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ntro: Mr. Balram Singh Rai was Guyana's first Home Affairs Minister whose term was short-lived after Dr. Jagan asked the Governor to revoke Mr. Rai's ministerial portfolio in June, 1962. This was subsequent to Mr. Rai, who was Deputy (Vice) Chairman of the PPP, being expelled by Dr. and Mrs Jagan, because he would not retract his statement that the Jagans rigged the PPP elections for Party Chairman post in 1962. Rai was not going to be bullied or become a Communist as was the Jagans' idelogy at the time.

The Jagans passed around slips to delegate-voters, with names they were meant to vote for. Mr. Rai migrated to the UK in 1970, refusing offers from Forbes Burnham, and a lucrative legal career in Guyana. He never returned to Guyana and has since lived in self-imposed exile in England. Over the decades, the PPP has engaged in erasing Mr. Rai's role in Guyanese history by refusing to mention his contributions in their articles, in Dr. Jagan's books, etc. The fact that most Guyanese who were born after the sixties do not know of Mr. Rai, is evidence of the PPP campaign.

On February 16, 1962 (β€œBlack Friday&rdquo, when British Guiana was in the throes of supposed anti-budget demonstrations, led by Mr. Burnham and Mr. D’ Aguiar (funded by the CIA), Home Affairs Minister Rai single-handed manned the situation as every other PPP minister including the Jagans were in hiding. Mr. Rai was able to countermanned the order by the police commissioner to shoot protestors if needed. If this had happened, BG would have descended into a state of civil war. For much more, please see the page on the Rai Debate. Below is he review of the new and first book on Mr. Balram Singh Rai. Also, the controversial lauching of the book in Guyana where the son of Dr. Jagan, "Joey" Jagan offensively protested the depiction of his father by columnist, Frederick Kissoon, saying he'd slap the columnist if he was at the book launch.

See the Rai Debate in Guyana's Press

The Hon. Balram Singh Rai as Home Affairs Minister, 1961-62


Compliment of Rakesh Ranmpetab

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Intro: Mr. Balram Singh Rai was Guyana's first Home Affairs Minister whose term was short-lived after Dr. Jagan asked the Governor to revoke Mr. Rai's ministerial portfolio in June, 1962. This was subsequent to Mr. Rai, who was Deputy (Vice) Chairman of the PPP, being expelled by Dr. and Mrs Jagan, because he would not retract his statement that the Jagans rigged the PPP elections for Party Chairman post in 1962. Rai was not going to be bullied or become a Communist as was the Jagans' idelogy at the time.


The Jagans passed around slips to delegate-voters, with names they were meant to vote for. Mr. Rai migrated to the UK in 1970, refusing offers from Forbes Burnham, and a lucrative legal career in Guyana. He never returned to Guyana and has since lived in self-imposed exile in England. Over the decades, the PPP has engaged in erasing Mr. Rai's role in Guyanese history by refusing to mention his contributions in their articles, in Dr. Jagan's books, etc. The fact that most Guyanese who were born after the sixties do not know of Mr. Rai, is evidence of the PPP campaign.


On February 16, 1962 (β€œBlack Friday&rdquo, when British Guiana was in the throes of supposed anti-budget demonstrations, led by Mr. Burnham and Mr. D’ Aguiar (funded by the CIA), Home Affairs Minister Rai single-handed manned the situation as every other PPP minister including the Jagans were in hiding. Mr. Rai was able to countermanned the order by the police commissioner to shoot protestors if needed. If this had happened, BG would have descended into a state of civil war. For much more, please see the page on the Rai Debate. Below is he review of the new and first book on Mr. Balram Singh Rai. 




Mr. Benn was put under restriction orders, like the Jagans after the suspension of the Constitution in 1953. He and Nunes were later put in detention in 1964 while they were still ministers, by the Colonial hierarchy.

I have examined the Party's records of the 10th Congress held on April 21-23, 1962 at the Guiana Oriental College in Georgetown to check on the allegations of rigging contained in Stabroek News. The records show that, contrary to rigging, there were 21 Party groups, which nominated Brindley Benn to be Chairman and 8, which nominated Balram Singh Rai. This in itself shows that Benn was the popular candidate.

The letter states categorically that the man in charge of elections was Benn. But this is absurd. Never in the 55 years of the Party has a candidate been in charge of elections. I attach a copy of correspondence that shows that Claude Christian was the Returning Officer and in charge of preparing and administrating the elections.

I cannot avoid commenting on the spurious and malignant accusations of electoral rigging levelled at the Jagans by Rampertab. It is clear that his letter was intended to smear the Jagans with the tag of being "election riggers" to match the PNC which rigged all elections from 1968 to 1985. It is all part of a plan to hit the PPP by denigrating its leader Cheddi Jagan and making him and his Party no better than the real election riggers of the PNC.

But I don't think Guyanese will forget that it was the PPP led by Cheddi Jagan which first uncovered the PNC' s electoral rigging in the 1968 elections and fought and exposed it, alone, for many many years. Civil Society then was afraid of PNC thuggery and, in fact, three journalists in 1973 lost their jobs because they exposed the vicious election rigging that year. They were Rickey Singh, Rick Mentus of the Guyana Graphic and Father Wong, a Catholic Priest, who had been editor of the Catholic Standard.

Mr. Rampertab also alleges that Dr. Jagan "was forced to abide with the decisions of his wife." This is nonsense, which those hostile to the PPP often allege. As a long standing member of the PPP and its Central and Executive Committees, I know that Janet Jagan and all of us have the same rights at meetings where all the basic decisions have been and are made. Dr. Jagan was not a man to dictate or "rule" on his own. All the Party's decisions have been collectively made.

The PPP has always been the champion of democracy. Internally it practices democracy to its fullest. Rai was defeated fairly and squarely by Brindley Benn.

Yours faithfully,

Donald Ramotar, M.P.

General Secretary

People's Progressive Party

Originally Posted by KishanB:
I have examined the Party's records of the 10th Congress held on April 21-23, 1962 at the Guiana Oriental College in Georgetown to check on the allegations of rigging contained in Stabroek News. The records show that, contrary to rigging, there were 21 Party groups, which nominated Brindley Benn to be Chairman and 8, which nominated Balram Singh Rai. This in itself shows that Benn was the popular candidate.


The PPP has always been the champion of democracy. Internally it practices democracy to its fullest. Rai was defeated fairly and squarely by Brindley Benn.


Yours faithfully,

Donald Ramotar, M.P.

General Secretary

People's Progressive Party

While there are various views on the election in 1962, the fact remains that Brindley Benn won the elections by a wide margin.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
I have examined the Party's records of the 10th Congress held on April 21-23, 1962 at the Guiana Oriental College in Georgetown to check on the allegations of rigging contained in Stabroek News. The records show that, contrary to rigging, there were 21 Party groups, which nominated Brindley Benn to be Chairman and 8, which nominated Balram Singh Rai. This in itself shows that Benn was the popular candidate.


The PPP has always been the champion of democracy. Internally it practices democracy to its fullest. Rai was defeated fairly and squarely by Brindley Benn.


Yours faithfully,

Donald Ramotar, M.P.

General Secretary

People's Progressive Party

While there are various views on the election in 1962, the fact remains that Brindley Benn won the elections by a wide margin.

He win it with communist democracy.


Mr. Benn was put under restriction orders, like the Jagans after the suspension of the Constitution in 1953. He and Nunes were later put in detention in 1964 while they were still ministers, by the Colonial hierarchy.

I have examined the Party's records of the 10th Congress held on April 21-23, 1962 at the Guiana Oriental College in Georgetown to check on the allegations of rigging contained in Stabroek News. The records show that, contrary to rigging, there were 21 Party groups, which nominated Brindley Benn to be Chairman and 8, which nominated Balram Singh Rai. This in itself shows that Benn was the popular candidate.

The letter states categorically that the man in charge of elections was Benn. But this is absurd. Never in the 55 years of the Party has a candidate been in charge of elections. I attach a copy of correspondence that shows that Claude Christian was the Returning Officer and in charge of preparing and administrating the elections.

I cannot avoid commenting on the spurious and malignant accusations of electoral rigging levelled at the Jagans by Rampertab. It is clear that his letter was intended to smear the Jagans with the tag of being "election riggers" to match the PNC which rigged all elections from 1968 to 1985. It is all part of a plan to hit the PPP by denigrating its leader Cheddi Jagan and making him and his Party no better than the real election riggers of the PNC.

But I don't think Guyanese will forget that it was the PPP led by Cheddi Jagan which first uncovered the PNC' s electoral rigging in the 1968 elections and fought and exposed it, alone, for many many years. Civil Society then was afraid of PNC thuggery and, in fact, three journalists in 1973 lost their jobs because they exposed the vicious election rigging that year. They were Rickey Singh, Rick Mentus of the Guyana Graphic and Father Wong, a Catholic Priest, who had been editor of the Catholic Standard.

Mr. Rampertab also alleges that Dr. Jagan "was forced to abide with the decisions of his wife." This is nonsense, which those hostile to the PPP often allege. As a long standing member of the PPP and its Central and Executive Committees, I know that Janet Jagan and all of us have the same rights at meetings where all the basic decisions have been and are made. Dr. Jagan was not a man to dictate or "rule" on his own. All the Party's decisions have been collectively made.

The PPP has always been the champion of democracy. Internally it practices democracy to its fullest. Rai was defeated fairly and squarely by Brindley Benn.

Yours faithfully,

Donald Ramotar,

(former)General Secretary

People's Progressive Party


According to my dad, BSR had radical views and some were racist in nature. The historical facts remain and we can choose to agree or disagree.


Dr. Jagan made a terrible mistake by embracing communism, this caused the Americans to do what they felt was in their best political interest at the time. In my opinion, it was Dr, Jagan's biggest mistake in embracing communism.

Originally Posted by KishanB:


The PPP has always been the champion of democracy. 



Yours faithfully,

Donald Ramotar, M.P.

General Secretary

People's Progressive Party

What a load of bollocks.


If the PPP is the champion of democracy, why are they scared to hold local government elections and has stalled the process for decades now?


If the PPP is the champion of democracy, why are they staunch supporters of Fidel Castro, one the longest serving dictators in the history of mankind?


If the PPP is the champion of democracy, why did they provide "critical support" for Burnham during his dictatorship?


If the PPP is the champion of democracy, why do they hand pick their presidential candidate by an undemocratic internal party process?


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The Jagan’s legacy was that of dictatorship politics. Cheddi gave critical support to Burnham dictatorship. The PPP/C should apologize to the populace.

The PPP will never apologize for their own wickedness. They will deny deny deny when faced with the facts. Prime example, the three protesters gunned down by the PPP Police at Linden. Yet, they want others to apologize to them even though the thugss who worked for the PNC are now high ranking PPP executives.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Opportunism took the better part of Balram Singh rai, which lead to his part company with the P.P.P. and formed a failed Justice Party.


Vincent Teekah, Chandisingh and Vincent Teekah showed their true opportunistic colors.


Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are the most resend pair to walk in their shoes.

These statements really piss me off.  I hope the families these men take legal action on these statements. 


Conscience,you may be a Pthirus Pubis parasite of a man.  I hope you end up like that person of yours.  Being run from Freedom house.  I know all what happen. He would be flying his mouth at Freedom house in the morning calling these people opportunists but on Wednesday night he would go over to Castellani house in secret and eat chef cooked curry chicken and rice with the K man himself.    


Each one of these men were unbribable. In fact one of them kicked out one of Guyana's richest men out of his office after the man brought 60 thousand US in a case to bribe him.  Also you may call these men opportunists but when some in the leadership had families that could not receive visas because of the cold war.  It was some of these same men that they came calling to for help to intervene on their behalf with the State Department to get their visas back. 


These people so bare face and dishonest to call these people opportunists when they know fully well how they got help from them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Opportunism took the better part of Balram Singh rai, which lead to his part company with the P.P.P. and formed a failed Justice Party.


Vincent Teekah, Chandisingh and Vincent Teekah showed their true opportunistic colors.


Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are the most resend pair to walk in their shoes.

This is the PPP speaking by way of Uncle Counsee, a bundle of empty brains.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to my dad, BSR had radical views and some were racist in nature. The historical facts remain and we can choose to agree or disagree.


Dr. Jagan made a terrible mistake by embracing communism, this caused the Americans to do what they felt was in their best political interest at the time. In my opinion, it was Dr, Jagan's biggest mistake in embracing communism.

My Dad who is 91 years old attended the 10th Congress in April 1962 at the GOC. He told me about disgusting and shameful the rigging was that took place and how Dr & Mrs. Jagan gave it their blessings at the Congress. The Jagans did not speak out against the rigging. In fact, he told me that the Jagan's made up lies about Balram Singh Rai being a racist so that delegates would vote for Benn.  In the absence of rigging Rai would have been the winner. Rai was never an opportunist, far from it. He was one of the most decent and brilliant Minister in the entire PPP at that time. So everthing that Rakesh Rampertab stated is factual.Does Donald Ramoutar expect the record to show that there was rigging? The truth was rigged and frigged by the Jagans.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to my dad, BSR had radical views and some were racist in nature. The historical facts remain and we can choose to agree or disagree.


Dr. Jagan made a terrible mistake by embracing communism, this caused the Americans to do what they felt was in their best political interest at the time. In my opinion, it was Dr, Jagan's biggest mistake in embracing communism.

My Dad who is 91 years old attended the 10th Congress in April 1962 at the GOC. He told me about disgusting and shameful the rigging was that took place and how Dr & Mrs. Jagan gave it their blessings at the Congress. The Jagans did not speak out against the rigging. In fact, he told me that the Jagan's made up lies about Balram Singh Rai being a racist so that delegates would vote for Benn.  In the absence of rigging Rai would have been the winner. Rai was never an opportunist, far from it. He was one of the most decent and brilliant Minister in the entire PPP at that time. So everthing that Rakesh Rampertab stated is factual.Does Donald Ramoutar expect the record to show that there was rigging? The truth was rigged and frigged by the Jagans.

The blue highlighted part is incorrect and there is no need to comment on  the others.


No such statements nor issues were made at the convention.


The elections were simply a contest between Brindley Benn and Balram Singh Rai for the position.


Balram Singh Rai contested elections prior to joining the PPP and he lost both the elections and his deposits in all contests.  When Balram Singh Rai joined the PPP, it was only then that he won a seat in parliament.


After Balram Singh Rai was expelled from the PPP, he maintained his political aspirations.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to my dad, BSR had radical views and some were racist in nature. The historical facts remain and we can choose to agree or disagree.


Dr. Jagan made a terrible mistake by embracing communism, this caused the Americans to do what they felt was in their best political interest at the time. In my opinion, it was Dr, Jagan's biggest mistake in embracing communism.

My Dad who is 91 years old attended the 10th Congress in April 1962 at the GOC. He told me about disgusting and shameful the rigging was that took place and how Dr & Mrs. Jagan gave it their blessings at the Congress. The Jagans did not speak out against the rigging. In fact, he told me that the Jagan's made up lies about Balram Singh Rai being a racist so that delegates would vote for Benn.  In the absence of rigging Rai would have been the winner. Rai was never an opportunist, far from it. He was one of the most decent and brilliant Minister in the entire PPP at that time. So everthing that Rakesh Rampertab stated is factual.Does Donald Ramoutar expect the record to show that there was rigging? The truth was rigged and frigged by the Jagans.

The blue highlighted part is incorrect and there is no need to comment on  the others.


No such statements nor issues were made at the convention.


The elections were simply a contest between Brindley Benn and Balram Singh Rai for the position.


Balram Singh Rai contested elections prior to joining the PPP and he lost both the elections and his deposits in all contests.  When Balram Singh Rai joined the PPP, it was only then that he won a seat in parliament.


After Balram Singh Rai was expelled from the PPP, he maintained his political aspirations.

I do not expect you agree with what I have writtten. Let us agree to disagree. Unlike you -the truth is my friend and will always be.


I don't know the truth of what took place at the PPP congress in 1962. I will not take sides on that.

What I know is that there is enough circumstantial and anecdotal evidence to show that Cheddi and Janet Jagan were determined to deny Balram Singh Rai the Chairmanship of the PPP.

Lest we forget, only 7 years before the 1962 congress, another PPP Chairman named Forbes Burnham split the PPP with proactive backing of the British colonial governor.

Whatever the state of Balram Singh Rai's popularity before he joined the PPP, it's no secret that Rai was tremendously popular as a PPP minister, and he was taller than but just as handsome and charismatic as Cheddi Jagan. He used to remind East Indians that he was not an atheist but a strong Hindu kshatriya [he preferred the word "rajput".]

At that time, word was circulating that the British wanted to split the PPP further, using Balram Singh Rai just as they used Burnham, a previous PPP Chairman.

Cheddi and Janet Jagan therefore had sufficient grounds for concern and alarm. Under no circumstance they would allow Rai to become PPP Chairman.

Well, they breathed a sigh of relief when Brindley Benn got the position.

As I said, I don't know the truth behind the internal party elections at the 1962 congress.

What I know from reading the historical documents is that, even after Rai's expulsion from the PPP, the British and Americans still counted on him to split the Indian votes at Dr Jagan's expense.

They financed Rai's Justice Party, really the brainchild of the US-UK, in the 1964 general elections. The rest is history.


When Benn split from the PPP party. It was a very bad affair indeed. The man pelt down some serious curse on the PPP party in he newspaper. You fellows read what Kisson wrote about that a few years ago. I wanted to ask Benn when I met him on regent street if he took his Stalin portrait when he left Freedumb house but I was afraid that the man would have Stalin me 

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to my dad, BSR had radical views and some were racist in nature. The historical facts remain and we can choose to agree or disagree.


Dr. Jagan made a terrible mistake by embracing communism, this caused the Americans to do what they felt was in their best political interest at the time. In my opinion, it was Dr, Jagan's biggest mistake in embracing communism.

My Dad who is 91 years old attended the 10th Congress in April 1962 at the GOC. He told me about disgusting and shameful the rigging was that took place and how Dr & Mrs. Jagan gave it their blessings at the Congress. The Jagans did not speak out against the rigging. In fact, he told me that the Jagan's made up lies about Balram Singh Rai being a racist so that delegates would vote for Benn.  In the absence of rigging Rai would have been the winner. Rai was never an opportunist, far from it. He was one of the most decent and brilliant Minister in the entire PPP at that time. So everthing that Rakesh Rampertab stated is factual.Does Donald Ramoutar expect the record to show that there was rigging? The truth was rigged and frigged by the Jagans.

The blue highlighted part is incorrect and there is no need to comment on  the others.


No such statements nor issues were made at the convention.


The elections were simply a contest between Brindley Benn and Balram Singh Rai for the position.


Balram Singh Rai contested elections prior to joining the PPP and he lost both the elections and his deposits in all contests.  When Balram Singh Rai joined the PPP, it was only then that he won a seat in parliament.


After Balram Singh Rai was expelled from the PPP, he maintained his political aspirations.

The elections were simply a contest between Brindley Benn and Balram Singh Rai for the position


 Did Burnham tell you that?

Last edited by Prashad

As I wrote earlier in this thread, Cheddi and Janet Jagan favored Brindley Benn for the post of PPP Chairman at the 1962 congress.

Lo and behold, less than 7 years after Benn became party chairman, he deserted the PPP along with a few of his accomplices like his wife and Thelma Reece.

Brindley Benn formed his own political party and named it Working People's Vanguard Party [WPVP]. The party published a news sheet called VANGUARD in which Benn habitually attacked Dr Jagan and the PPP.

Then, in 1991 Brindley Benn sensed that a favorable wind of change was blowing and with President Jimmy Carter's involvement, Dr Jagan was most likely to get back in government.

So, Benn dissolved his WPVP and crawled back to Freedom House and, amazingly, was welcome with open arms. When the PPP won the 1992 general elections, Brindley Benn was named Guyana's High Commissioner to Canada.

This appointment was made at the expense of long dedicated stalwarts of the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] in Canada. Sash Sawh was to get that job, and he was most fit for it because he had firsthand Canadian experience. Instead, Sash had to settle for an unexpected posting to Venezuela.

De story ent done yet. Brindley Benn's son Robeson Benn returned to Guyana after a long stay in the US and the PPP appointed him Commissioner of Mines. Today he is Minister of Works and Transport, a plum portfolio.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

As I wrote earlier in this thread, Cheddi and Janet Jagan favored Brindley Benn for the post of PPP Chairman at the 1962 congress.

Lo and behold, less than 7 years after Benn became party chairman, he deserted the PPP along with a few of his accomplices like his wife and Thelma Reece.

Brindley Benn formed his own political party and named it Working People's Vanguard Party [WPVP]. The party published a news sheet called VANGUARD in which Benn habitually attacked Dr Jagan and the PPP.

Then, in 1991 Brindley Benn sensed that a favorable wind of change was blowing and with President Jimmy Carter's involvement, Dr Jagan was most likely to get back in government.

So, Benn dissolved his WPVP and crawled back to Freedom House and, amazingly, was welcome with open arms. When the PPP won the 1992 general elections, Brindley Benn was named Guyana's High Commissioner to Canada.

This appointment was made at the expense of long dedicated stalwarts of the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] in Canada. Sash Sawh was to get that job, and he was most fit for it because he had firsthand Canadian experience. Instead, Sash had to settle for an unexpected posting to Venezuela.

De story ent done yet. Brindley Benn's son Robeson Benn returned to Guyana after a long stay in the US and the PPP appointed him Commissioner of Mines. Today he is Minister of Works and Transport, a plum portfolio.

That is how the PPP reward those who struggle with dem. If you are an Indian yuh doan get that blessing from the late comrade leader. If yuh dare talk about it, then god help you. You were chastised by both husband and wife. And branded too. A waiting for when the whole story eventually comes to the light with Jagan's 1953 indiscretions.  


Even Churchill has to admit that the Jagans were rigid and controlling. If stated many times on the Board that I was never a BIG fan of the Jagans BUT they were the BEST thing for Guyana since slice bread. Dr Jagan was stubborn, controlling, self-opinionated and ran the Party as his own. He probably was practising appeasement in the interest of the Country since he cared about his Homeland. I tend to believe his wife injected her values and ways on him and that may have caused him to be the way he was.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
As I said, I don't know the truth behind the internal party elections at the 1962 congress.


What I know from reading the historical documents is that, even after Rai's expulsion from the PPP, the British and Americans still counted on him to split the Indian votes at Dr Jagan's expense.


They financed Rai's Justice Party, really the brainchild of the US-UK, in the 1964 general elections. The rest is history.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I don't know the truth of what took place at the PPP congress in 1962. I will not take sides on that.


What I know is that there is enough circumstantial and anecdotal evidence to show that Cheddi and Janet Jagan were determined to deny Balram Singh Rai the Chairmanship of the PPP.

Incorrect and only anecdotal.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Even Churchill has to admit that the Jagans were rigid and controlling. If stated many times on the Board that I was never a BIG fan of the Jagans BUT they were the BEST thing for Guyana since slice bread. Dr Jagan was stubborn, controlling, self-opinionated and ran the Party as his own. He probably was practising appeasement in the interest of the Country since he cared about his Homeland. I tend to believe his wife injected her values and ways on him and that may have caused him to be the way he was.

Pavi na blame Janet. De man fall hook, line and cark foh de communism.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I don't know the truth of what took place at the PPP congress in 1962. I will not take sides on that.


What I know is that there is enough circumstantial and anecdotal evidence to show that Cheddi and Janet Jagan were determined to deny Balram Singh Rai the Chairmanship of the PPP.

Incorrect and only anecdotal.

Were u a fly on the wall picking up on wah dey bin schemeing?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I don't know the truth of what took place at the PPP congress in 1962. I will not take sides on that.


What I know is that there is enough circumstantial and anecdotal evidence to show that Cheddi and Janet Jagan were determined to deny Balram Singh Rai the Chairmanship of the PPP.

Incorrect and only anecdotal.

Were u a fly on the wall picking up on wah dey bin schemeing?

Siggy, don't question the fountain of wisdom.


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