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Bar Association calls on police, Govt. to stem violent crime

- in wake of brutal attack on couple in gated community


July 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


The Guyana Bar Association yesterday expressed shock and sadness at Tuesday’s brutal attack on Commissioner of Title Nicola Pierre and her husband, Mohamed Chand. At the same time the body appealed to Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan and Commissioner of Police Seelal Persaud to take further action to combat the surge in violent crime.

The Association’s plea came even as the couple remains hospitalised from the brutal beating that bandits inflicted on them Thursday.

“The members of the Guyana Bar Association are shocked and saddened at the brutal attack on Commissioner of Title, Madame Nicola Pierre and her husband Mr. Mohamed Chand yesterday,” the Association stated in a release.

“It is all the more shocking that the attack took place in their home on the East Coast of Demerara, while the judicial officer and her husband and son were asleep.

The thoughts of the members of the legal profession are with Ms. Pierre and her family as we await the results of their treatment and pray for their full and speedy recovery.”

Noting that judicial officers play an invaluable role in the administration of justice and the rule of law, the Association stated that every reasonable effort must be made to secure and protect them and their families.

“While it is a measure of some relief that the alleged perpetrators have been captured and are in custody, the Association notes that too many serious crimes remain unsolved.

“The Association has noted with increasing concern the escalating incidents of crimes committed on citizens, almost all of which involve the use of firearms, and many of which have resulted in the death of the victims. The frequency and the serious nature of these attacks are desensitising our society to the rights of citizens to safety and security, whether in or out of their homes, and the duty of the State to protect every citizen, of whatever station in life.

“The Association calls on the Minister of Public Security and the Commissioner of Police to develop strategies and take action to combat the level of violence in our society. Further, the Association calls on the Government to ensure that our law enforcement agencies are provided with the necessary tools to adequately address crimes in all their manifestations in our country.”

Yesterday, a senior police official said that four men who were detained shortly after the attack are still in custody. Investigators hope that forensic evidence taken from the scene, as well as eyewitness statements will lead to positive identification of the perpetrators.

Around 01.30 hrs yesterday, heavily armed men invaded the gated community at Felicity, East Coast Demerara, Pierre and Mohamed reside, after overpowering an on-duty Special Constable.

Pierre, 43, and her husband, Mohamed Chand, 50, were attacked while they were asleep and gun-butted into unconsciousness after the men, numbering about four, gained entry to their home via a window.

The robbers carted off a small safe containing US$7,000 and jewellery, and a suitcase containing other valuables. But they were forced to drop their loot after coming under withering gunfire from a security guard who was stationed at a businessman’s home nearby.

Police subsequently arrested four men and impounded a car. Kaieteur News understands that they were picked up near Plaisance. However a reliable police source indicated that the men arrested may not be the perpetrators.

Pierre and Mohamed were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at a private hospital. Police reportedly recovered several 9mm warheads and casings from the scene, and are said to be examining footage from nearby security cameras in the hope of positively identifying the attackers.

Tuesday’s attack occurred just hours after the new APNU+AFC administration unveiled a detailed security strategy to stem the escalating incidents of violent crime.

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“The Association has noted with increasing concern the escalating incidents of crimes committed on citizens, almost all of which involve the use of firearms, and many of which have resulted in the death of the victims. The frequency and the serious nature of these attacks are desensitising our society to the rights of citizens to safety and security, whether in or out of their homes, and the duty of the State to protect every citizen, of whatever station in life.


Bar Association calls on police, Govt. to stem violent crime, July 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

While these incidents soar the PNC government simply talk, talk .... and talk, with no specific plans to address the issues.


I wish is more members of the Bar can be attacked by the bandits so they can feel the pain of the people who are at the receiving end of the bandit's gun.


Yes - let the bandits raid the homes of the lawyers who defend the drug dealers.


In Colombia, during Pablo Escobar's time, the Bar associate refused to defend the criminals as an act of rebellion against the criminal enterprise.  


That meant more criminal were put in jail as the young inexperienced public advocated put up poor defences.


Let us do the same.


Refuse to defend the criminals as an act of rebellion against the criminals and let them get into the jail for lack of proper defence.

“The Association calls on the Minister of Public Security and the Commissioner of Police to develop strategies and take action to combat the level of violence in our society. Further, the Association calls on the Government to ensure that our law enforcement agencies are provided with the necessary tools to adequately address crimes in all their manifestations in our country.”


Bar Association calls on police, Govt. to stem violent crime, July 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

Perhaps after 2025 or 2030 the minister might be able to see the issues and then try to find solutions.


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