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Ballot boxes for all regions to be recounted

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…under supervision of High-Level CARICOM team

Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Irwin LaRocque has clarified that President David Granger and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo have agreed to the recounting of the ballot boxes for all the administrative regions under the supervision of a high-level team of regional officials.

The clarification by the Secretary General was made following a statement made earlier on Saturday by Chair of Caricom and Prime Minister of Barbados,Mia Mottley.

She noted on Saturday that the independent High Level Team will be chaired by Francine Baron, former Attorney General and Foreign Minister and comprise Mr. Anthony Boatswain, former Minister of Finance of Grenada and Ms. Cynthia Barrow-Giles, Senior Lecturer in Department of Government of University of the West Indies. They will also be accompanied by the two Chief Election Officers from Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.

Mottley said that after a high-level team of Caribbean Prime Ministers engaged the affected parties this week, CARICOM has remained engaged over the last few days.

She said that after discussions this morning, President Granger made a request for CARICOM to field the team and this has been agreed to by Jagdeo.

“We believe that this is a giant step in being able to determine the will of the Guyanese people in the Election of March 2, 2020. It will also allow the electoral process to regain the confidence of all locally, regionally and internationally,”Mottley said.

She said she spoke directly to both the President and Jagdeo and they have both committed to abide by the results of a fair and transparent recount of each and every ballot, as supervised by the CARICOM team. “We also agreed that there needs to be steps taken to secure the integrity of the ballot boxes until the Recount takes place,” she said.

She said the President and the Leader of the Opposition have agreed that the recount should commence once the CARICOM team is on the ground.

“I can confirm that all efforts are being made to have the team in Guyana as soon as possible. A further announcement will be made as to the exact details once the team is on the ground,”she said.


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GECOM considers national recount of votes cast


CARICOM Chairman, Barbados’ Prime Minister, Mia Amor Mottley flanked by (left to right) the Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit; the Prime Minister of Grenada, Keith Mitchell; the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Keith Rowley and the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is considering an agreement by Guyana’s two major political leaders for a total national recount of votes cast in the March 2, 2020 general elections under the supervision of a Caribbean Community (CARICOM) team.

“The proposition is for a national recount,” Election Commissioner, Vincent Alexander told reporters.

CARICOM Secretary General Irwin La Rocque said CARICOM  Chairman, Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados has asked him to clarify her earlier statement: “CARICOM Team to supervise the Guyana Elections recount.”

“For the avoidance of doubt, His Excellency President David Granger and Leader of the Opposition Mr Bharrat Jagdeo had agreed to a recount of all Regions and not just Region 4,” La Rocque said.

He said the proposed recount of votes to be supervised by a Caribbean Community (CARICOM) mission, was brought to the attention of the seven-member GECOM on Saturday and CARICOM has been asked to provide some clarifications.

GECOM said the Region Four Regional Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo refused requests for recounts because none of the parties adhered to the statutory timeline to apply for the appointment of counting agents. GECOM said in this regard, no counting agent was duly appointed for any parties and only a counting agent can request a recount.

Election Commissioner Alexander said although the Returning Officer rejected requests for recounts, the seven-member commission would make decisions to cater for President David Granger’s request for Caricom to conduct the recount. Caricom Chairman, Mia Mottley said she has since spoken with Jagdeo and he and Granger have agreed to accept the results of a “fair and transparent” count. “He (Returning Officer) has a statutory function but I think this matter is probably now at another level and it becomes a question of the commission which has ultimately responsibility for the work of GECOM to give consideration to the matter in the context of the evolving controversy,” Alexander said.

Talk of a national recount surfaced earlier Saturday when A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) said it would ask for recounts in the other nine districts once there is a recount in Region Four which has been dogged by a more than week-long controversy over the procedure to be used for tabulation.

” In the event any recount is granted for region four, we intend to pursue our application for recounts in regions one to ten,” APNU+AFC co-campaign manager, Joseph Harmon said in a statement.

Opposition Leader Jagdeo has already said that he would not object to recounts in the other nine regions, several of which are APNU+AFC strongholds. “Other regions have been declared so we  have gone past the statutory period for which to request a recount. But let me tell you something- my position is that should APNU want a recount in any part of  this country although we have gone past that statutory period for a request for a recount, the People’s Progressive Party will accede to their request because we have a duty to allow people’s votes to be counted and, therefore, if that is a verification that APNU wants for some areas, that’s fine; let’s give them the verification and the comfort,” Jagdeo has said.

Harmon made known the coalition’s position about two hours after Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Chairman, Barbados’ Prime Minister Mottley announced that President David Granger asked her to send a team to oversee a recount of the votes cast in region four.

That move follows a controversy over the transparency and credibility of the tabulation process for the votes cast in Region Four. Returning Officer for Region Four, Clairmointh Mingo Friday night declared that APNU+AFC won 136,057 and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) 77,231 in the general elections, while the regional elections saw APNU+AFC getting 130,289 and the PPP 74,827.

The PPP objected to the speed at which the tabulation process had been conducted and the quality of the projected images of the statements of poll.


Just another stall need for  that, only Region4 is required and even that is not neccessary.

The signed statement if polls should be all that's needed. Only someone who is a dunce would say full vote recount needed.

Anyone with a brain would know that GECOM is not independent and that the PPP would be totally unable rig the elections. 

The PPP have had all of their elections certified as free and fair be international observers, we can't say the same for the other party. 

I said quite a bit in this post but it is for the bare batty man prancing around shakin he BT "yes yes alyuh gon see now alyuh gon see"

 Who win win..but let democracy prevail

Last edited by Former Member

Bai Cain, how hapless are those people from GECOM especially the ones in region 4? After two weeks and after counting all votes except the ones in region 4, they are going to start back from scratch. The behavior of the region 4 RO is a total disgrace and hopefully he is held accountable for it at some point.


Nothing coming from GECOM is worthwhile anymore. If they brazenly commit contempt against the CJ and spat in the face of the Americans, British, Canadians and Europeans it proves that that are unable to grasp the seriousness of where their next meal is coming from. Claudette Singh is gross disgrace. 


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