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Bar Association mum on Ramjattan’s, Hughes’ legal improprietiesPDFPrintE-mail
Monday, 06 August 2012 21:05
The Guyana Bar Association remains mum on the issue of the accusations made against Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) and Attorney at law Khemraj Ramjattan, and now Chairman of the Party and Attorney at law Nigel Hughes. Veronica Da Silva and MIchael Taharally have accused Ramjattan of giving consent to the sale of Da Silva’s property located at 240 & 241 Camp Street, Georgetown in 2006, without their permission. Da Silva stated that she had agreed to pay Ramjattan $1M but he instead took $3M. Ramjattan additionally sold the property evaluated at $90M for $55M.
Da Silva and Taharally have since lodged a formal complaint at the Registrar of the Supreme Court under the Legal Practioner’s Act against Ramjattan. The couple is seeking to have their monies and the property returned and for Ramjattan to be removed from the Bar for betraying the principles of the legal profession.
On the issue of Nigel Hughes, the Bar Association has again not yet made any kind of statement. Hughes was ordered by the court to pay taxes due to the Guyana Revenue Authority. .
It must be noted that both Ramjattan and Hughes, whilst being prominent lawyers, are also prominent political figures as leaders of the AFC.

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Da Silva stated that she had agreed to pay Ramjattan $1M but he instead took $3M. Ramjattan additionally sold the property evaluated at $90M for $55M.".............. Sweet deal!

Both crooks, however we should not single them out as this is a Guyanese trait rather than an AFC one. Corruption is a way of life in Guyana, anyone who claims to be immune from its clutches is a liar. hahahahah

Originally Posted by TI:
Da Silva stated that she had agreed to pay Ramjattan $1M but he instead took $3M. Ramjattan additionally sold the property evaluated at $90M for $55M.".............. Sweet deal!

dont let the above fabrication distorts the truth. It was a court ordered sale  to divide disputed assets and she is not allowed to set the price. What she wanted no one wanted to pay. She had the option to buy it and so pay the other claimant their inheritance but she could not. It is the PPP as usual taking  with lies and hald truths to evade scrutiny for their gargantuan appetite for thief.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

stormborn no matter how you twist and turn it, its called fraud

 I am not twisting anything. You lie when you said Ramjattan sold the property. The court ordered it to divide disputed assets.  You also failed to mention he represented this family Pro bono for years. Calling them handicapped and pensioners rather than addressing them as Mr and Ms what ever is simply begging the question. You have no damn facts to support any of the thing you leverage against the gentleman. This is one of you hack jobs given you are their gofer on the net to do Kwame and Misir's bidding on behalf of the PPP. 


Originally Posted by Conscience:

stormborn no matter how you twist and turn it, its called fraud

Listen queer, you have eaten shit and now you come on here to spew your filth.

Get lost you piece of whorthless shit.


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