitarna Holdings Private Inc, has been paying since 2007. But Vaitarna is not registered with the Deeds Registry as a company operating out of Guyana.
Bai Shan Lin has big plans for Guyana’s forest concessions covering 960,000 hectares; a 20-kilometre river gold mining concession; a 500-hectare Guyana-China Timber Industry Economic and Trading Cooperation Park and a 160-hectare real estate development.
Despite the scale of the planned operations, Bai Shan Lin’s agreements with the government of Guyana are not public and there has been no discussion in the National Assembly about the company’s plans.
In Guyana, it is illegal for a logging company to take over another logging company’s operation, unless officially authorized by the President. Yet Bai Shan Lin has managed to enter into large scale joint ventures with a number of locals.
In June, Bai Shan Lin submitted an application to the Environmental Protection Agency seeking environmental authorization to undertake a large scale logging and sawmill operation.
According to the public notice which was published, the company asked for the authorization for several areas including the Left Bank of the Essequibo River, Right Bank Berbice River, Right Bank Essequibo River, Left Bank Corentyne River, Left Bank Lysles River, River Bank Berbice River and Right Bank Powis River, as well as locations with Regions Nine and Six.
Bai Shan Lin has been granted a forestry concession that amounts to close to one million hectares of rainforest, from which it plans to extract logs and ship them out of Guyana. The company estimates that it will make US$1,800 from each hectare of land, giving it profits totaling US$1.7 billion, according to
The company’s plans were announced in 2012 by Chu Wenze, Chairman of Bai Shan Lin, at the Second World Congress on Timber and Wood Products Trade in Taicang, China.
Those plans were announced even before Guyana knew of it. The country became aware of what was happening only when Bai Shan Lin officials visited Guyana and held discussions with President Donald Ramotar and other Government officials.
In November 2012, Chu Wenze and David Dabydeen, Guyana’s Ambassador to China, took part in a signing ceremony for a loan from the Chinese Development Bank for Bai Shan Lin’s forestry projects in Guyana.
According to the website Global Timber, Bai Shan Lin’s concessions were acquired from other concession holders, a process known as “landlording” which is illegal in Guyana (unless officially authorised by the President). Under Guyanese law, forest concessions cannot be traded, but must be re-advertised by the Forestry Commission in an open auction.


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