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More shocking revelations…Bai Shan Lin employs 70% Asians


-  Pays locals as little as $500 a day – Solomon

In January 2013, Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc. advertised for 700 Guyanese workers.
In advertisements in the media, Bai Shan Lin said that it had vacancies for 220 factory construction workers, 80 skilled chain-saw operators, 80 semi-skilled chain-saw operators, 30 bulldozer operators, 35 loading truck drivers, 60 dump truck drivers, two excavator and grader operators, 60 logging truck drivers, 20 container truck drivers, 10 mechanics, 10 servicemen, 13 cooks and 80 inventory clerks.

Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon

Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon

However, the company has developed a reputation of mistreating the few Guyanese workers it employs.
Kaieteur News understands that the company generally has a policy to give Asian nationals first preference at employment. From all indications, there are enough Asian nationals residing in Guyana to facilitate the elimination of Guyanese workers on any project the Asians embark upon.
Bai Shan Lin has a known presence at Moblissa, Coomacka, Bamia, Kwakwani and Ituni.
This newspaper has been able to verify that at the Coomacka and Bamia locations, Bai Shan Lin has an employment ratio of 70 Asians to30 Guyanese.
Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon, has confirmed that the workforce is disproportional at these locations.
He said that some workers attached to Bai Shan Lin, have been frequenting the Office of the Regional Democratic Council complaining of the way the company has been violating their rights.
The Chairman said that workers have been lamenting the conditions they work under. They have also been complaining of bad treatment and poor payment.
Solomon said Bai Shan Lin have workers on its payroll who are being paid as little as $500 a day. He said these complaints have been coming mostly from those working at Coomacka and Bamia.

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It can't be that bad for these workers. They are after all satisfied into voting back the PPP into power so that they can endure the same working and pay condition. Things were far worse in the latter years of the last PNC government. There were more workers in the sugar and rice industry because reparations were lower. But now with so many Guyanese sending money back home, there is no need for so many workers. Even the thieves and murderers are having a better crime haul under the PPP.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It can't be that bad for these workers. They are after all satisfied into voting back the PPP into power so that they can endure the same working and pay condition. Things were far worse in the latter years of the last PNC government. There were more workers in the sugar and rice industry because reparations were lower. But now with so many Guyanese sending money back home, there is no need for so many workers. Even the thieves and murderers are having a better crime haul under the PPP.

Can you find articles of Surinamese kicking out this company?


During          December 2012, Suriname withdrew a 180,000ha forest concession          from a licence holder (Tacoba)          which had subcontracted logging rights to Forest Technologies a subsidiary          Vista Marine Services (a subsidiary of Greenheart). This reduced the          area for which Greenheart held subcontracted logging rights in Suriname          to 92,000 ha - which is presumably the FSC-certified concession of          Suma          Lumber. Greenheart has access to this concession for two years[slide          19], until December          2013, and was managing it when the concession's FSC-certificate          was renewed (during 2013) [4.3.3]          (- the certificate will presumably not be valid once Greenheart's          rights expire). However, Greenheart might have also been subcontracted          logging          rights to other concessions, through its subsidiaries, Octagon [(a)          p9] and Beach Paradise[(b)          p9]. At least one member of Suriname's parliament considers that          concession holders should be penalised for subcontracting their logging          rights without government approval.[-]          Indeed, it seems[Berjaya,          subsection Suriname] that the subcontracting of logging rights          is illegal, (as it is in Guyana unless explicitly          permitted by the President). If so, products made at least partly          from wood derioving from those concessions should not be placed on          the market in the EU and USA under the EC's Regulation 995/2010 and          the USA's amended Lacey Act..


In addition they are paying Guyanese US$2.50 PER DAY.  This will work out to less than US$60 PER MONTH!


Where is yuji who screams that any criticism of what Chinese FOREIGNERS do in Guyana is anti Guyanese Chinese?



Big trouble for Chinese-Canadian investor in Suriname timber


(De Ware Tijd) PARAMARIBO – The giant timber investor Sino-Forest, which has between 150,000 and 300,000 hectares of concessions in Suriname via its subsidiary Greenheart Resources Holding (GRH), is losing more and more of its value on the international market. This is based on suspicion of fraud by the company. While an independent internal investigation is ongoing, general director Allen Chan resigned on Friday. He stepped down after shares of the company lost 72% of their value on the Canadian stock exchange within a day. U.S. business news organization Bloomberg reported this on its website yesterday. Sino-Forest’s internal investigation is carried out after reputable market watchdog Muddy Waters issued a report in June accusing the Chinese-Canadian multinational of fraud. The timber company allegedly exaggerated the extent of its concession areas in Suriname and the value of the commercially exploitable timber on the concessions in order to gain millions in investment capital. When asked for comment, Parliamentarian Rabin Parmessar, who is also chairman of the permanent committee for Natural Resources, says that personally, he believes that measures should be taken against concession holders who let other local or foreign investors manage the concession without the government’s knowledge, as was done in the case of GRH and Sino-Forest.


I checked this company's website a few days ago.  It looks like all their job postings on their recruitment page are written in Chinese.  Their info on their products that are for sale, some of which they state are from Guyana, is written in English. 


Well I know that the PPP goons are on GNI today because they are pretending that Guyana has an excellent educational system, based on the performance of 18 kids, who have said that they spend most of their days at "lessons", so have no time for character building extra curricular activities. 


They then were so desperate that the resident LUNATIC of a tiny island nation, which shares with Guyana, the distinction of the poorest English speaking Caribbean nation, claims that Guyana is paradise.  Of course a renowned rapist like him who encourages his people to export weed to Europe will say so.


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