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Bandit move from rooster to a hen

Jul 06, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News,

Pressure does mek people do all kind of thing. A youth man decide to rob a bank and under pressure after bullet start to fly he decide to tun chef. Dem boys hear how he run into a food stall and start to clap roti.

He did even put on an apron.

Now people claiming how de boy done signal that when he go inside Camp Street he gun got to end up in de kitchen. But that might not be de best place to be because when Brassington and Ashni come in he gun got to wuk till he sweat.

Everybody know that once you got money you can eat good in jail.

Brassington and Ashni got money suh dem gun mek that poor boy cook till he drop. Before he go in jail he use to count money till he drop.

Dem boys hear that he got other problems. He family not talking, but one of dem bullets change him from a rooster to a hen. De doctors trying to reverse de problem but in life, some things can’t change.

Dem got another hen who coming to join him. This one got plenty money, too. He join up wid a man and everything fall in ee lap. He tek de thing and he start to share money like nobody’s business. He even pay fuh a man get kill and that is wha got him in trouble.

Uncle Sam got him in jail. Uncle Sam also tell this hen that he got to stay in jail till dem ready to extradite him. He gun be put to use till then.

Dem boys seh that is some other strange thing happen. Only yesterday a li’l boy bore a big man in he neck and kill him. Old people does always seh that people should not mek joke wid li’l boy, anti-man and crappo.

De story is that this big man decide to mek rough joke wid de li’l boy.

He got a long time trying to explain wha he do. He school days done and is one rough life from here when everything over.

Talk half and don’t try to rock de boat of life.

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