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Tonight in Cleveland, it comes down to a single game to determine who will be the World Champions for 2016 .I am certain both the Cubs and Indians players will give it their best shot to cop this coveted title.

In a few days there is another championship, this time to choose the President of the USA. The players in this competition are we the citizens who must ensure that we all give it our best shot.

I am appealing to everyone, especially immigrants and children of immigrants, do not ever forget the sacrifices that your parents and grand parents made to be here in this great country.

There are a lot at stake in this elections, one candidate has insulted and shown total disregard towards immigrants, women and anyone who will stand up to his bully-ism.

So like the baseball players who will proudly go out there this evening to do battle, I am urging all citizens to go out and cast your vote. Early voting has begun in some States, especially in Florida., kindly go out and cast your ballot.

Do not sit out this election, go out and vote, vote for Ms. Hillary Clinton!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Chiefy is campaigning for the Clintons. You can't tell people who to vote for.  

Well, you can't blame him, he was Forbes' right hand man. What do you expect from a man who was indoctrinated by a renowned notorious dicktater?

Marning Skeldon man.

Now shut you skont and go in a corner and remain there until I ask you to speak.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Chiefy is campaigning for the Clintons. You can't tell people who to vote for.  

Well, you can't blame him, he was Forbes' right hand man. What do you expect from a man who was indoctrinated by a renowned notorious dicktater?

Marning Skeldon man.

Now shut you skont and go in a corner and remain there until I ask you to speak.

Manin Chief. You tink you ah everybady mama man. Now you guh and shet you cunny. Cross your legs, don't let anyone in.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Chiefy is campaigning for the Clintons. You can't tell people who to vote for.  

Well, you can't blame him, he was Forbes' right hand man. What do you expect from a man who was indoctrinated by a renowned notorious dicktater?

Marning Skeldon man.

Now shut you skont and go in a corner and remain there until I ask you to speak.

Manin Chief. You tink you ah everybady mama man. Now you guh and shet you cunny. Cross your legs, don't let anyone in.


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