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Former Member

Barbados-based Caribbean political analyst and pollster, Peter Wickham believes that Guyana should hold early elections because gridlock is stifling the country’s development.

“I think is only a matter of time before an election has to be called and to me the sooner it is done the better because it gives the electorate the opportunity to give one political institution or one political alliance the opportunity to manage the affairs of the government and you can get cracking,” said Wickham, Director of the Caribbean Development Research Services (CADRES).

However, Executive Committee member of the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), Clement Rohee suggested that the ruling party was not entirely prepared for fresh polls less than two years after the November 2011 election.

The PPPC decision-maker said when the party is satisfied that the people are aware of some of the actions by the opposition, elections could be called. Rohee added that the PPP regaining a parliamentary majority required “hard work” by its organisational machinery and leadership.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

I think the AFC will win by a land slide if election is called tomorrow. Any bet?


The PPP will barely scrape home. They will win the President with 40%. This will be a greatly diminished PPP. They will have to cooperate with the 60% majority then. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah, who would you say will win if election is called tomorrow? Can't you make a prediction like D_G?

Could you remind us of Dinosaur_Guy's prediction for the last election?


The afc/pnc will win led by their cock eye leader and pedophile followers.

They now have the support of the people following their revelation of corruption of the PPP and blocking of major projects in Guyana. ahahahaha

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I think the AFC will win by a land slide if election is called tomorrow. Any bet?


The PPP will barely scrape home. They will win the President with 40%. This will be a greatly diminished PPP. They will have to cooperate with the 60% majority then. 

And if the election shows another minority govt what then?  The problem is that the Guyana constitution is floawed.  Virtually every other country in the world allows post election coalitions to prevent the stagmire of a minority govt.


If the PPP is serious they will immediately remove this constraint.


But of course they will not do this.


I do expect any new election to feature rampant rigging by the PPP.  I do hope that the sleepy opposition will be proactive in preventing this, rather than engaging in post election whining.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc will win led by their cock eye leader and pedophile followers.

They now have the support of the people following their revelation of corruption of the PPP and blocking of major projects in Guyana. ahahahaha

I see you are preparing to be an AFC soup licker in case the PPP remains as a minority govt, and are forced to accept post election coaltions to determine who governs.


This will be a viciously racist election with the PPP using people like you and baseman, cobra, nehru and the other GNI bigots to scream "black man gon kill ahbe if you dont vote PPP".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc will win led by their cock eye leader and pedophile followers.

They now have the support of the people following their revelation of corruption of the PPP and blocking of major projects in Guyana. ahahahaha

I see you are preparing to be an AFC soup licker in case the PPP remains as a minority govt, and are forced to accept post election coaltions to determine who governs.


This will be a viciously racist election with the PPP using people like you and baseman, cobra, nehru and the other GNI bigots to scream "black man gon kill ahbe if you dont vote PPP".

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"  George Santayana


Unfortunately much of Guyana do not remember the suffering under the PNC administration.  So we may be heading in that direction again, but at least they accept lower bribes than the current PPP cabal. ahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"  George Santayana


Unfortunately much of Guyana do not remember the suffering under the PNC administration.  So we may be heading in that direction again, but at least they accept lower bribes than the current PPP cabal. ahahahah



Unless you are able to prove that the PNC will once again become  a socialist party, nationalizing the productive sectors and packing the top management with incompetent cronies you really cant prove that an APNU/AFC coalition govt will be anything like the PNC of the 1970/80s.  So Guyanese are entitled to forget the Burnham era because that era has gone FOREVER.


But the only thing that the PPP can do to ensure victory is to scream about "bad black man".  The problem is that a diminishing Indo population and the fact that this strategy will further ensure that the African/mixed voters reject the PPP renders this strategy a failure.


So we will then see a PPP rigging the next election as badly as the PNC did in 1973.  Only problem is that the APNU and AFC are way more aggressive opposition parties than was the weak kneed PPP under Cheddi.  Imagine what will happen if those parties can actually show evidence of blatant rigging.


As of now the PP cant ensure that another election will not render them remaining as a minority govt.   Ramotar has not one iota of charisma so I really dont see how one can argue that the PPP has regained the support that it has been losing since 2001.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Unless you are able to prove that the PNC will once again become  a socialist party, nationalizing the productive sectors and packing the top management with incompetent cronies you really cant prove that an APNU/AFC coalition govt will be anything like the PNC of the 1970/80s.  So Guyanese are entitled to forget the Burnham era because that era has gone FOREVER.


But the only thing that the PPP can do to ensure victory is to scream about "bad black man".  The problem is that a diminishing Indo population and the fact that this strategy will further ensure that the African/mixed voters reject the PPP renders this strategy a failure.


So we will then see a PPP rigging the next election as badly as the PNC did in 1973.  Only problem is that the APNU and AFC are way more aggressive opposition parties than was the weak kneed PPP under Cheddi.  Imagine what will happen if those parties can actually show evidence of blatant rigging.


As of now the PP cant ensure that another election will not render them remaining as a minority govt.   Ramotar has not one iota of charisma so I really dont see how one can argue that the PPP has regained the support that it has been losing since 2001.

The PNC is comprised of incompetent persons like yourself. They may not embrace socialism and communism as in the Burnham days, but they are brainless and lack vision. At least the PPP is trying to develop the nation, the afc/pnc are in hunker down mode where they don't have a big picture vision. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PNC is comprised of incompetent persons like yourself. They may not embrace socialism and communism as in the Burnham days, but they are brainless and lack vision. At least the PPP is trying to develop the nation, the afc/pnc are in hunker down mode where they don't have a big picture vision. 

And what big picture vision does the PPP have aside from huge projects which provide them with an opportunity to steal?


They want GEO to be an EIGHT jetway airport, costing US$150 Million.  What vision do they have to ensure that this venture makes sense for GEO where most passengers are Guyanese fleeing to the Islands and  North American based Guyanese visiting to see their dependent relatives.

Originally Posted by caribny:

And what big picture vision does the PPP have aside from huge projects which provide them with an opportunity to steal?


They want GEO to be an EIGHT jetway airport, costing US$150 Million.  What vision do they have to ensure that this venture makes sense for GEO where most passengers are Guyanese fleeing to the Islands and  North American based Guyanese visiting to see their dependent relatives.

It is funny that any project the PPP proposes is immediately opposed by you and your ilk without due diligence.   The PPP claim that the airport will be a hub and the hydro project will save the country on energy. Though these projects are big ticket items with questionable long term benefits, don't ignore the many other smaller projects in the pipeline. Every time the ppp build a housing project you fools scream its a waste of money. When they engage the private sector in developmental projects, the same response. Everything they do you and your cronies scream is incorrect. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
  The PPP claim that the airport will be a hub and the hydro project will save the country on energy. Though these projects are big ticket items with questionable long term benefits,. 



There is widespread evidence that Amaila will be inefficiently and expensively built.  People are asking for proof that this isnt the case.  Given that millions of dollars have already been spent and Fip Motilal was awarded a contract that he had no ability to fulfil then the onus is on the PPP that they are taking this seriously.


You are the first to scream that Guyana has no tourist potential, and now you seriously believe that GEO will be a hub.  For whom?


Do you know that there are THREE flights daily NONSTOP from Sao Paulo to the Middle East with onward connections to China.  And that Sao Paulo is a hub for people connecting from Peru, Chile, and Argentina?


So who is going to connect via GEO.  Its clear that Guyana lacks the potential to EVER generate traffic resulting in EIGHT jets on the ground simulataneously at many times during the day.


I agree that the runway ought to lengthened.  I agree that the terminal could do with some expansion, maybe including TWO jetways.  But this mammoth project is clearly just another way that PPP thieves want to steal from Guyanese, and stick them with the bill.


The PPP wants to encumber Guyana with ONE BILLION (US) DOLLARS in debt due to these two projects.


Well they ought to answer questions and allow others to do appropriate due diligence given that Guyanese will assume a huge obligation should these projects move ahead on their current form.



Skeldon is a fiasco as is the Stadium.  And now the PPP wants more White Elephants built expensively and with unproven ability to generate revenues to ensure that teh tremendous dent will be serviced.


The PNC is led by stupid people and the AFC by the naive, but the PPP is led by folks who are stupid, naive, and criminal on top of that.

Last edited by Former Member

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