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Former Member

Caravan of Central American Illegal Aliens Heads to the U.S.

As part of Holy Week, over a thousand Central American illegal aliens set out to complete a "Stations of the Cross", traversing through Mexico, to reach the United States' southern border. Upon arrival, they hope to make asylum claims.

The caravan, marching under the slogan "Migrantes en la lucha" ("Migrants in the Fight"), was announced about a month ago by the group Pueblo Sin Fronteras. The organization asked for donations on its Facebook page and encouraged people to send them a message if they were interested in volunteering. The organization's mission statement reads as follows, ''Our mission is to provide shelter and safety to migrants and refugees in transit, accompany them in their journey, and together demand respect for our human rights."

As early as March 18, participants gathered in Tapachula, on Mexico's southern border (the point of departure). Organizers shared a video on their Facebook page which showed the migrants playing ice-breaker games. According to the post, the organization also conducted some introductory workshops.

Prior to their departure, a member of the caravan shared about his prior attempt to request asylum in the United States. The man noted he was held at a detention center for a year and half and subsequently deported. He asked the group members to carefully consider their decision to request asylum, emphasizing that it is "not easy" and it is not just a matter of turning oneself in and saying this or the other.

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Riff posted:
ksazma posted:

This may be more fake news. I believe CNN showed where this is a customary Easter time convention. 

of course it's's from FOX and all they do is brainwash Trump supporters like Base and some other PPP people

Ok Bhai, I take one on the chin.

Last edited by Former Member
Riff posted:
ksazma posted:

This may be more fake news. I believe CNN showed where this is a customary Easter time convention. 

of course it's's from FOX and all they do is brainwash Trump supporters like Base and some other PPP people

It’s was analyzed on CNN in depth.  They were talking of the status of these people should they cross into the USA.  Many plan to file for asylum claiming prosecution back home.

Trump and the Mexicans prezzy exchanged barbs over it.  Trump claimed the Mexican govt is encouraging it. 


yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

I agree with Base, I would have never comr here illegally because I simply do not take shit period!!!

Eh Eh Bhai, like you join us conservatives. Welcome aboard.

You are a bloody ass since most conservatives are nothing like the trumpites who hate your brown backsides. Indeed there should be border security but the present attitude to immigrants in some quarters facilitates an under current of hate that bubbles up more often than not to virulent hate.

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Mitwah posted:

Baseman, you have not answered the question. Why are you calling them Barbarians?

He remembers his former disposition so is merely transferring.

I was never a barbarian, I came into JFK a landed immigrant!

But you didn't know of Escalators, Subway, flush toilet, shower.... and a host of other things. You landed into the melting pot capital of the world or did you become a Yankee as soon as you landed? Dave Martins spoke of you. 

Mitwah posted:
But you didn't know of Escalators, Subway, flush toilet, shower.... and a host of other things. You landed into the melting pot capital of the world or did you become a Yankee as soon as you landed? Dave Martins spoke of you. 


He lived near the airport and saw folks coming and going all the time. Many stopped over at his home en route to their destinations, so he and his family were Yankees long before they landed here!   

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Mitwah posted:

Baseman, you have not answered the question. Why are you calling them Barbarians?

He remembers his former disposition so is merely transferring.

I was never a barbarian, I came into JFK a landed immigrant!

But you didn't know of Escalators, Subway, flush toilet, shower.... and a host of other things. You landed into the melting pot capital of the world or did you become a Yankee as soon as you landed? Dave Martins spoke of you. 

Bai, me nevva remember nothing else but flush toilet.  In moving around Guyana, the Gov’t provided homes with running water and electricity.  

I remember the first stay over trip to the east coast, no one wanted to take a shit, scared shitless of the latrine pit.  

As for escalator, felt like standing on a balahoo.  And nah, Guyana 🇎ðŸ‡ū had no subway.  

Baseman posted:

Bai, me nevva remember nothing else but flush toilet.  In moving around Guyana, the Gov’t provided homes with running water and electricity.  

I remember the first stay over trip to the east coast, no one wanted to take a shit, scared shitless of the latrine pit.  

As for escalator, felt like standing on a balahoo.  And nah, Guyana 🇎ðŸ‡ū had no subway.  

 U miss the centrality of the conclusion here. You do not need to be other than brown or black to be classified as the backward other. You are that. This fellow by any measure projects a European style right wing nationalist demagoguery. He needs a target for his  poison and it is you and me and everyone other than him. Yes we are it. That you cannot abstract that from the prevailing social existential mist is sad. It is obvious, small minded and vile.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai, me nevva remember nothing else but flush toilet.  In moving around Guyana, the Gov’t provided homes with running water and electricity.  

I remember the first stay over trip to the east coast, no one wanted to take a shit, scared shitless of the latrine pit.  

As for escalator, felt like standing on a balahoo.  And nah, Guyana 🇎ðŸ‡ū had no subway.  

. You do not need to be other than brown or black to be classified as the backward other. You are that. .

Hey, I was never considered backward by any one in America or Europe, White and anyone!  I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai, me nevva remember nothing else but flush toilet.  In moving around Guyana, the Gov’t provided homes with running water and electricity.  

I remember the first stay over trip to the east coast, no one wanted to take a shit, scared shitless of the latrine pit.  

As for escalator, felt like standing on a balahoo.  And nah, Guyana 🇎ðŸ‡ū had no subway.  

. You do not need to be other than brown or black to be classified as the backward other. You are that. .

Hey, I was never considered backward by any one in America or Europe, White and anyone!  I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are not white you get the "treatment" daily. That is a fact jack. It matters not what your self concept is.


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