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Barge crossing for Section Two of Amaila Road complete – installation held up by low water level in Essequibo River


By Tajeram Mohabir, March 20, 2015, Source


Public Works Minister Robeson Benn gives a briefing, standing on the makeshift barge at the Essequibo River-end, Section Two of the Amaila Falls Access Road
Public Works Minister Robeson Benn gives a briefing, standing on the makeshift barge at the Essequibo River-end, Section Two of the Amaila Falls Access Road

THE $120 million roll on/roll off barge with propulsion units and controls to be connected at the end of the access road of Section Two of the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Project to facilitate crossing of the Essequibo River has been completed. But its installation has been held up due to the low water level in the river. Public Works Minister Robeson Benn on a visit to the site on Wednesday said the low water level has prevented the contractor Infab to fit the propulsion units to the barge.


Butakari Landing, Section Three of the Amaila Falls Access Road

Butakari Landing, Section Three of the Amaila Falls Access Road


The Ministry of Public Works and Infab are deciding whether to wait until the water rises or dredge the river. The latter option would cost some $11 million.

“By the time the water comes, we will want the thing to be in operation so we will have to decide whether we will put it on now or wait later. We have to find a simple solution or we wait,” Minister Benn said.

But he noted that the ministry wants the barge to be installed before the May/June rains. Currently, a makeshift barge is being used to facilitate crossing of the Essequibo Riverat the end of Section Two of the Amaila Falls Road.

The minister said the barge will be the prototype for the Kuribrong River, noting that the design adopted will save quite a sum of money with respect to the Kuribrong crossing.

The barge crossing is built to withstand weight of up to 120 tonnes
Ministry of Public Works Engineer Walter Willis said the roll on/roll off feature was not originally planned for the barge, but was added after some investigation, to enable easy manoeuvring.

Crossing at the barge will lead to the Butakari Landing, Section Three of the Amaila Falls Access Road. At the end of Section Six is the meandering Kuribrong River and the end of Section Seven is another section of the Kuribrong River, leading to Amaila Falls.

President Donald Ramotar in early February last year said the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project remains the number one priority of his administration, and he remains hopeful that the mega-project would become a reality
The President who was at the time speaking at the commissioning of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) power station at Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara, said efforts are being made to restart work on the transformative project before year-end.


One of the population units to be fitted to the barge

One of the population units to be fitted to the barge


A lot of work has already been done on the project, and President Ramotar pointed out that Norway had already transferred US$80 million to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to get the project back on stream.

“We have already identified another company to step into the shoes of Black Stone and Sithe Global. We are working feverishly to conclude this arrangement, so that, hopefully, we can start construction very soon,” President Ramotar had said.

He pointed out that through the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) agreement with Norway, some US$150 million of the US$250 million has already been disbursed to Guyana, contending that “We have the resources to go in that direction [restarting work on the Amaila Project].”

The Amaila Falls Hydropower Project was voted down by the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) during the 10th Parliament.

It is one of the flagship projects of the LCDS. Once completed, it is expected to remove 92 per cent of Guyana’s energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, deliver energy security for Guyana, provide cheaper energy for citizens and businesses, and promote the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Guyana.


 Ready for installation: The barge built by Infab but cannot be installed due to the current water level in the Essequibo River

Ready for installation: The barge built by Infab but cannot be installed due to the current water level in the Essequibo River


The project that was voted down was the largest foreign investment and infrastructural project in the history of Guyana. It was aimed at providing a stable and dependable source of energy that will bolster Guyana’s overall economic growth while reducing the country’s dependence on fossil fuel.

The project was geared to reduce Guyana Power and Light’s (GPL) cost of electricity generation, saving an estimated US$3.5 billion for consumers over contract term.

In financial terms, the project would have allowed Guyana to avoid importing approximately US$200 million in fuel per annum, while costing GPL approximately US$100 million per annum on average.

Based on estimates, the project would have allowed GPL to reduce its generation cost from close to US 20 cents per kwh, to approximately US 11 cents per kwh.

The project was developed as a Public-Private Partnership, with the private sector leading in its development. Government was a minority investor, with the goal of seeking to lower the cost of electricity.

The life of the 165 MW hydro project was estimated to be over 100 years and would have been fully financed and paid off over a 20-year period. -- By Tajeram Mohabir

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It’s clear that PPP failed to make Guyana safe

March 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 


The recent Latin America Public Opinion Poll (LAPOP) survey which showed that Guyanese lack confidence in the Guyana Police Force (GPF) was used by A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) as an argument to prove that something is terribly wrong with the security sector. The coalition made this reference yesterday in response to a press statement sent out by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Monday. Via this release, Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee called on APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate,  David Granger to desist from using the security sector as a “political football”, stating that Granger conveniently chooses not to recognise the progress of the sector. This was in response to statements by Granger to the effect that the security sector was in bad shape. Rohee, in retaliation to such statements, said that the opposition leader “likes to set himself up as the guru for the security sector in Guyana, and tries to convince the nation that no one else but he has all the answers to the security situation in our country, ignoring all accomplishments and investments done since 1992 by the PPP/C  (Peoples Progressive Party/Civic) Administration.” Among other things, Rohee stated in the press release that “David Granger is entitled to his opinion, but not to his own facts in this matter.  It is therefore disingenuous for him to pontificate and attempt to pronounce on any of the above issues in the manner in which he is attempting to so do.” Yesterday, the APNU+AFC coalition said that the figures are there to support the statements made by Granger and “figures don’t lie.”  The coalition said that the “facts show that there is nothing to celebrate in the security sector, despite the propaganda, that Clement James Rohee wants to peddle.” APNU+AFC was adamant that “no attack on the Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC David Granger can erase the fact that there was an eleven percent (11%) increase in the number of armed robberies involving firearms in 2014.” The coalition added that “No amount of propaganda can erase the fact that there were 146 road fatalities, up from 135 recorded at the end of last year (2014). No press release bashing Granger can erase the fact that 147 Guyanese citizens were murdered in 2014 and unfortunately the trend continues in 2015.” The political body added that Minister Rohee needs to stop “being deaf to the plight of the people of Guyana who in the latest LAPOP survey registered a total lack of confidence in the Guyana Police Force.” The coalition said that Rohee seems to be blind to such facts and continues to exhibit the same “incompetence and neglect of duty” that warranted a vote of no confidence against him in the 10th Parliament of Guyana. It was said that an APNU+AFC government will ensure that the people of Guyana are safe. “APNU+AFC will invest in retraining and reequipping of the Guyana Police Force. It is a travesty that and shows the depths of depravity that Rohee and the PPP/C administration would make attempt to make political hay out of the current security crisis. It is time for Change”.


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