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VishMahabir posted:

US falling apart...threat to law and order from within and threat from outside from ISIS....very troubling

You may not remember the 70s when police were being killed in the streets in America - probably more than tday. Also you may not remember the bombings and killings by the IRA and PLO in those very 70s. Then there were long gas liner and shortages. You had stagflation. New York was a cess-pit. Nothing's falling apart. This will happen in the future too.

Kari posted:
VishMahabir posted:

US falling apart...threat to law and order from within and threat from outside from ISIS....very troubling

You may not remember the 70s when police were being killed in the streets in America - probably more than tday. Also you may not remember the bombings and killings by the IRA and PLO in those very 70s. Then there were long gas liner and shortages. You had stagflation. New York was a cess-pit. Nothing's falling apart. This will happen in the future too.

Correct, and it needs a leader like Trump to bring things back to norm!

ba$eman posted:

Correct, and it needs a leader like Trump to bring things back to norm!

1.  President Trump blows up the budget by cutting taxes and invading Iran.  Thousands of Americans die.  NO ONE assists the USA in that war, having learned their lesion from Iraq.

2.  Trump picks a big fight with the Chinese, who promptly unload all of their US treasuries, with the result that interest rates increase sky high.

3. Trump starts trade wars with Mexico, an important customer for US exports, and also China. They retaliate by canceling all orders to buy US capital goods.  Our trade deficit explodes!

The economy craters.  Red necks scream and cry that Trump is a traitor. He tells them to shut up, and continues to buy uniforms for his hotel staff from Bangladesh.

cain posted:

Carib forgot the main one;

Trump loses!

No I am allowing the brown bai KKK dwell in the fantasy that their fellow racist wins.  Just explaining that they will be bawling for Hillary within a few months. Just like those Brits who now bawl that their Brexit vote was a mistake and they want to vote over.


When police are shot and killed the news papers report they leave a wife and children behind. When the police shoot anyone, especially blacks, we hear nothing of their families, nothing about the kids they leave behind after being murdered. What happen, black people doan have mothers, fathers and children too?

It seems the outcome of cases where blacks are being what seems as targeted, is already determined the moment that black fellow takes his last breath.

From what we have witnessed the last few days, things could only get worse should these people decide to be copycats.

We hear complaints about the possibility of judges being in the pockets of Gun lobbyists the KKK and other creeps,The day judges are elected instead of appointed/chosen, things just might change for the better.

Last edited by cain

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