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Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman you have to be an ass to say that the crookedness of Guyanese in America is as a reSult of the PNC.

Did I say "the crookedness of Guyanese in America is as a reSult of the PNC."?

You have to be a certified retard to make such an asinine statement.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman you have to be an ass to say that the crookedness of Guyanese in America is as a reSult of the PNC.

Did I say "the crookedness of Guyanese in America is as a reSult of the PNC."?

You have to be a certified retard to make such an asinine statement.

The retard is the one like you who believe that everything PNC IS BAD AND THE pp THIVES ARE YOUR gOD.

Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

mAN skelly FIGHT fIRE WITH fIRE. yUH SEE WHA ME DO WID pOOHAR, see how he pull his tail in.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

mAN skelly FIGHT fIRE WITH fIRE. yUH SEE WHA ME DO WID pOOHAR, see how he pull his tail in.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

mAN skelly FIGHT fIRE WITH fIRE. yUH SEE WHA ME DO WID pOOHAR, see how he pull his tail in.

Bhai Nehru, God made all of use equal. Regardless of who you are, you are just another human being. When the conceited individual exhibits his scornful attitude, he laughs as if he scorns and mocks himself. He is a very unhappy and insecure individual.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

mAN skelly FIGHT fIRE WITH fIRE. yUH SEE WHA ME DO WID pOOHAR, see how he pull his tail in.


In your blood dream *******!!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

mAN skelly FIGHT fIRE WITH fIRE. yUH SEE WHA ME DO WID pOOHAR, see how he pull his tail in.

Bhai Nehru, God made all of use equal. Regardless of who you are, you are just another human being. When the conceited individual exhibits his scornful attitude, he laughs as if he scorns and mocks himself. He is a very unhappy and insecure individual.

Skelly Bhai YES BUT NEVER let any of these Parasites talk to you as they feel. If they do, give them hell like uncle Nehru.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

mAN skelly FIGHT fIRE WITH fIRE. yUH SEE WHA ME DO WID pOOHAR, see how he pull his tail in.

Bhai Nehru, God made all of use equal. Regardless of who you are, you are just another human being. When the conceited individual exhibits his scornful attitude, he laughs as if he scorns and mocks himself. He is a very unhappy and insecure individual.

Bro don't let me start with you.

Insecure? me??

You taking your low life shit and rubbing on others.

Originally Posted by Chief:



I am happy that you come to the realization that life has many things to offer, so get off that PNC RACIOST TRAIT.

Chief, I did not infer that the PNC is the source of crookedness in GY. All I meant(sarcastically) that you will deny that there was no corruption during the PNC days. So hold your name calling and rush to judgement.

Go back and read the statement.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:



I am happy that you come to the realization that life has many things to offer, so get off that PNC RACIOST TRAIT.

Chief, I did not infer that the PNC is the source of crookedness in GY. All I meant(sarcastically) that you will deny that there was no corruption during the PNC days. So hold your name calling and rush to judgement.

Go back and read the statement.

Sarcastically or not do not  mess with the Chief.

I notice you are allowing a man who grew up in a hore house to lead you on.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


GNI has been a peacful place until you return with your low life nonsense.

You seem to be very unkind to those people who correct your irrational thinking. You calling people names such as low life only gives one the impression that you are comparing your inferior inner feelings to others. If you feel inferior to others; it's ok. Your money or riches will not make you superior to anyone. Move on, life has alot to offer.

mAN skelly FIGHT fIRE WITH fIRE. yUH SEE WHA ME DO WID pOOHAR, see how he pull his tail in.

Bhai Nehru, God made all of use equal. Regardless of who you are, you are just another human being. When the conceited individual exhibits his scornful attitude, he laughs as if he scorns and mocks himself. He is a very unhappy and insecure individual.

Bro don't let me start with you.

Insecure? me??

You taking your low life shit and rubbing on others.

You start the name calling. Let's not allow this escalate. We should agree to disagree and still be civil with each other.


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