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Barack Obama takes the stage in Montreal

More than 6,000 people have tickets for former U.S. president's 1st speech in Canada since leaving office

CBC News Posted: Jun 06, 2017 2:23 PM ET, Last Updated: Jun 06, 2017 5:51 PM ET,

With the world at an "inflection point," former U.S. president Barack Obama is stressing the need for citizens everywhere to safeguard the democratic values of the post-war era. 

In a speech this evening in Montreal, Obama described a global moment of tremendous upheaval, one in which he said the illiberal temptation is strong.

"At times of disruption we may go backwards instead of forwards," he told a crowd of some 6,000 who packed a downtown convention centre.

The challenge for the world, Obama said, is adapting to the social changes caused by globalization, technological advances and climate change. 

Without mentioning Donald Trump by name, he used the current U.S. administration's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accords as an example of poor policy in the face of such changes.

"In Paris we came together around the most ambitious agreement to fight climate change β€” an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership will still give our children a fighting chance," Obama said to rousing applause. 

Obama took part in a question-and-answer session with Sophie Brochu, the president and CEO of the Quebec energy provider Gaz MΓ©tro, following his speech. 

This is Obama's first Canadian appearance since his time as president ended. It is also his first visit, ever, to Montreal.

"My bonds with Canada are deep," he said at the start of his speech 

More to come.


Top 5 Obama moments from his first-ever trip to Montreal

It was a short visit, but Obama gave Montrealers a lot to talk about

By Laurene Jardin, CBC News Posted: Jun 06, 2017 10:20 PM ET, Last Updated: Jun 06, 2017 11:13 PM ET,

Former U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a speech before the Montreal Board of Trade Tuesday, June 6, 2017 in Montreal. (Paul Chiasson/The Canadian Press)

Barack Obama opened his speech in Montreal with an ode to the future; his hopes and visions not only for Canada, or the U.S., but the world.

After his speech he sat down for a question-and-answer session with Sophie Brochu, president and CEO of Quebec energy provider Gaz MΓ©tro.


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Top 5 Obama moments from his first-ever trip to Montreal

It was a short visit, but Obama gave Montrealers a lot to talk about

By Laurene Jardin, CBC News Posted: Jun 06, 2017 10:20 PM ET, Last Updated: Jun 06, 2017 11:13 PM ET,

Barack Obama opened his speech in Montreal with an ode to the future; his hopes and visions not only for Canada, or the U.S., but the world.

After his speech he sat down for a question-and-answer session with Sophie Brochu, president and CEO of Quebec energy provider Gaz MΓ©tro. 

Here were some of our favourite moments:

When he spoke French

The former president opened his speech with a warm thank you to Canada and a shout-out to Montreal on its 375th birthday.

"Bon anniversaire," Obama said, with some hesitance.

Not too shabby.

He also threw in a "merci." But when Brochu greeted him by saying "bonsoir," he paused for a moment, then uttered a sheepish "thank you" in English.   

Obama said one of his favourite things about Montreal is that there are a large number of Michelles here β€” which also happens to be the name of his wife.

After the speech, Obama went for dinner with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (who did not attend the speech) at Liverpool House, a popular restaurant in Montreal's Southwest borough.

No word yet if Obama ordered in French or English.

When he advocated for women's rights

Obama also used his wife as an opportunity to talk about women's rights.

"I'm married to an extraordinary woman, [we have] extraordinary daughters" he told Brochu.

Brochu wanted to know if he thought someone in his family would ever shatter the glass ceiling, and become the first woman president.

"In my lifetime we will see a woman president of the United States," Obama predicted.

"I don't know who that will be but I believe that will happen."

Both the president and his wife have been strong proponents of women's rights. 

When he complimented Canada

"My bonds with Canada are deep," the ex-president said at the top of his speech.

He then listed a few things he likes about Canada: holding the first state dinner with the country in over 20 years; hosting his "good friends" Justin and Sophie Trudeau last year; his Canadian brother-in-law from Burlington; the long-lasting alliance between the two countries.

He also praised Canada's immigration policy.

"It's important to establish processes to make sure that we reaffirm that we are nations of immigrants, that it creates dynamism in our economies, that it strengthens rather than weakens us." 

He added: "You should be congratulated for that."

When he criticized fake news

"We're going to have to find a way to push back on propaganda," said Obama.

One of the points Obama raised at the beginning of his speech was the role of technology and news. 

In an era of instant communication and constant information, he said, it can be tempting to filter, and hear only what we want to hear.

"We're in an environment where we are only accepting information that fits our opinions, rather than basing our opinions on the facts we receive," Obama said. 

When he talked about climate change

No surprise here.

Last week, Obama took a not-so-subtle jab at President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. from the Paris climate-change accord.

He took another one in his speech on Tuesday.

"We came together around the most ambitious agreement in history to fight climate change. An agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership will still give our children a fighting chance," he said.

On the subject of children, the former leader of the U.S said his daughters and future granddaughters were his source of inspiration when it came to "fighting climate change."

With files from Molly Kohli

ba$eman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

You guys need to grant him citizenship and make him president!  Come on bannas, we did just that here in the USA!

Truth is, he is a good and decent guy and had his successes!  He has to be one of the greatest Kenyan ever walked this planet! Jumo Kenyatta was also great but also a terrorist!

You are too dumb to know that Canada don't have a president. You keep him, to show your  white hero how to run a country.


The Trudeau-Obama dinner: David McMillan on the menu, the mood and the 'ninjas' in the backyard

Details on the Liverpool House meeting between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former president Barack Obama

CBC News Posted: Jun 07, 2017 9:43 AM ET, Last Updated: Jun 07, 2017 11:01 AM ET,

U.S. president Barack Obama and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pose with David McMillan and his daughter Dylan at the Montreal restaurant Liverpool House. (Dave McMillan/Twitter)

As the owner of several trendy Montreal restaurants, David McMillan is accustomed to serving some big names.

But last night's dinner meeting between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and former U.S. president Barack Obama at Liverpool House was at a whole other level.

In an interview with Daybreak host Mike Finnerty, McMillan offered some details about the security precautions, what his guests discussed (he doesn't know) and, of course, what they ate. 

The interview is edited and condensed for clarity.

It looked like a madhouse outside. What was it like from your end?

It was calm and cool. The restaurant is the restaurant. It is what it is for us. We just fed everybody and it went well.

What did you feed them?

Oysters, shrimp, halibut, steak, spaghetti lobster, strawberry shortcake, and on their way. 

Who picked the menu?

Justin eats there regularly. Obama said, "What should we eat here?" and Justin said, "Let them do what they do." And we did what we do usually and it went well.

Did they have much of an appetite?

They ate everything. We cooked a bit cleaner. Both of those guys are pretty healthy, so we put together a healthy menu β€” a little less butter, less cream. 

Did they put any ketchup on anything?

No, I would tell you right away.

What's the security like for an event like that?

Ridiculous, like I've never seen in my life. Maybe 200 security plus the police, and the streets were blocked. There was SWAT in the backyard. Ninjas.

Do they monitor what's cooked?

There were two security guys in the kitchen, watching us prepare the food. No official testers like the days of Julius Caesar.

Did they have a chance to speak alone?

Had a 30-minute conversation alone. It seemed lighthearted and funny. It didn't seem like world affairs were being discussed.

Did you overhear anything juicy?

Not at all.

Did you say anything to Barack Obama? 

I did. I said, "I look forward to your wife being the next president of the United States." And he laughed, and I think Justin laughed as well.

More coverage:


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ksazma posted:
Amral posted:

Will America ever see another black president?   my thinking is that Obama was an experiment 

Thankfully it turned out to be a very decent and honorable black person instead of folks like Jesse Jackson, Rev. Sharpton, Mr. Cain, etc.

The son of slave is yet to be President. Obama has no slave blood. How he manged to become President is a mystery. Trump also is a mystery. Perhaps, it is a trend of American governance. Wouldn't be surprised of anything in America, dey spiralling.

Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

You guys need to grant him citizenship and make him president!  Come on bannas, we did just that here in the USA!

Truth is, he is a good and decent guy and had his successes!  He has to be one of the greatest Kenyan ever walked this planet! Jumo Kenyatta was also great but also a terrorist!

You are too dumb to know that Canada don't have a president. You keep him, to show your  white hero how to run a country.

ok, PM, same thing!  We went from PM to President in Guyana, what diff!!  But I agree, he had some good points, baseman is a fair person.  Trump will make America Great Again!!

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

You guys need to grant him citizenship and make him president!  Come on bannas, we did just that here in the USA!

Truth is, he is a good and decent guy and had his successes!  He has to be one of the greatest Kenyan ever walked this planet! Jumo Kenyatta was also great but also a terrorist!

You are too dumb to know that Canada don't have a president. You keep him, to show your  white hero how to run a country.

ok, PM, same thing!  We went from PM to President in Guyana, what diff!!  But I agree, he had some good points, baseman is a fair person.  Trump will make America Great Again!!

When, after  the Russians invade  America electronically ?

Trump must be sitting on needles tonight, waiting for Comey  to  spill the beans tomorrow. Just like other politicians and individuals, you treat people with respect, you get respect in return.

Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

You are too dumb to know that Canada don't have a president. You keep him, to show your  white hero how to run a country.

ok, PM, same thing!  We went from PM to President in Guyana, what diff!!  But I agree, he had some good points, baseman is a fair person.  Trump will make America Great Again!!

When, after  the Russians invade  America electronically ?

Trump must be sitting on needles tonight, waiting for Comey  to  spill the beans tomorrow. Just like other politicians and individuals, you treat people with respect, you get respect in return.

Forget that, let's get more relevant!  The system will work!

So what's going on with the decade long suicide initiative in Guyana?  How is it going?  How is Granger treating you?  Were you able to get your hotline funding? Or did you start a new career?

Talking about respect, how much did you give to the PPP?  Even today, you still groping BJ and want his head in a stake!  You showed no regret for the "wretched blows" (as Bibi said) you meted out to the Indians of Guyana!


You seems to absorb  only negativism regarding our program in Guyana.

The kids are graduating from UG and HS and are teachers at the school they once dropped out. Thus forming  mentorship programs to new students. As we do with other countries, the youth are now running the program with some resources and training from us.

Unlike you, who seem to leave a storm in your path, we initiate a program, empower the people to take control with some support and move on to other projects.

To be realistic, Jagdeo gang caused us more problems than wanting to help.

Regarding supporting the PPP, Sat Sawh was our friend and I stayed at his house in Toronto many times. We were the PPP rep in Western Canada. Out family was linked with the Jagans at PM  and Cheddi visited us many times, but Jagdeo and his gang destroyed  the party.    

What wretched blows to Indians we melted out ? You still believe all the promises Bibi made and not delivered ?  Bhai, you like to plug in other people names just to make yourself look good.   These officials  pissed off too many Indians in Berbice. After the PPP experience, we decide to stay away from all governments. Granger or anyone else in the present government are no friends of ours.  We tolerate the ministries, because of our work.

I was just writing a long time PPP supporter that the PPP needs new leadership, because the people we work with will not vote for  Jagdeo.Because they are aware  what his officials did to our program and their children. So the PPP better get a new leader if the want to win elections again. The farmers also dislike the officials.

I am very surprised that you don't know about  your charity finances  in GY. This created suspicion as a board member. Your family charity takes  Granger's  money, yet you knock the man  down.

I was going to write a very critical piece  about you tonight. I can still do it, but I first want your honest answer, if there is such a thing. 

Were you ever in Africa on a government agriculture scholarship ?

I knew Dr, Reid and he asked whether I knew your father.

The work we do internationally is coordinated in Montreal and Toronto, with funding  and accountability from/to the Canadian government. Yet yours in Guyana is under suspicion that some people said they will not support it any longer. Why ? 






I noticed you have this  bad habit of ignoring posts when you are cornered. Banna, you need to work on this personality defect.

Regarding my question about the government agriculture scholarship in Africa. You have  until  6:00am NJ time Thursday June 8 2017 to answer this question, or immediately afterwards, I will post a report regarding this issue.  The choice remains yours.

Have a good night now, yu hear.

Tola posted:


I noticed you have this  bad habit of ignoring posts when you are cornered. Banna, you need to work on this personality defect.

Regarding my question about the government agriculture scholarship in Africa. You have  until  6:00am NJ time Thursday June 8 2017 to answer this question, or immediately afterwards, I will post a report regarding this issue.  The choice remains yours.

Have a good night now, yu hear.

Baseman, I changed the time to 9:00am NJ time. I have a training meeting that I forgot.


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