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Bandit shot while attempting to break into Corentyne home

A Corentyne, Berbice family is counting their lucky stars after they escaped what could have possibly been one of the most traumatizing incidents in their lives.

According to information, early Monday morning about six armed bandits were discovered breaking into the home of Gordial Balram at Number 69 Village, Corentyne.

Balram reported that he heard a loud banging on the wall and discovered that the men had already broken a hole into the wall and were attempting to gain entry. He attempted to thwart their effort by firing three shots at the men but they returned fire.

The men gained entry into the home but before they could have attacked the family, they realised that one of theirs was injured and quickly made good their escape.

Police investigations are still ongoing.

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I have relatives living in this area on the corentyne. They NEVER witnessed this during the PPP era. The old timers remembered this happening during Burnham and Hoyte era until Hoyte decided to hang the kick down the door bandits. Granger loves pardoning criminals while Rumjhaat a dhakolay rum. 

A vote for AFC PNC = A vote for a Shyte hole country 


Amral, I know that banna. He don’t take Shyte from anyone. I guess he figured that the gun would have wiped out those bandits. Berbice has some very sharp cutlasses, I am sure that he has a few around. The bandits messed with the wrong Berbician.  He is a tough as nails, he nick name is Stiff Man. 

A vote for AFC PNC = A vote for a Shyte hole country. 

Last edited by Former Member

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