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Bai Shan Lin’s operations is a National Scandal


-    reflects classic example of Industrial scale corruption – Bulkan    
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament, Ronald Bulkan has called the revelations regarding Bai Shan Lin’s operations in Guyana a “National Scandal” and said that all Guyanese should be concerned as the country is being faced

APNU MP, Ronald Bulkan

Ronald Bulkan

with a “real danger.”
In recent times, this newspaper has been highlighting the large scale operations of Bai Shan Lin and the fact that the company has been exporting Guyana’s most exotic woods even without the blessings of the regulatory bodies.
This newspaper has also brought to the public’s attention, the concerns of Region 10, where Bai Shan Lin has significant concessions, and the way Guyanese workers are being treated.
Bulkan, at APNU’s weekly press conference held yesterday, referred to revelations by Chairman of Region 10, Sharma Solomon, that locals are being paid as little as $500 by Bai Shan Lin, and said that it is tantamount to modern day slavery.
He said that, that and the other concerns of the people of Region 10 should be noted and taken seriously.
According to Bulkan, it is more than ridiculous that a foreign company can be allowed, moreover encouraged, to rape the country of its natural resources and get duty and tax exemption to do so as well.
Bulkan highlighted that the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on natural resources had sought information on this company before but got nowhere with it.
The Member of Parliament said that it is basic for the government to, at least, demand that the material is processed before exported out of the country.
The politician, who has a background in wood working said, that the policy of domestic processing was taken seriously by Guyana in the past but seemingly not anymore. He said however, that companies should not be allowed to export without even having at least a small saw mill.
He stressed, “We really should not allow our lumber to be exported in the raw material.”
The politician said that what Guyana is seeing unfold is a classic example of industrial scale corruption. Bulkan said this as he questioned “why else would our government allow this…they need to explain the reasoning behind allowing a foreign company to extract and export our resources on a large scale and give the country little or nothing in return.”
Bulkan noted that the resources Bai Shan Lin is grabbing cannot be replaced in two or three generations, “we are faced with a real danger.
“We are not seeing how Guyana is benefitting and at the rate of exploitation, very soon all our resources will be all gone and that is the real danger.”
Bulkan pointed to the whole page advertisement placed in the newspapers by Bai Shan Lin and said that it is the worst kind of three card trick.
The advertisement which carries a headline “Bai Shan Lin forest operations are in compliance with the sustainable forest management and legality guidelines of Guyana” was accompanied by a photo captioned “Bai Shan Lin Linden Timber Processing Plant”
Bulkan told the media yesterday that the photo which accompanied the ad is nothing else but fake.
He said “you can ask any Lindener about the processing plant. It is not what you saw in the paper, that is a computer image and probably in the fine prints they will tell you some funny story.”

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Bai Shan Lin logging scandal…Evidence more than enough to warrant an immediate investigation- TIGI tells Gov’t.

August 16, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


- No amount of revenue can compensate for the destruction of our forest resources

While the evidence of wanton exploitation of Guyana’s forests has been exposed by this publication, the oversight bodies; The Guyana Forestry Commission and the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry, have started a campaign in an effort to repair the damage done to their image and refute the claims.

logs waiting to be shipped from Bai Shan Lin’s Kwakwani Site

logs waiting to be shipped from Bai Shan Lin’s Kwakwani Site

Transparency Institute Guyana Inc. (TIGI) via a missive yesterday said that it has been following with keen interest, the various news reports of the apparent exploitation of precious forest resources through the indiscriminate logging and exportation of logs, especially by two overseas companies reportedly enjoying substantial concessions from the Government of Guyana. However, TIGI said that there are conflicting reports as to whether these companies; Bai Shan Lin and Baitarani, are permitted to conduct logging operations and to export the logs under the terms and conditions of their respective contracts with the Government. The agency noted that it is also unclear whether the companies’ operations are in conformity with Guyana’s laws, specifically the Guyana Forestry Commission Act and the Environmental Protection Act. TIGI said that it finds it particularly troubling that both the Ministry of National Resources and the Guyana Forestry Commission have opted to defend the operations of the companies even in the face of damning photographical evidence. TIGI noted too that the defence by the Commission and the Ministry are cushioned with information that appears incomplete and misleading. In light of all that has been highlighted by various outlets, TIGI believes that it is more than substantial for the Government to make available publicly, the contracts entered into with the two overseas companies. The anti-corruption agency also stated that the findings of the media and the public outrage, is also more than enough for the Government to place a halt on the operations of the companies until the truth is determined. It also sought to remind the Government of its obligation under Article 149 (2) of the Constitution which requires the State to “protect the environment, for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable and other legislative measures designed to – (a) prevent pollution and ecological degradation; (b) promote conservation; and (c) secure sustainable development and use of natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social development”. At the same time, TIGI strongly recommended that the Government take urgent measures to provide for an independent investigation to determine whether there has been any violation by the companies or any related entities, of their contractual and statutory obligations. Only after it is determined that there are no such breaches, should the two companies be allowed to continue operations, the agency suggested. It said too, that recommendations from such an investigation should be applied across the entire sector and lead to a strengthening of the laws and procedures regulating the sector. TIGI is also of the view that even if these two companies are operating within the confines of their contractual arrangements with the Government, to the extent that such arrangements conflict with national interest, especially as regards the protection of Guyana’s environment and forest resources, the contracts should be rescinded forthwith.


Quote " The advertisement which carries a headline “Bai Shan Lin forest operations are in compliance with the sustainable forest management and legality guidelines of Guyana” was accompanied by a photo captioned “Bai Shan Lin Linden Timber Processing Plant” Bulkan told the media yesterday that the photo which accompanied the ad is nothing else but fake. unquote


"Guyana is seeing unfold is a classic example of industrial scale corruption. Bulkan said this as he questioned “why else would our government allow this…they need to explain the reasoning behind allowing a foreign company to extract and export our resources on a large scale and give the country little or nothing in return.” ....Ronald Bulkan


Ramotar has demonstrated that he is a thief just like jagdeo and the rest of the cabal. 


These fellows are all into raping and pillaging and destroying Guyana. When they are done the chinese will have destroyed our forests, polluted the land and killed off the fishing population. 


The chinese are investing a ton of money getting trawlers to Guyana. Ramsammy is actively working on that as we speak.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ramotar has demonstrated that he is a thief just like jagdeo and the rest of the cabal. 


These fellows are all into raping and pillaging and destroying Guyana. When they are done the chinese will have destroyed our forests, polluted the land and killed off the fishing population. 


The chinese are investing a ton of money getting trawlers to Guyana. Ramsammy is actively working on that as we speak.

They are about to give a fishing license to a Chinese factory ship! These fellows are without conscience.


10600464 chinese ownership  Baseman was right we should not speak up about anything going in Guyana especially if the PPP sell the whole country to China.


We should shut we mouth and be dumb like him.


Images (1)
  • 10600464 chinese ownership

The company’s concessions are illustrated in one of the slides in Chu Wenze’s presentation:


According to the website Global Timber, these concessions were taken over from other concession holders, a process known as “landlording” which is illegal in Guyana (unless officially authorised by the President). Under Guyanese law, forest concessions cannot be traded, but must be re-advertised by the Forestry Commission in an open auction.

Last week, Bai Shan Lin ignored a cease order issued by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission at a sand excavation pit in Moblissa. The company has received no permission for excavation work in the area and this is the third time that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission has issued a cease order. Bai Shan Lin has also started construction of a road, without any permission.

Despite the company’s record, among its supporters is Guyana’s ex-President Bharrat Jagdeo.


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