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Bai Shan Lin owes Amerindians “plenty, plenty money”

August 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- Company switches managers, system to avoid paying - Refused to sign agreement with Region One Village – Kwebanna residents

Amerindians from Kwebanna Village, Region One, promised “plenty, plenty money” to work for Bai Shan Lin, are today

Godfrey Wilson, Toshao of Kwebanna Village, Region One

Godfrey Wilson, Toshao of Kwebanna Village, Region One


owed millions of dollars by the Chinese company. The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) claims that it is holding Bai Shan Lin accountable to the laws of the country, including those governing corporate social responsibility. But Amerindians of Kwebanna, a tiny village of Arawaks, Warraus and Caribs, near Bai Shan Lin’s operations, in Waini, Region One, would tell you a different story. Bai Shan Lin harvests logs through what forestry authorities say is a joint venture with Kwebanna Woods, a company that has a Timber Sales Agreement that allows it to harvest for export in commercial quantities. Some of the workers employed by Bai Shan Lin are owed a combined total of millions of dollars. “They tell me that I must give them the service and I must work for plenty, plenty money and they would pay me the money but when the time reach for I come home now, no money,” said Andrew Brescenio. He is among workers who would spend weeks, sometimes up to three at a time, living in plastic tents while cutting logs for Bai Shan Lin. When Bai Shan Lin entered the village looking for chainsaw operators, Brescenio opted to go. He started working with the company in October 23, 2012. He was promised pay of $400 for every cubic metre of trees he cut. He worked seven blocks and only received a percentage of what he worked for.  He left for the village and returned in 2013. He had hoped to collect what was owed to him, but to no avail. It was then that he was told to work for “plenty, plenty money” and when it adds up he would be paid. But again, he was given just a percentage and to date has not received a cent of what is owed to him. He alone is owed over $1 million, he said. “They always promising us that they will pay whenever we done cut the wood…but they rob we.” Even when it comes to knowing exactly what is cut, they have to take Bai Shan Lin’s word for it, as the measurement is

Owed hundreds of thousands of dollars, Andrew Bruscenio

Owed hundreds of thousands of dollars, Andrew Bruscenio


done by the Chinese workers. “They always keep robbing we on the production too because they never give us the priority to measure our own logs to know how much cubic metre we cutting.” Bruscenio said that on his last attempt to get the money he worked for, he was told by Bai Shan Lin officials that the manager had been fired and the current managers knew nothing of his outstanding wages. Silent Minister Brescenio said that the matter was drawn to the attention of the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai since last year, but she has not responded to the complaints. The Amerindian man travelled several miles to Buckhall, Essequibo River to talk to Bai Shan Lin, in vain. He had no money to travel back to Kwebanna. His story resembles that of other workers. Bandie Samuels worked with the company in 2012. He is owed over $100,000. Theobald Lewis said that initially, he worked for 18 days then got sick and had to return to the village. He was given a partial payment in two installments. He went back to the interior to meet with officials to get the rest of his money and was asked to work further and he would be paid the total sum, including what was owed to him. Today, he is still waiting. “We are not getting into contact with these people…When we call, different manager and different system in place.” He too said that the matter was reported to the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, but she has not responded. Some workers have been more fortunate than others when it comes to their payment, but it was not without much persistence. “I had to make plenty calls to get my money,” said Trevon Brescilio. But it’s not just the workers felling trees who have been exploited. Villager, David Thomas,

Owed: Two villagers of Kwebanna who claimed they are also owed significant sums by Bai Shan Lin.

Owed: Two villagers of Kwebanna who claimed they are also owed significant sums by Bai Shan Lin.


said that he served hot meals to Bai Shan Lin operations but the company also never paid him. He is owed about $140,000. “I give them ting to eat; they come by me, I cook and I give (them) it.” Apart from the exploitation of the workers at Kwebanna, when Bai Shan Lin entered the community, the company reportedly bluntly refused to draw up an agreement with the community, according to the village Toshao, or Leader, Godfrey Wilson. Kwebanna has been operating a Community Forestry Commission for over ten years now. The village leader said that when officials of the company first visited about three years ago, they informed the villagers that they are going to check out “their land.” “So that was a surprise and shock to us! You coming from China and say you coming to check out our land!” No agreement According to the village Toshao the company wanted to use the village as a thoroughfare to take out its logs. The village asked for a monthly toll of $1.5 million. The company refused, Wilson said. When it entered the village, Bai Shan Lin offered to buy the logs the community harvests. Wilson said the village agreed, but Bai Shan Lin wanted to set the payment terms. The village refused because the price that was offered was below what was reasonable to villagers. The village depends on its community forestry operation; most of the villagers are

The Kwebanna community along Waini River, Region One

The Kwebanna community along Waini River, Region One


employed in the village enterprise which processes the logs, which are then sold as building material to companies on the Coast. In Region One, Bai Shan Lin has been logging various species of wood and selling to Barama Company Limited. In order to get ready for its operations, the company has to clear the Waini River to allow it to float the logs out of the area. It is now aggressively cutting miles and miles of road in the area, a signal of its intent. The GFC and its governing authority, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, have launched an unprecedented public relations campaign to defend Bai Shan Lin which has come under intense scrutiny in the past weeks over its logging activities. The Parliamentary opposition has already accused senior government officials of colluding with the company to hide the true nature of its operations, noting that kickbacks are what have caused it to shut up in the face of what could be glaring violations of Guyanese law. A flyover last week of Bai Shan Lin operations in Kwakwani, East of the Upper Berbice River, found a huge stockpile of logs, mainly Wamara and other prime species. GFC has said that the Chinese company is doing nothing wrong but there are many questions over the joint venture

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo


arrangement and the many concessions granted to the Chinese company, including duty free concessions on luxury vehicles like Lexus and Infiniti, hundreds of container trucks, loaders, excavators, bulldozers and other heavy duty vehicles. The heavy equipment is mainly for primary logging activities.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bai Shan Lin owes Amerindians “plenty, plenty money”

August 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- Company switches managers, system to avoid paying - Refused to sign agreement with Region One Village – Kwebanna residents


This Corrupt Govt PPP/C should cease all of Bai Shin Lin operations until they paid off all their debts: No they will not because it would seems that many within the Corrupt PPP/C and hanging their mouths for kickbacks.


Bai Shan Lin logging scandal…Ramotar needs to act in the interest of the Guyanese people – GTUC

August 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


The people are on one side fighting to ensure the nation’s protection…and government officials on the other side aligned with foreign forces to plunder and rape our resources for personal enrichment.


The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), having followed the incisive investigative reports on Bai Shan Lin’s operations in Guyana, has concluded that the nation is witnessing a scandalous affair that threatens sovereignty. This the Union declared in a missive released yesterday. The statement reflected GTUC’s view that President Donald Ramotar is failing in his foremost responsibility to the nation; “loyalty to the people.” GTUC said that the growing concerns and alarm by local stakeholders over the management of Guyana’s forest and infrastructures, environmental impact, the exclusion of local workforce and the conditions of service for those employed, are not to be dismissed and treated as though it’s business as usual. The Union expressed that the government should not put up a defence as “there is no defence to the indefensible.” GTUC stated, “Guyana is a sovereign nation. When foreigners are made to think the citizenry is irrelevant, as conveyed by the President’s flippant disregard for our concerns, he is transmitting a message to all that the concerns of Guyanese are unimportant and he is an active partner in aiding and abetting a process to treat us as second class citizens in the land of our birth.” “Not once as President, when nationals raise concerns about the disregard for our rights, the laws of this land and the sovereignty of this nation, has Ramotar communicated that the concerns are noted, will be examined or that the people’s interest will be protected.” The Union said that as a result, Guyanese are being placed in a position to conclude that “We and country are mere pawns in a scheme to carve up our resources through unholy alliances between foreigners and government officials in cahoots with their cohorts.” GTUC opined that the government is abrogating its responsibility to the people and creating a situation of “us versus them. The people on one side fighting to ensure the nation’s protection…and government officials on the other side aligned with foreign forces to plunder and rape our resources for personal enrichment. This is not a good place for the citizens or government to find themselves, i.e. on opposing sides on matters of foreign investment.” The Union pointed out that most “foreign sweetheart deals” were started and rushed through under the Jagdeo Administration and have continued with aplomb under the Ramotar Administration. The Union opined that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment was specifically created and headed by Robert Persaud to ensure execution of the plans. “The people of this nation are not fools!” GTUC said that citizens need assurances that concerns will be addressed, information revealed and contracts and laws reviewed to ensure foreign companies are operating in compliance with the national interest. “The GTUC is not adverse to foreign investments. The GTUC is adverse to investments that disregard the rights of citizens, the laws of our land, and the sovereignty of this nation…This is not the time for President Ramotar to engage in political arrogance and contempt for the people. The raping and plundering of our resources do not attract political divisions. These are concerns of every Guyanese regardless of race, class, creed and political persuasion. The President needs to understand this, desist from the political grandstanding, and address the people’s concerns with the seriousness they deserve.” The Union highlighted that “Guyana belongs to all Guyanese. Guyanese are today saying we face clear and present danger as a people in the presence of continuous foreign onslaughts! We have serious concerns about the management of our resources, the abuse of workers and the laws of the land. It is in the President’s interest to remember to whom he has taken the Oath of Office to serve and pay heed to growing concerns.”


More logging, poorer forests, poorer Guyana

August 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor, During the last week, the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) in two full-page paid advertisements in Kaieteur News on (13 August, page 21 and 15 August, page 25) has defended the massive over-cutting by and for the Chinese transnational logger Bai Shan Lin.  The GFC argues that the average maximum harvest allowed across Guyana as a whole is 20 m3 per hectare once every 60 years.  Most Timber Sales Agreements have a 25-year duration so their limit is 8.3 m3/ha per harvest, for all kinds of timber taken together.  That is about 4 trees/ha. Think of the forest as your garden.  Initially you have a few banana or plantain suckers, bora, boulanger, cherry, dunks, gooseberry, okro, same, sapodilla, shallots and tomatoes – lots of vegetables and fruits.  But you are lazy or greedy, so you take all the bora and tomatoes and shallots without replanting them.  After that you harvest all the boulanger and okro also without replanting.  You still have a garden but it is less productive and your food is much less nutritious and varied. This is what the GFC is allowing in State Forests.  All the best greenheart and purpleheart timbers are harvested, then the silverballi and tonka and tatabu.  Then all the wamara. Even the cutting of bulletwood – a legally protected ecologically-keystone species – is readily allowed by the GFC. In the last ten years, as China and India have become wealthy, their furniture and flooring factories have installed new machinery.  Asian markets prefer hard, heavy, dark-coloured and multi-coloured woods.  Flooring needs timbers which resist the impact of steel-tipped high heels.  The new or re-equipped factories easily and efficiently process our technically superb timbers for their own domestic and export markets, into high-value floors and decorative furniture.  So the GFC seems happy to see the slow-growing tatabu and wamara and washiba timber, along with 30 or more other species, to join the exports as raw logs in huge quantities; as shown in the overflight photographs published by Kaieteur News and Stabroek News. What is critical for the health and productivity of our forests is the rate of harvest of each species.  Our garden (forest) becomes poorer and poorer because the rate of cutting per species far exceeds the rate of natural regeneration of those timbers.  In other words, the GFC is misleading civil society by referencing the 8.3 m3/ha as a safe limit.  The need for harvest control by species was explicit in the 2002 second edition of the GFC Code of Practice for Timber Harvesting, section 2.3 – ‘sustained yields can only be ensured if a minimum stocking is retained after logging for each individual desirable species. GFC recently developed growth and yield models that can assist in determining the number of trees that can be felled per ha as well as the minimum size (diameter) for each individual species’. Yield control by species is still recognised although more feebly in the recently published Code of Practice for Forest Operations for TSA/WCL Agreements (section 2.3.6, 2014; see – ‘The choice of 20 m3 per hectare is a deliberate attempt to ensure that merchantable trees remain in the stand after harvesting operations, and that the rate of harvesting does not exceed the growth rate of commercial species’. If the GFC is so sure of the sustainability of current harvests by and for Chinese transnational Bai Shan Lin and Indian transnational VHPI, will it now publish immediately in a full-page advertisement in every daily newspaper and on its website and in posters in every GFC field station to show how the current rates of harvest for each species in State Forest Authorisation (logging concession) does not exceed the rate of natural regeneration? Janette Bulkan


I hope that the Amerindians are seeing the PPP for the rotten tiefmen that they are. Hopefully no more votes will be given in exchange for a chainsaw, while PPP fatcats are raping the treasury.


Imagine this is "exploration" to test the viability for extraction! BaiShanLin does not have the the timber sales agreement which would mean commercial extraction......This fellow is lying in horrible ways. If the below is testing then we better not have them in actual extraction mode!


Last edited by Former Member

The Pillage of our forest is the PPP undoing. Amerinds should not forget and Coastlanders need to look to their interests not to PPP political cronyism or  ethnic nepotism. Destruction of the forest is not about black or Indian but about the undoing of all...and the PPP is in the thick of it.


Mozambique loses a fortune to illegal timber exports

February 7, 2013

Corruption in world’s fourth poorest country aids illegal logging & timber smuggling to China

LONDON: Weak forest governance and corruption in Mozambique are facilitating illegal logging and timber smuggling to supply China’s voracious demand, costing the fourth least developed country in the world tens of millions in lost taxes annually.

The new report First Class Connections: Log Smuggling, Illegal Logging and Corruption in Mozambique by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) exposes massive discrepancies in import/export data between Mozambique and China, indicating that half the timber flowing into China is illegal.

Compiling evidence from research and undercover operations in both countries, the report features detailed investigative case studies into some of the biggest companies engineering these crimes in Mozambique today, exposing both the smuggling techniques used and the political patronage and corruption that facilitate them.

EIA forests campaigner Chris Moye said: “Despite recent commendable efforts by the Mozambican Government to control the illegal trade in timber to China, our investigation uncovers how high-level politicians, in league with unscrupulous Chinese traders, continue to not only breach Mozambique’s export and forest laws but are now putting pressure on the sustainable yield of Mozambique’s forests”.

Mozambique’s timber trade reveals major trade data discrepancies revealing that in 2012 Chinese companies imported between 189,615 and 215,654 cubic metres of timber that had been illegally exported from Mozambique – comprising a staggering 48 per cent of China’s imports from the country.

China’s 2012 imports from Mozambique dwarf not only licensed exports, but also exceed the licensed harvest by 154,030 cubic metres, generating an alarming 48 per cent illegal logging rate.

Furthermore, the United Nations ranks Mozambique as the fourth least developed country in the world. Against the background of Mozambique’s poverty, EIA estimates that about US$ US$29,172,350 in avoided tax may have been lost to State revenues in 2012 from unlicensed exports to China worth US$130,834,350.

In comparison, the estimated financing need for Mozambique’s National Forest Program’s law enforcement system for 2006-10 was US$1,051,470, while total zoning and detailed inventory costs for the same period were estimated at US$10,716,911. These costs could be covered almost three times over by the lost revenues.

Among the report’s recommendations, EIA urges the Government of Mozambique to: • Institute an immediate log-export ban of all timber species; • Initiate a joint investigation with China into the illegal timber trade; • Institute a wide-ranging investigation into forest sector corruption, including the involvement of police, customs and forest officials; • Investigate illegal exports of unprocessed timber by companies named in the report.

EIA further calls on the Government of China to: • Prohibit the import of illegal timber into China; • Liaise with Mozambique on its timber export laws, and coordinate with them on imports into China; • Ensure State-owned companies are not exporting illegal timber from Mozambique, nor importing it into China.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

This man James is a Bai shan lin crook.  By the way he is the brother of Joe Singh from the GDF.  All of them are crooks PNC crooks = PPP crooks .


This chap Robert Persaud is a blatant liar and a bonafide crook make no mistake about that.


The Indian based government gives the Chinese land and the native people who actually are the natural owners of all the land before immigrants came has none. These people should begin to take revolutionary steps as the native people of Brazil is doing. They need to occupy anyplace BaiShanlin is harvesting and demand the leave.

Originally Posted by Mars:

I hope the Amerindians are paying attention to the way the PPP have sold them out to the Chinese for a few pieces of silver.

Very important observation.  IF the AFC got any sense, they should make a exclusive hinterland pamplet and send it all over the hinterland with these stories of how the PPP and bai shin lin abusing the amerindians.


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