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Shaik Baksh sues KN over ‘Barber shop’ contract exposé

Shaik Baksh, Minister of Education

In yet another twist to the ‘Barber shop’ debacle, the Minister of Education, Shaik Baksh, has moved to the courts with the complaint that he has been a victim of libel by Kaieteur News. Chief Justice Ian Chang, on Friday, granted a temporary injunction against Editor in Chief Mr. Adam Harris and the National Media and Publishing Company Limited. According to the writ, the injunction bars the two defendants from saying the words “Minister Baksh lied; Education Ministry approved $223M computer contract” or any similar libel to the effect that Minister Baksh lied. The Minister is also seeking $10M for libel.

In his affidavit, Shaik Baksh states, “This article suggests that I covertly and deceitfully misled the general public …” “I categorically state that the Ministry of Education did not award the said two contracts to Digital Technology.” And he argues that “whilst the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education”, Phulander Khandai “ was the Chairman of the Evaluation Committee he was Chairman as a representative and nominee of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board and not in his capacity as the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Education.” Baksh also argued that Kaieteur News got the facts wrong when it stated that the ‘Barber shop’ Company, Digital Technology was awarded a $223M contract before another valued at $70M. He then goes on to “categorically state” that the Cabinet Decision for the award of the $70M contract was approved on April 13, 2011 while the Caribbean Development Bank’s “no objection” came afterwards on April 15, 2011. The Minister then states that a given passage in the article contains “clear imputations and inferences that … I am a liar, deceitful, trickster, crook, cheat, rogue and corrupt person” and “that I am unfit to hold the high office of Senior Minister of Education in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana or any other office in Guyana.”

He goes on to admit that the “libel” has caused him “great public embarrassment” and held him up to “odium and ridicule, both nationally and internationally”. But he doesn’t stop there, and continues that it has also caused him “pain and suffering and embarrassment.” Baksh also admits that he is the owner by transport of “immovable properties valued at over $30 million and has the ability to pay damages if so required.”

The debacle began when news of Digital Technology snagging nearly $300M in contracts hit the papers in two contract signings held just days apart. Kaieteur News chose to examine the company in greater detail after its bid for the $1.8B One Laptop Per Family project. What the newspaper found was that in Guyana, the company’s local address is 54 Grove Public Road, East Bank Demerara. This address is part of a business complex at Grove, which did not have a single computer to sell recently when a Kaieteur News reporter researching the bidders for the project visited. The reporter was directed to the company’s office in Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, and the result was no different. The matter was laid aside after the bids were thrown out and a re-tender announced.

When the company came to light again during the Ministry of Education contract signing, further checks were made and it was discovered that Digital Technology in Guyana is listed as the Caribbean and Latin America Office of a company that goes by the name Digital Waves Technology Inc., which has as its Head Office this address: 3154 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11208. Checks by this newspaper revealed that this address housed a company called Assets Realty Inc. a few months ago and is today the “Antonio and Martin Barber Shop.”

Thereafter the debacle grew to epic proportions with the state newspaper proclaiming boldly that Kaieteur News was ‘caught lying’ even though the Minister was stumped by revelations by this newspaper discredited his claims that the company had been in existence since 2002. As the story currently stands, the Minister says that he is in possession of 38 contracts that have been awarded to the company since 2002 but to get them the newspaper must write a letter to the National Procurement and Tender Board.

Digital Technology never registered in US - New York address was fish market, real estate agency, now barber shop

New evidence suggests that Digital Technology, which has been awarded computer contracts worth $300 million, was in fact never registered at the United States address that is now a barber shop. In fact, it is now not registered at all in the United States. The firm, which the Education Minister Shaik Baksh has fought to give credence to and has described as “not a fly by night” company, has as its United States Head Office address, 3154 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York 11208. The business operating at this address is a barber shop, and was in fact once also a fish market and a real estate agency. The address is located between Logan Street and Norwood Avenue. An online search reveals that the only names listed for that address are Jameela Sookhoo (as owner) and Dianand Sookhoo of Northeast Realty and Consulting Inc. Another business that operated there was called Norwood Fish Market. The business currently operating at the address is Antonio and Martin Barber Shop.

Any for-profit business that registers to operate in New York City must do so with one of the City’s County Clerk’s offices, and since DTI said it was located in Brooklyn, a check with the Kings County Clerk’s office in Brooklyn turned up no such company by name or address. Any for-profit business that deals with the public must also apply for a license from the New York City Consumers Affairs Bureau. A check with the Consumers Affairs Bureau also revealed that no such business was ever licensed to operate in Brooklyn. In short, Digital Technology Incorporated never did any business in New York City or operated any business from New York City.

Now, observers are questioning whether the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) did engage in any “due diligence” checks of Digital Technology’s history. “How can the CDB, which has tremendous resources at its disposal to investigate the backgrounds of companies that will receive its monies to provide a product or service, fail to detect that no such company existed in New York,” the observer questioned.

On July 13, Digital Technology Group of Companies (as it was registered in Guyana) was awarded a contract valued at $223 million for the supply of 1,400 desktop computers to 70 schools across the country. It was awarded a further $70 million, this time by the CDB to provide more computers, plus servers and overhead projectors. Digital Technology in Guyana is in fact listed as the Caribbean and Latin America Office of the Digital Technology that listed its Head Office as Digital Waves Technology Inc., which has as its Head Office the Fulton Street address.

In Guyana, the company’s local address is 54 Grove Public Road, East Bank Demerara. This address is part of a business complex at Grove, which did not have a single computer to sell recently when a Kaieteur News reporter researching bidders for the government’s One Laptop Per Family project visited. The reporter was directed to the company’s office in Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, and the result was no different.

Digital Technology in Guyana was one of the companies which put in a bid to supply the government 27,000 laptops under a US$9 million project. However, the company’s bid, along with the two other bidders, was not successful and the project went to a re-tender. The company was incorporated in Guyana in June 2, 2009. An entity by the same name and local address was registered as a business in November, 2003.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

‘Barber shop’ company gets $300 MILLION computer contracts

Digital Technology, the company which was handed two Government contracts valued at a $293 million to supply computers and related equipment to schools, has been found to have as its head office what is now a Brooklyn, USA barber shop, in a case that bears a striking resemblance to Fip Motilall. Motilall pocketed a US$15.4 contract to build access roads to the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, but investigations by this newspaper revealed his US address to be but a sari and puja shop in Florida.

54 Public Rd. Grove E.B.D., the company’s head office in Guyana

Now, investigations by this newspaper have unearthed facts about Digital Technology that could mirror the startling revelations about Fip Motilall and his company. On July 13, Digital Technology Group of Companies (as it was registered in Guyana) was awarded a contract valued at $223 million for the supply of 1,400 desktop computers to 70 schools across the country. On Monday last, the Education Ministry awarded a further $70 million to the same company to provide more computers, plus servers and overhead projectors. Digital Technology in Guyana is in fact listed as the Caribbean and Latin America Office of a company that goes by the name Digital Waves Technology Inc., which has as its Head Office this address: 3154 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11208.

Three months ago, checks by this newspaper revealed that this address housed a company called Assets Realty Inc. Today, the property has been remodeled and renamed “Antonio and Martin Barber Shop” as further checks revealed, yesterday. Upstairs of the building serves as rented apartments. For that Head Office address, the company lists its contact information as the mobile number: 347-410-9772. Calls to that number result in the voicemail: “Hello, you’ve reached Cliff David. Please leave a message after the tone and I’ll get back to you shortly. Thank you for calling.” In Guyana, the company’s local address is 54 Grove Public Road, East Bank Demerara. This address is part of a business complex at Grove, which did not have a single computer to sell recently when a Kaieteur News reporter researching bidders for the government’s One Laptop Per Family project visited. The reporter was directed to the company’s office in Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, and the result was no different. Digital Technology in Guyana was one of the companies which put in a bid to supply the government 27,000 laptops under a US$9 millon project. However, the company’s bid, along with the two other bidders, was not successful and the project went to a re-tender.

Krishendat Sukhu

Pulandar Kandhi

Minister Shaik Baksh

When Kaieteur News contacted the company to speak with its Chief Executive Officer, Krishendat ‘Terrence’ Sukhu, the person answering the phone said he was not in the office. Further calls yielded the same results, and messages for Sukhu to return calls for clarification went unanswered. On Monday, this newspaper was told that Sukhu was out of the country and would possibly return in two weeks.

At the contract signing on July 13, Education Minister Shaik Baksh, said that Sukhu had already procured some of the computers and that he was expected to complete delivery by the end of the first term. Mr Sukhu explained that the computers would be Dell made, and acquired through its Central American agency. They would have the standard USB ports and 250-gigabyte hard drives. Initially, there were queries about the ability of the company to actually procure the computers before it had signed the contract, but a source close to the company said that from the time the tenders were open and Mr Sukhu learnt that he had won the tender with the lowest bid, he set about procuring the computers.

Digital Technology boasts of being a world-class management team with direct knowledge of the industry, extensive research experience, and unique administration skills. The company claims to deliver Computer Hardware, Software, Surveillance Systems, Training, VOIP and Networking, Computer and related equipment servicing to customers, and commenced integration and Support of Wireless Internet from February 2006. The company was in fact incorporated in Guyana in June 2, 2009. It also states on its website that it currently hosts approximately 10 websites and has five collocated servers. The company does not list the name of these websites it hosts.

On Monday, when asked about the programme of due diligence performed by the Ministry of Education, Permanent Secretary Pulandar Kandhi, said that the various contractors were subjected to a rigorous examination by the Central Tender Board and by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), which is funding one of the computer programmes by the Ministry. However, Digital Technology was not subjected to such scrutiny since its project was outside the scope of the CDB.


two years now since this tiefing happen, not one person charged and the money gone!


Originally Posted by Devindra:

two years now since this tiefing happen, not one person charged and the money gone!

the Hon Minister responsible for this wants to know what is it about "PPP tiefman impunity" that y'all doan understand

Originally Posted by Nehru:
I dont understand why the Govt cant purchase directly from Dell or even China or India and give the Contract for installing and servicing to a local. I have to say something is NOT kosher here.

Nehru, like you want trouble with the Bookman and friends.


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