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BCB names executives and committee members

Oct 17, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...d-committee-members/

The Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) has announced the list of appointed executives and committee members who will serve in the 2017-2018 administration under President Dhieranidnaurh Sonwaru.

Mr Somwaru in keeping with his policy of inclusion has announced the following confirmed appointments.

Other positions that are vacant will be filled in a timely manner.

Appointed Ececutives
1. Arnold Deosarran
2. Raymond Mohammad
3. Godfrey Persaud
4. Desmond Fraser
5. Vemen Walter
6. Derick McAlmont

Junior Selection Comittee:
Leslie Solomon – Chairman
Narine Deonarine
Patrick Lewis
D. Dharry
Shabeer Baksh
Orvin Mangru
Peter Tulsieram

Competitions Committee
Julian Moore
Vemen Walters
Natasha Gangoo
Moses Rampaul
Christopher Bissoon

Marketing Manager
Devindra Persaud

Finance Committee
Godwin Allicock
Imran Sacoor
Randolph Latcha

Disciplinary Committee
Dr. Rishi Thakur
Attorney -at-Law Taijnarine Ramroop
Imtiaz Bacchus

Anthony Khemraj

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