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I just got this email from Albert Baldeo



Press Statement on Behalf of Albert Baldeo
We regret the decision of the United States Attorney's Office to file a criminal complaint against Mr. Baldeo. Albert Baldeo has devoted himself to public service in his Queens neighborhood as a district leader and has built a career as a lawyer representing the most needy in the Guyanese and other immigrant communities in which he serves. The government has expended tremendous resources to harass and target him for a city council campaign in which he received no public funds. The government's crusade against Mr. Baldeo is particularly vindictive and discriminatory given that past history reveals that more sinister conduct alleged against establishment candidates often resulted in civil administrative proceedings -- and not criminal cases. This case represents another example of overreaching by prosecutors. We intend to vindicate Mr. Baldeo's good name and commendable civil service. We regret, however, that the government will force this well-intentioned community servant to suffer the emotional and financial costs and family hardships that criminal litigation entails.
For additional comments or inquiries, please contact:
Henry E. Mazurek, Esq.
Clayman & Rosenberg LLP
305 Madison Ave., Suite 1301
New York, New York 10165
(212) 922-1080
Attorneys for Albert Baldeo

Vish M

Former City Council candidate Albert Baldeo busted for using 'straw donors' to steal matching funds

  • Last Updated: 12:48 PM, October 24, 2012
  • Posted: 12:47 PM, October 24, 2012

A prominent Queens Democrat and one-time candidate for City Council was busted this morning for allegedly using bogus β€œstraw donors” to rip off matching funds from Campaign Finance Board.

Albert Baldeo, a Democratic district leader representing southeastern Queens, was slapped with four counts of conspiracy and fraud by Manhattan federal prosecutors and faces more than 20 years in the slammer.

β€œBaldeo was so focused on securing a position with the New York City Council that he was willing to break the law to increase his chances,” said Manhattan USAttorney Preet Bharara.


Baldeo, 52, an immigration attorney, lost his 2010 Democratic primary to Ruben Willis.

β€œMr. Baldeo allegedly fabricated contributions to his campaign in order to receive $6 in matching funds for every dollar he raised,” said FBI Acting Assistant Director Mary Galligan.

He sought to turn $15,000 into $90,000 by recruiting people to make donations then providing them money orders or cash to do so, the feds allege.

Baldeo was also charged with obstructing the investigation for lying to the feds and instructing his sham donors to lie. He surrendered Wednesday, authorities said, and was expected later today in federal court.

He also ran unsuccessfully for state Senate in 2006.

Vish M
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A lot of People says he is a pampous man. His brother the DR is another Pampous and money Hungry RH Resident. I has an experience with the Dr Office I will never forget.

The man is a Dr. not a miracle worker. He can't cure stupiidity.

Nehru gon call yuh some serious names

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A lot of People says he is a pampous man. His brother the DR is another Pampous and money Hungry RH Resident. I has an experience with the Dr Office I will never forget.

The man is a Dr. not a miracle worker. He can't cure stupiidity.

Nehru gon call yuh some serious names

Ray, Dat Cunumunu, Lamata, Dry Coconut eating Bastard is best left to his state of illiteracy and Ignorance.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Please be guided accordingly.


Very truly yours,


Albert Baldeo

Albert Baldeo, Esq.

Don't mess with KARMA--what goes around, comes around---do good and good comes back to you---do evil and evil comes back to you---wrongfully threaten others--and those threats come back and bitchslap you. Looks like Karma has decided to pay Baldeo a visit--he will pay dearly for his wicked deeds--Karma!



What good do you do you racist slimeball?

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Is it not most ironic that both Ed and Baldeo who participated in my haircutting and assault are now in the "Claws of Justice" finally

As you know,  it was stated back then when you got beat up that what was being aired in public on this site will cause the authorities to investigate. While your treatment was nakedly criminal it was but the tip of the pile of arrogance of these egoistic fools. Everything Ed,  Trevor et al was charged with came out on this site 10 years ago. They all threatened to sue  the BBS.   Also, Farouk detailed everything that Baldeo is accused of here as well down to the persons involved. Baldeo denied he was ever in the vicinity of the hair cutting incident claiming he intervened. He had Farouk doing his dirty work then but that dog turned and took a huge chunk of his ass.

Originally Posted by Chief:

What is the most time can Baldeo get for this crime?

As much as ED  even though his supposed transgressions are  simply that of ignoring the rules and spending money ( his own) through straw donors in a self financing campaign scheme  Under present rules I am of the opinion he could have legitimately have one of his cronies form a 501(c)(3) and do it legitimately.


I really commend any immigrant who tries to progress his political future in this great country call USA.


Mr Baldeo tried and for that I give him credit.


However, what has he done for the Guyanese community?


If anyone knows, please list them?


Thank you.



Is there any comparative study of what the Sikhs leaders did for their community vis a vis the Guyanese leaders?


Did the Guyanese leaders only helped themselves?


Or did they actually tried?


Ex-Council, Senate candidate indicted

Baldeo accused of skirting donor law

Posted: Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:30 am | Updated: 2:56 pm, Thu Oct 25, 2012.

Al Baldeo, the Democratic district leader in the 38th Assembly District and former candidate for City Council and state Senate, surrendered to the FBI on Wednesday on charges that he spearheaded a scheme to use straw donors to funnel multiple illegal campaign contributions to his City Council campaign.

In 2010, Baldeo, a Richmond Hill lawyer, ran in the special election to fill the 28th Council District seat left vacant by the death of former Councilman Tom White Jr. He lost the race to Councilman Ruben Wills (D-South Jamaica).

According to the indictment released by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, Baldeo used false donors in order to get matching funds from the city during his 2010 campaign. The U.S. Attorney’s Office said Baldeo allegedly provided money orders and cash for others to give to him in their names, making it appear that they donated the money themselves.

Further, the indictment alleges that he asked the fake donors to lie to federal investigators when he learned they were probing the scheme.

He is facing four charges including fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud and obstruction of justice and two counts of conspiracy to do each. If convicted, Baldeo could face up to 20 years in prison on each charge.

Baldeo also ran for the City Council in 2005 and 2009, losing both times to White, and for the state Senate in 2006 when he fell a few hundred voters shy of defeating then-Sen. Serphin Maltese. In the latter race, many local Democratic clubs declined to endorse Baldeo and instead backed Maltese.

Since his 2010 loss, Baldeo has remained involved in politics, serving as a Democratic district leader and attending a number of events in the Richmond Hill and Indo-Caribbean community as part of his group, United Communities Alliance. Baldeo had scheduled a community forum meeting on Tuesday night at La Bella Vita in Ozone Park that was abruptly canceled.

Vish M

District Leader Arrested On Fraud Charge


willets pt
Albert Baldeo

Albert Baldeo, a Democratic district leader and immigration attorney, was arrested Wednesday morning and charged with allegedly using "straw donors" to funnel multiple illegal contributions to his 2010 City Council campaign. 

  Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Mary Galligan, the Acting Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the FBI, announced Baldeo was also charged with obstruction of the government's investigation into the alleged scheme. 

  Baldeo, 52, was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit mailfraud, one count of attempting to commit mail fraud, one count of conspiring to obstruct justice and one count of obstruction of justice. Each count carries a maximum sentence of twenty years in prison. This case will be prosecuted by the Dept. of Justice's Public Corruption Unit.

  On Tuesday night, Baldeo was supposed to host a forum at La Bella Vita, a catering hall in Ozone Park, to discuss various community issues. A woman at the hall's entrance said the forum had been cancelled due to a "family emergency." 

  Baldeo and Michael Reich, executive secretary of the Queens Democratic Party, did not respond to calls for comment as of press time. 

  "As alleged, Queens District Leader Albert Baldeo was so focused on securing a position with the New York City Council that he was willing to break the law to increase his chances - including engaging in a scheme to circumvent campaign finance laws by funneling his own money through 'straw donors,'" Bharara said. 

  According to the unsealed complaint, one object of the alleged scheme was to increase the amount of matching campaign funds the Baldeo campaign would receive from the City. The probe, which reportedly began in 2010 when Baldeo was campaigning to replace the late Councilman Tom White Jr., found that Baldeo's office manager allegedly provided money orders to individuals to contribute to the campaign in their own names, even though Baldeo supplied the funds and these individuals did not contribute any of their own money.

  As part of this alleged scheme, Baldeo instructed the "straw donors" to sign contribution cards falsely affirming that the contribution was being made from their personal funds and was not being reimbursed in any manner. 

  The Baldeo campaign sought matching funds for approximately $15,000 in contributions to the campaign, which would have resulted in about $90,000 in public matching money had the New York City Campaign Finance Board not determined that the Baldeo campaign was ineligible for matching funds due to questions about the validity of various contributions.

  "Today's announcement from the U.S. Attorney's Office shows that the CFB's diligent oversight and enforcement efforts are effective at stopping those few who try to break the rules and defraud the City," said CFB spokesman Matt Sollars. 

  Baldeo also allegedly obstructed the investigation by repeatedly instructing certain "straw donors" to provide false information to FBI agents. Known as an ambitious yet mercurial presence in the Richmond Hill and Ozone Park political scene, Baldeo nearly defeated former Republican State Sen. Serph Maltese in 2006. During a failed City Council bid in 2005, Baldeo was charged with pulling a gun on the wife of his opponent, Robby Mahadeo. 

  The Dept. of Justice allegations are very similar to those brought against the campaign of Comptroller John Liu. Earlier this year, Liu's campaign treasurer was arrested for allegedly participating in a scheme that used "straw donors" to funnel illegal contributions to Liu's campaign. 

  "This [Albert Baldeo] arrest does not come to me as a surprise," said Richmond Hill civic leader and former City Council candidate Harpreet Toor. "I was expecting something like this to happen." 

  Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127.

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

District Leader Arrested On Fraud Charge


willets pt
Albert Baldeo

Albert Baldeo, a Democratic district leader and immigration attorney, was arrested Wednesday morning and charged with allegedly using "straw donors" to funnel multiple illegal contributions to his 2010 City Council campaign. 

  Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Mary Galligan, the Acting Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the FBI, announced Baldeo was also charged with obstruction of the government's investigation into the alleged scheme. 

  Baldeo, 52, was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit mailfraud, one count of attempting to commit mail fraud, one count of conspiring to obstruct justice and one count of obstruction of justice. Each count carries a maximum sentence of twenty years in prison. This case will be prosecuted by the Dept. of Justice's Public Corruption Unit.

  On Tuesday night, Baldeo was supposed to host a forum at La Bella Vita, a catering hall in Ozone Park, to discuss various community issues. A woman at the hall's entrance said the forum had been cancelled due to a "family emergency." 

  Baldeo and Michael Reich, executive secretary of the Queens Democratic Party, did not respond to calls for comment as of press time. 

  "As alleged, Queens District Leader Albert Baldeo was so focused on securing a position with the New York City Council that he was willing to break the law to increase his chances - including engaging in a scheme to circumvent campaign finance laws by funneling his own money through 'straw donors,'" Bharara said. 

  According to the unsealed complaint, one object of the alleged scheme was to increase the amount of matching campaign funds the Baldeo campaign would receive from the City. The probe, which reportedly began in 2010 when Baldeo was campaigning to replace the late Councilman Tom White Jr., found that Baldeo's office manager allegedly provided money orders to individuals to contribute to the campaign in their own names, even though Baldeo supplied the funds and these individuals did not contribute any of their own money.

  As part of this alleged scheme, Baldeo instructed the "straw donors" to sign contribution cards falsely affirming that the contribution was being made from their personal funds and was not being reimbursed in any manner. 

  The Baldeo campaign sought matching funds for approximately $15,000 in contributions to the campaign, which would have resulted in about $90,000 in public matching money had the New York City Campaign Finance Board not determined that the Baldeo campaign was ineligible for matching funds due to questions about the validity of various contributions.

  "Today's announcement from the U.S. Attorney's Office shows that the CFB's diligent oversight and enforcement efforts are effective at stopping those few who try to break the rules and defraud the City," said CFB spokesman Matt Sollars. 

  Baldeo also allegedly obstructed the investigation by repeatedly instructing certain "straw donors" to provide false information to FBI agents. Known as an ambitious yet mercurial presence in the Richmond Hill and Ozone Park political scene, Baldeo nearly defeated former Republican State Sen. Serph Maltese in 2006. During a failed City Council bid in 2005, Baldeo was charged with pulling a gun on the wife of his opponent, Robby Mahadeo. 

  The Dept. of Justice allegations are very similar to those brought against the campaign of Comptroller John Liu. Earlier this year, Liu's campaign treasurer was arrested for allegedly participating in a scheme that used "straw donors" to funnel illegal contributions to Liu's campaign. 

  "This [Albert Baldeo] arrest does not come to me as a surprise," said Richmond Hill civic leader and former City Council candidate Harpreet Toor. "I was expecting something like this to happen." 

  Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127.

Baldeo seems to like this photograph a lot. He can have fun looking at it all the time. But he has to be careful. These alleged intimidation charges will be taken serious. and also they said that people who were supposedly intimidate will turn up to testify against him.


Queens pol Albert Baldeo busted for using straw campaign  donors during failed bid for open city council seat  

Baldeo allegedly fabricated contributions to his campaign to receive $6 in matching funds for every dollar he raised

Comments (4)
Albert Baldeo, a Queens democratic district leader, was hit with federal fraud charges Wednesday for allegedly using straw donors to fatten his campaign coffers.


Albert Baldeo, a Queens democratic district leader, was hit with federal fraud charges Wednesday for allegedly using straw donors to fatten his campaign coffers.


A Queens politician was hit with federal fraud charges Wednesday for allegedly using straw donors to fatten his campaign coffers so he could receive city matching funds β€” and threatening contributors who cooperated with investigators.

Albert Baldeo, who is the Democratic district leader in the Richmond Hill section, allegedly did the end-around campaign finance laws during his failed bid in 2010 to win an open seat on the City Council.

Baldeo, 52, allegedly β€œfabricated contributions to his campaign in order to receive six dollars in matching funds for every dollar he raised,” said Mary Galligan, the FBI’s acting assistant director in New York.

β€œThese were nothing more than funds drawn from his own bank account, disguised as donations from others.”

lawyer, Baldeo bumbled onto the feds’ radar when he submitted filings claiming a campaign war chest of $46,019 that were littered with bogus contributions.

Among others, Baldeo claimed he’d gotten a $95 donation from a Christopher O’Hearn, who was the campaign treasurer for another city council candidate, Charles Bilal.

O’Hearn denied giving Baldeo any dough.

When Baldeo got wind the feds were investigating, he β€œtold straw donors to lie to our agents and in some cases threatened and intimidated others in a vain attempt to derail the FBI’s investigation,” Galligan said.

β€œBaldeo was so focused on securing a position with the New York City Council that he was willing to break the law to increase his chances,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said.

Baldeo, the district leader in the 38th Assembly District, turned himself in Wednesday and was charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud, attempting to commit mail fraud, conspiring to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice.

Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

Baldeo, who is being prosecuted by the federal Public Corruption Unit, had no immediate comment. He wound up losing the special election to fill the seat to Ruben Wills.

Read more:

Vish M

Democratic district leader Albert Baldeo lashes out, dismissing federal fraud rap as 'discriminatory and vindictive crusade'

Backers of disgraced political operative, who has been tarnished during several unsuccessful bids for elected office, say fraud charges are part of 'witch hunt'

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012, 9:22 PM

Albert Baldeo, the disgraced Queens Democratic district leader who was charged this week with campaign fraud, is fighting back.

Baldeo’s lawyers sent out a statement late Wednesday accusing federal prosecutors of β€œoverreaching,” and said they were engaging in a β€œcrusade” that was vindictive and discriminatory.

The feds announced earlier Wednesday that they were charging Baldeo, 52, with conspiracy to commit mail fraud, obstruction of justice and several related counts, all stemming from his 2010 bid for City Council.

Prosecutors say Baldeo used straw donors in an effort to qualify for matching campaign funds when he ran for City Council in 2010. They also said he threatened contributors who cooperated with investigators.

β€œThe government’s crusade against Mr. Baldeo is particularly vindictive and discriminatory given that past history reveals that more sinister conduct alleged against establishment candidates often resulted in civil administrative proceedings β€” and not criminal cases,” the statement read.

The statement was emailed to reporters from Baldeo’s account but referred calls to his lawyer, Henry Mazurek.

An additional statement from a group called β€œConcerned Leaders of South East Queens” goes a step further, calling the government’s prosecution of Baldeo a β€œwitch hunt.”

The statement goes on to say that the charges send β€œthe wrong message to minorities that we will be vilified and destroyed if we run for office.”

Baldeo, a Guyana-born immigration lawyer, had worked hard in recent years to establish himself as a political and community presence in Richmond Hill and Ozone Park, but several of his failed attempts for office have been mired in controversy.

In 2005, the wife of political rival Robert Mahadeo accused Baldeo of threatening her with a gun. Baldeo countered by pressed charges of his own, accusing Mahadeo of threatening him.

He flirted with running for state Senate in 2008; the move upset the Queens Democratic Party, which was backing Joseph Addabbo Jr. for the spot.

At one point, Baldeo hinted he would drop out of the race if the Queens Democratic Party backed him for a judgeship.

After weeks of blasting his would-be Democratic rival, Baldeo agreed to endorse Addabbo.

In 2010, he was one of seven candidates who ran in a special election to fill the seat of deceased City Councilman Thomas White Jr.

His fundraising practices in that election drew the attention of investigators.

β€œBaldeo was so focused on securing a position with the New York City Council that he was willing to break the law to increase his chances,” said U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in the statement issued Wednesday.

Baldeo’s camp remained confident that he would beat the charges.

β€œWe intend to vindicate Mr. Baldeo’s good name and commendable civil service,” his lawyers said in a statement.

Read more:

Vish M
Originally Posted by Prashad:

BBhharraaraa may be trying to create a political career.  Anone who is his political opponent in the future should be given financial support in their political campaign.  Sorry to hear about Robby's story he is a good man.

Prashad, Preet is just doing his job.  Like it or not the man is just doing his job okay. 


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