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Bartica NDC dissolved, IMC installed in wake of Commission of Enquiry recommendation


Georgetown, GINA, May 26, 2012

Source - GINA


IMC members take the oath of office before Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud, Permanent Secretary of the Local Government Ministry Collin Croal and Region Seven Chairman Gordon Bradford at the Bartica NDC office


In keeping with the Local Government Act, Chapter 2802, officials of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development on May 24 formally dissolved the Bartica Neighbhourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and installed a 15-member Interim Committee (IMC) to govern the affairs of the NDC.

Thirteen of the 15 members; Winston Miller, Ovid Benjamin, Edward Persaud, Clairmont Chase, Sandrine Harris, Shaneza Ramnauth, Trudy Nelson, Stephen Bell, Sookdeo Singh, Shatto Samuels, Clarence Bell, Nalini Barker and Kirk Skeete took their oath of office before Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud, Permanent Secretary Collin Croal and Region Seven Chairman Gordon Bradford at the Bartica NDC office.


The remaining two members, Haniff Khan and Nirjan Roopnarine are to be sworn in later.


The decision to disband the council and install an IMC come about following a recommendation of a Commission of Enquiry requested by the residents of Bartica. The residents, dissatisfied with the council’s management of the affairs of the NDC and the community, had petitioned the ministry and requested the enquiry.


Minister Persaud expressed thanks to the out-going Chairman and members of the council and commended the IMC members for having consented to serve and to give of themselves, their time, resources and energies to serve their community.


Minister Persaud however, warned that coming to work as a volunteer of the IMC is a job that would only give satisfaction if the members have a love for serving people.


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud and Region Seven Chairman Gordon Bradford with the members of the IMC


The committee’s members were also warned against trying to blame the prior council for their mistakes. Minister Persaud told the IMC that those councillors who would have served before them would have given service to the best of their ability and as such the IMC must seek to commend them rather than seek to point fingers.

Minister Persaud urged that the IMC seeks to do the tasks of the NDC without committing the mistakes of the previous council even as they pursue the previous council’s line of success.

The Minister also assured the NDC staff that the replacement with the IMC in no way affects their employment and cautioned against taking political stands on issues that are not part of their paid employment.

Regional Chairman, Bradford in addressing the IMC assured the committee that as head of the region he is prepared to work with whichever body is put in place to serve the residents.


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud in discussion with the newly sworn in IMC members and staff at the Bartica NDC


The Regional Chairman, like Minister Persaud, also pointed out the magnitude of the role they have taken on and advised that the IMC members are now servants of the people.

Barticians were consulted on the nomination of the names for the IMC members and from 31 put forth; the 15 IMC members were selected.
Ovid Benjamin was appointed the IMC Chair while the Vice Chair is Stephen Bell.

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