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Since  the Burnham  government, I have been  trying to find out where I heard Baseman’s last name.
It was later mentioned by a guy who worked at GT&T and was in scouters training camp with me, at Camp Jubilee near the airport.
He knew my brother who worked at the government agriculture station in Guyana  and  lived on the East Coast.
The reason  these things came together, because the late Fr. Bernard Darke  took a photograph of me, Dr. Ptolemy Reid   and WCD Fr. Collegher? together at Camp Jubilee. 
Some government minister and their families were invited to dinner by our trainers.  Dr. Reid was our scout patrol guest, where there were six scouts in our patrol.
Dr. Reid  knew my brother at Mon Repos  and   asked whether I know his  Indian friend Mr. S [ Baseman’s father].  I did not know him personally, but my brother did.
Now fast forward  a lil bit. The Burnham government was offering agriculture scholarships to Africa and they were looking for token Indians to attend. 
Lo and behold, I was told,  it is believed Baseman’s name appeared on the list and he went to Africa on a PNC government scholarship. Based  on  his father's  friendship with Dr. Reid.
Rass Base, dis is big news fa GNI.  Did you serve in the PNC afterwards, so they can  get some benefit from you.
Now we know how you posted about your African experience.
Baseman,  you are a fraud and a double hypocrite.  You  bad-talk  Burnham, Granger and the PNC, yet you and your family charity accepted their generosity.
What a guy  !!   Baseman his own self-made hero. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Some of you have nothing to do and all day to do shit. If a man/person was qualified enough to receive a government scholarship during the Burnham era, then suddenly he is a PNC, well I know of a few that received such scholarship and was all based on their academic performance. I have a cousin that was supposed to go to Cuba and refused, well you heard what happened to that Cubana Airline flight that blew up , he eventually went to England, qualified as a doctor and the hospital in England bought out his Guyana contract. I don't know any of you on GNI and I sure the same can be said the other way, but to start a tread on a person's past is vindictive.

caribny posted:

Yes baseman was sent to "Rawanda" and they gave him ants to eat.  That was his perpetual scream on GNI a decade or so ago.

It is making sense now.  That would be an explanation of his hatred of black people. 

kp posted:

Some of you have nothing to do and all day to do shit. If a man/person was qualified enough to receive a government scholarship during the Burnham era, then suddenly he is a PNC, well I know of a few that received such scholarship and was all based on their academic performance. I have a cousin that was supposed to go to Cuba and refused, well you heard what happened to that Cubana Airline flight that blew up , he eventually went to England, qualified as a doctor and the hospital in England bought out his Guyana contract. I don't know any of you on GNI and I sure the same can be said the other way, but to start a tread on a person's past is vindictive.

Tola simply providing facts to shed light on this "self proclaimed" primadonna. 

kp posted:

Some of you have nothing to do and all day to do shit. If a man/person was qualified enough to receive a government scholarship during the Burnham era, then suddenly he is a PNC, well I know of a few that received such scholarship and was all based on their academic performance. I have a cousin that was supposed to go to Cuba and refused, well you heard what happened to that Cubana Airline flight that blew up , he eventually went to England, qualified as a doctor and the hospital in England bought out his Guyana contract. I don't know any of you on GNI and I sure the same can be said the other way, but to start a tread on a person's past is vindictive.

KP, you also seem to have tunnel vision like some on GNI.

Where were you when Baseman was constantly sniffing the odour off my backside and stalking me around  GNI with all his shit posts, while I tried to ignore him.  Causing the moderator to close my topic,  because of his writing.

You seem to be like him. You only see what you want to see and knock others down for it.

Go back and read his posts  where mine was derailed with his warped mind make-up personal stuff. Look at the times I offered him an olive branch, but he rass too stupid to accept.   

When  did the PNC  or the PPP offered scholarships based only on merit. The Guyanese people are now experiencing the consequences of so-called  high school grads  becoming doctors in Cuba. Most times they offer quack service for a fee to unsuspecting patients. You need to learn how nasty both parties can be towards each other peoples. Baseman got his scholarship because his father was a friend of Dr. Reid. He is too dumb to get in based on qualifications, regarding  what he did in Bangalore and  his  family charity on the East Coast.

The problem with Baseman.  Him and his family receive gifts from the PNC government, but he is ungrateful  and knocks them down at every opportunity.

He puts himself on a pedestal and believe he is better than anyone else, but to know him is another story.  This guy changes his political support like a snake changing its skin.

If you feel Baseman is the pope, join his gang and you will also become a guy walking around NJ alone, trying to make  friends.      

kp posted:

Would you like someone to dig up shit on everyone  on GNI and then post it on line many of you have godie for baggage .

Where warranted. Tola has a right to defend himself when attacked.  If you live in a glass house don't throw stones!!!!

FC posted:
kp posted:

Would you like someone to dig up shit on everyone  on GNI and then post it on line many of you have godie for baggage .

Where warranted. Tola has a right to defend himself when attacked.  If you live in a glass house don't throw stones!!!!

Thanks FC. Let Baseman continue with his attacks, there are others around who did not like him or his family. No more ignoring his shit post.

If he  wants to be pleasant, I will reply in kind.

kp posted:

I suggest you guys stop using this site as your personal combat zone. I seriously  would ask the Admin to close this thread. Baseman has not made one reply. This is a one way abuse. 

Bull Shit KP.  When I was away,  Baseman and his gang had a field day with his post about me.

I am sure he is reading and there is nothing stopping him from stealing some time at work to post, as he did previously.  

Tola posted:
kp posted:

I suggest you guys stop using this site as your personal combat zone. I seriously  would ask the Admin to close this thread. Baseman has not made one reply. This is a one way abuse. 

Bull Shit KP.  When I was away,  Baseman and his gang had a field day with his post about me.

I am sure he is reading and there is nothing stopping him from stealing some time at work to post, as he did previously.  

Stop behaving  like kids. Guys grow up. Your thread went after his father. Enough is enough.

kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:

I suggest you guys stop using this site as your personal combat zone. I seriously  would ask the Admin to close this thread. Baseman has not made one reply. This is a one way abuse. 

Bull Shit KP.  When I was away,  Baseman and his gang had a field day with his post about me.

I am sure he is reading and there is nothing stopping him from stealing some time at work to post, as he did previously.  

Stop behaving  like kids. Guys grow up. Your thread went after his father. Enough is enough.

Did you raise your voice when umpteen threads were created for the sole purpose of demonizing blacks leading to creation of the reference to the participants as the "brown bai KKK"?  

I suppose that was fair game. 

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:

I suggest you guys stop using this site as your personal combat zone. I seriously  would ask the Admin to close this thread. Baseman has not made one reply. This is a one way abuse. 

Bull Shit KP.  When I was away,  Baseman and his gang had a field day with his post about me.

I am sure he is reading and there is nothing stopping him from stealing some time at work to post, as he did previously.  

Stop behaving  like kids. Guys grow up. Your thread went after his father. Enough is enough.

The topic question is based solely on the action of his father.

What is your suggestion to avoid linking his father to what he received ?

Read Baseman's past post and come back with a comment.

Baseman was told that I will only reply to  his nasty comments about me, yet he continues with nasty comments. Maybe  something is wrong with his br... sense of reason.

Tola posted:
Since  the Burnham  government, I have been  trying to find out where I heard Baseman’s last name.
It was later mentioned by a guy who worked at GT&T and was in scouters training camp with me, at Camp Jubilee near the airport.
He knew my brother who worked at the government agriculture station in Guyana  and  lived on the East Coast.
The reason  these things came together, because the late Fr. Bernard Darke  took a photograph of me, Dr. Ptolemy Reid   and WCD Fr. Collegher? together at Camp Jubilee. 
Some government minister and their families were invited to dinner by our trainers.  Dr. Reid was our scout patrol guest, where there were six scouts in our patrol.
Dr. Reid  knew my brother at Mon Repos  and   asked whether I know his  Indian friend Mr. S [ Baseman’s father].  I did not know him personally, but my brother did.
Now fast forward  a lil bit. The Burnham government was offering agriculture scholarships to Africa and they were looking for token Indians to attend. 
Lo and behold, I was told,  it is believed Baseman’s name appeared on the list and he went to Africa on a PNC government scholarship. Based  on  his father's  friendship with Dr. Reid.
Rass Base, dis is big news fa GNI.  Did you serve in the PNC afterwards, so they can  get some benefit from you.
Now we know how you posted about your African experience.
Baseman,  you are a fraud and a double hypocrite.  You  bad-talk  Burnham, Granger and the PNC, yet you and your family charity accepted their generosity.
What a guy  !!   Baseman his own self-made hero. 

Nah, my father, working as an Agro-officer, was given a USAID grant scholarship to become an expert in the Oil Palm business.  The recommendation came from an American and an Israeli expats working in Guyana for USAID.  My father was intelligent, dedicated hard-working living in different parts of pre and post Independence Guyana undertaking various Agro research initiatives since his 20's under the Brits then after.  His dedication and hard work and support for the FCH program made him the best choice.  He thought Guyana had the capacity regardless of PNC and PPP!  He would have done the same and better for the PPP!  My father probably did more for Guyana at age 30 than you all your [loser] life!

My father quit a comfortable job and life and left Guyana under the PNC tyranny.  He despised their anti-indian racism and brutality which he saw and felt regardless of what he did.  And none of his kids were beneficiaries of anything from the PNC except a basic HS education.  All made it in America by themselves!  So whatever baseman or his brothers and sisters accomplished, we are all self-made!

Now Tola the loser, what is your real name?  How is your fake suicide Charity missions coming along?  What have you done for your little homeland apart from sponging and faking it?  How about your lil teaching job, teaching young ladies how to use mobile phones?  Has it paid any dividends yet?

Tola the loser, the PNC owned everything in Guyana, so then almost everyone worked for the PNC one way or another, even GAWU cane cutters!

Now loser Tola, you had your 10 mins in the sun, so what?  Tell us what you have done for Guyana!!  No need to talk of my late father!  Rather than spending [antimanish] time talking people name in Guyana, you should work your projects.  Maybe that's why you failed, loser!

Tola posted:
kp posted:

I suggest you guys stop using this site as your personal combat zone. I seriously  would ask the Admin to close this thread. Baseman has not made one reply. This is a one way abuse. 

Bull Shit KP.  When I was away,  Baseman and his gang had a field day with his post about me.

I am sure he is reading and there is nothing stopping him from stealing some time at work to post, as he did previously.  

Baseman don't have a gang, them bais on GNI see thru you, just ask Ksazma.  Baseman has no communication or coordination with anyone.  It's all in your dunce head!

And if you notice, baseman posts in the evenings and few early morn and weekends.

With that said, baseman will take time off from GNI to catch up on my professional CPE's!

I leave you to my brothers and sisters on GNI to put some good lash pun yuh dunce PNC rass till I get through my studies!

BTW, baseman was never in Africa until i came to the US.  WTF you talking about?

Last edited by Former Member
FC posted:
caribny posted:

Yes baseman was sent to "Rawanda" and they gave him ants to eat.  That was his perpetual scream on GNI a decade or so ago.

It is making sense now.  That would be an explanation of his hatred of black people. 

African people are a good people.  The Guyana Blacks were a most racist breed of Blacks cultivated under Burnham!  I actually admire hard working Black people!  No issue with them!


What aggravates me about these pro-government posters is not their charge of corruption on the previous government. I never denied it even though they keep saying i did. The most aggravating thing about their posts is the outrageous charge of Jagdeo executing 400 to 500 black men. This is a fabrication of extremist elements in the APNU . The Carib types I'm referring to. These Indos who bitter with PPP have been pushing this same big lie on this forum and practically turned into a political mantra.  How Indian can you be to give such lies and shamelessly broadcast it as it is gospel truth?  You people need duck your faces in laterine pit  It will look better than what is right now.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:

Base, like you expose the fellow FAKE ChaRITY SO HE MAD AT YOU NOW.

Fake man now tun mad man!  You pelt wan stone a sty, da pig wah halla, ah he get am!!

Everyone called out this banna, even Ksazma who don't really mix it up with anyone!

And why he attack me, because Bibi said dem rass wretched?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What aggravates me about these pro-government posters is not their charge of corruption on the previous government. I never denied it even though they keep saying i did. The most aggravating thing about their posts is the outrageous charge of Jagdeo executing 400 to 500 black men. This is a fabrication of extremist elements in the APNU . The Carib types I'm referring to. These Indos who bitter with PPP have been pushing this same big lie on this forum and practically turned into a political mantra.  How Indian can you be to give such lies and shamelessly broadcast it as it is gospel truth?  You people need duck your faces in laterine pit  It will look better than what is right now.

Crabs have no shame, dem walk ever direction!

Tola posted:
kp posted:

Stop behaving  like kids. Guys grow up. Your thread went after his father. Enough is enough.

The topic question is based solely on the action of his father.

What is your suggestion to avoid linking his father to what he received ?

Read Baseman's past post and come back with a comment.

Baseman was told that I will only reply to  his nasty comments about me, yet he continues with nasty comments. Maybe  something is wrong with his br... sense of reason.

Listen clown.  What does my father's job in Guyana have to do with me in America or Swiss?


Thanks Baseman, you gave us  a lot more than we expected.

Don't be such a rubber-mouth next time, it might save your ass someday.

Now, you go and find the meaning of TOLA.

Have a good night Ralph, yu hear.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What aggravates me about these pro-government posters is not their charge of corruption on the previous government. I never denied it even though they keep saying i did. The most aggravating thing about their posts is the outrageous charge of Jagdeo executing 400 to 500 black men. This is a fabrication of extremist elements in the APNU . The Carib types I'm referring to. These Indos who bitter with PPP have been pushing this same big lie on this forum and practically turned into a political mantra.  How Indian can you be to give such lies and shamelessly broadcast it as it is gospel truth?  You people need duck your faces in laterine pit  It will look better than what is right now.

Pull the post where Indos on GNI mentioned the highlighted,I may have missed it.

The duck your face,is what my next half will call "waste talk"

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What aggravates me about these pro-government posters is not their charge of corruption on the previous government. I never denied it even though they keep saying i did. The most aggravating thing about their posts is the outrageous charge of Jagdeo executing 400 to 500 black men. This is a fabrication of extremist elements in the APNU . The Carib types I'm referring to. These Indos who bitter with PPP have been pushing this same big lie on this forum and practically turned into a political mantra.  How Indian can you be to give such lies and shamelessly broadcast it as it is gospel truth?  You people need duck your faces in laterine pit  It will look better than what is right now.

Pull the post where Indos on GNI mentioned the highlighted,I may have missed it.

The duck your face,is what my next half will call "waste talk"

Django, you are such a pleasant guy. We have to get Gilly to teach you how to use your 'c' and 'k' words more effectively.  Cain knows them well.

Me notice Cain haven't  mention his big batty neighbour for a while. Like dem move.

warrior posted:

the fool should have stay in Africa could a be a blackman bitch  

Unlike you, baseman and is clan has no such cravings!  You speak whats on your mind.  The human his a social animal, misery likes company!  But no thanks!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:
caribny posted:

Yes baseman was sent to "Rawanda" and they gave him ants to eat.  That was his perpetual scream on GNI a decade or so ago.

It is making sense now.  That would be an explanation of his hatred of black people. 

African people are a good people.  The Guyana Blacks were a most racist breed of Blacks cultivated under Burnham!  I actually admire hard working Black people!  No issue with them!

I would not have reached that conclusion from the body of your posts on this site. You may have had an epiphany.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Nehru posted:

To make appropriate and intelligent conclusion, a BRAIN is required!!!

Well known fact, that is the reason you are excused and tolerated by some.

Bray Donkey  Bray Donkey bray is not just a song in your case.

Last edited by Nehru
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