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Bai Shan Lin’s “kickbacks” seem to have silenced Govt. – MP Harmon

August 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

“The government is silent about this immoral and abusive act and there can only be one logical conclusion for that—they are benefitting financially in exchange for allowing the rape to continue. Citizens need to understand the corrupt beast that it (Govt.) is dealing with. It is only a win-win deal for the parties involved and Bai Shan Lin’s kickbacks seem to have silenced the government.”
This is the contention of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) member on the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources, Joseph Harmon.

Joseph Harmon, APNU Parliamentarian

Joseph Harmon, APNU Parliamentarian

After seeing the aerial view pictures of huge piles of hundreds of Guyana’s precious logs stocked and waiting to be shipped from one of Bai Shan Lin’s Kwakwani areas, Harmon believes that the evidence showcased by Kaieteur News yesterday is simply “horrendous.”
“It is sickening to come to grips with the reality that former President Bharrat Jagdeo invited Bai Shan Lin to this country under the pretext that it was going to foster good developments, and all along the true intention was to rape this country of its resources. This underscores the need for the Ramotar administration to resign en bloc.
“They have no interest in protecting the people. They have fooled this country. It seems that this Government is being paid to shut its mouth.”
The MP pointed out that at a meeting of the Natural Resources Committee in the Parliament Office, Head of the Guyana Forestry Commission, James Singh, was requested to provide information in relation to the contractual arrangements that Government has with Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese company that has been in the spotlight for several months now, for its questionable activities.
Singh, according to Harmon, said that the Commission does not have a copy of the contract.
The Parliamentary Committee was referred to the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) for more information. But when contacted, GO-Invest was not even aware of the agreements.
“This is a most serious matter, because we have a Government that is so greedy and selfish that it is incapable of understanding that it has the responsibilities to protect the natural resources of this country.”
Commissioner Singh had defended GFC saying that Bai Shan Lin is not operating in an illegal manner, but Harmon contends that he does not trust what the nation is being told about what is legal and what isn’t in this matter.

Workers at the log pond site, east of Kwakwani bauxite mines, Berbice River.

Workers at the log pond site, east of Kwakwani bauxite mines, Berbice River.

“These companies are just being encouraged to gut this country, and indicators show that Guyana is slipping further into the abyss of poverty.”
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had made it clear that Bai Shan Lin does not have permission to cut or log.  In fact, EPA denied ever giving the Chinese company any permission to do logging. A senior official at the EPA explained it is currently in discussions with the company in relation to “scoping”.
“Scoping” is another aspect of its Environmental Assessment which Bai Shan Lin needs to complete.
This publication understands that once everything is done in accordance with the prescribed requirements, the EPA would grant Bai Shan Lin an “Environmental Authorization Permit.” This would give the company the right to log and harvest timber.
Though it is currently without a logging licence, Bai Shan Lin has teamed up with four others in joint ventures to export billions of dollars in logs.

GFC stamped logs awaiting pickup by Bai Shan Lin.

GFC stamped logs awaiting pickup by Bai Shan Lin.

It is in possession of a State Forest Exploration Permit (SFEP) which allows for an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, not large-scale logging. A Forestry official said that at present, the company should only be engaging in limited exploration logging.
In June, Bai Shan Lin submitted an application to the EPA seeking environmental authorization to undertake a large-scale logging and sawmill operation for several areas, including on the left bank of the Essequibo River, along the Berbice River and in Regions Nine and Six. That application is still pending.
The Environmental Protections Act of 1996 says that an “Environmental Impact Assessment” is required before any decision is taken to approve or reject a project of this magnitude. EPA had invited members of the public to submit, within 28 days of the notice, questions or objections. It is not clear whether this process is completed.
Bai Shan Lin has claimed access to forestry concessions that amount to close to one million hectares of rainforest, from which it plans to extract logs and ship them out of Guyana. However, Government has denied it was that much.
The company estimates that it will make US$1,800 from each hectare of land, giving it profits totaling US$1.7 billion, according to
Additionally, the company sought permission to dig up a 20-kilometre stretch of river to look for gold. Other plans include setting up what it is called a Guyana-China Timber Industry Economic and Trading Corporation Park, plus a 400-acre real estate development.
The plans were announced in 2012 by Chu Wenze, Chairman of Bai Shan Lin, at the Second World Congress on Timber and Wood Products Trade in Taicang, China.

These logs were but part of several piles along the Kwakwani/Ituni trail

These logs were but part of several piles along the Kwakwani/Ituni trail

Those plans were announced even before Guyana knew of it. The country became aware of what was happening only when Bai Shan Lin officials visited Guyana and held discussions with President Donald Ramotar and other government officials. stated that in November 2012, Chu Wenze’s plans have threatened Guyana’s proposals to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.
Bai Shan Lin is part of a group of 11 companies operating in Guyana. They are all part of the China Forest Industry Group (Hong Kong).

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Quote "After seeing the aerial view pictures of huge piles of hundreds of Guyana’s precious logs stocked and waiting to be shipped from one of Bai Shan Lin’s Kwakwani areas, Harmon believes that the evidence showcased by Kaieteur News yesterday is simply “horrendous.”unquote


This is a PPP kickback operations fellas.   Is the financial draw that got the PPP this quiet.


And Rohee want to win elections?




When this hit corentyne, his goat is cooked.


Dem boys seh…Kickback shut govt. mouth

August 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Walter Rodney seh that anything that Burnham did put he hand pun tun kaka. Rodney was a politician. Now de Waterfalls boss man seh that anything that de man who resemble de devil did put he hand pun tun cobweb.
De Enmore Packaging Plant mining cobweb; de Skeldon sugar factory start fuh collect cobweb, de Supenaam Stelling buss like cobweb. But dem boys can’t tek dem eyes off de Skeldon factory because that is de largest investment; that tek over US$200 million, dem seh (??)
Dem also seh that it gun mek sugar at half de world market price. Instead it double de price. De old factory use to produce cheaper and better. Now dem got to tun back to it. Dem boys want to know if de man who resemble de devil can tun back de US$200 million de same way how dem tun back to de old factory.
De Waterfalls boss man telling de nation all de time that every word (not sentence), de man who look like de devil talk was lie and whatever he do was fuh benefit he and he friends, not fuh de people of Guyana.
De AG did call and seh why dem boys don’t lef de man alone because he do so much good fuh Guyana. Right away dem boys ask he fuh name just one.
But he mek excuse and seh he deh drinking. After a couple of days dem boys call he back to hear wha he got fuh seh. He laugh and he seh that he still drinking. To date, not he nor one Guyanese can tell dem boys one good thing that de devil do fuh Guyana.
De same AG wha think that de devil do so much good, should explain de deal between de Chinee company and de Rat. He must also tell dem boys who really benefitting. If is de people of Guyana, Bai Shaan or de Rat who bring in de company.  Now all of dem quiet. Donald lose he mouth wid de same speed wha he lose he weight.
Rob de Earth look like if he also lose he manhood de same way he an all lose he size. He is a man who don’t like anybody seh anything negative bout he and he Ministry.
Is nuff negative thing dem boys talking bout he Ministry and Rob de Earth ain’t seh one word. Dem boys want know if he suddenly get blind, dumb and deaf.
He did get dumb when dem boys challenge he fuh do de forensic audit pun de Enmore plant.
Rohee is de other one. When dem boys ask he fuh explain wha Bai Shaan doing, he claim how de Waterfalls paper skinning up Bai Shaan because de newspaper probably ask dem fuh something and de Chinee company refuse. Dem boys want to know who or which goat gun believe something like that.
Well dem boys want tell he that most of de Guyanese people, including dem boys, is not like he and he colleagues who from de time somebody open dem mouth, dem does stretch out dem hand and open it. Is a day when somebody wrap kaka in paper and hand dem.
If dem boys ain’t lie, some of dem already get wuss than kaka as gifts.
Dem boys also want tell he that dem don’t have to ask anybody fuh favour. Dem does demand and stand up fuh what is rightfully theirs. And they will go to their graves wid that same belief and attitude.
Dem don’t ask, depend or beg fuh money fuh give visa and work permit, gun and passport. Dem only interested in mekking sure that de people of Guyana get wha dem suppose to get.
He got to ask he colleagues fuh seh wha dem collect from Bai Shaan. Dem boys motto is to make sure that de Guyanese people get their fair share and nobody can ask fuh anything more or less than that.

Talk half and wait fuh Rohee come wid he goatish attitude and behaviour again.


Time for Civic response. Stop the trucks. Do not let them pass through our communities. Insist that these fellows cease and desist their destruction of our resources. They are predators.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Time for Civic response. Stop the trucks. Do not let them pass through our communities. Insist that these fellows cease and desist their destruction of our resources. They are predators.

Certainly, it's time to block the roads to stop the rape of our resources.


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