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You all will note that so far there has been no new ideas from this govt. One would expect that they has economic plans before they came into power as it appeared that they had all the answers for developing Guyana. So far we have not heard or seen any of these plans from the afc/apnu regime. I submit that these folks are merely squatting in office with no real plan to develop the nation.

Drugb posted:

You all will note that so far there has been no new ideas from this govt. One would expect that they has economic plans before they came into power as it appeared that they had all the answers for developing Guyana. So far we have not heard or seen any of these plans from the afc/apnu regime. I submit that these folks are merely squatting in office with no real plan to develop the nation.

They have lots of ideas but no money and I am happy they are not doing like the PPP; simply borrowing for wasteful big ticket items that become non producing assets.

I hope they conserve, kill the underground economy and drug culture, get a grasp on crime and begin to regularize all processes so we can become a normal society. With spending contain, crooked leech projects contained, leeches and assorted parasites fumigated we can become productive.


Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

You all will note that so far there has been no new ideas from this govt. One would expect that they has economic plans before they came into power as it appeared that they had all the answers for developing Guyana. So far we have not heard or seen any of these plans from the afc/apnu regime. I submit that these folks are merely squatting in office with no real plan to develop the nation.

They have lots of ideas but no money and I am happy they are not doing like the PPP; simply borrowing for wasteful big ticket items that become non producing assets.

I hope they conserve, kill the underground economy and drug culture, get a grasp on crime and begin to regularize all processes so we can become a normal society. With spending contain, crooked leech projects contained, leeches and assorted parasites fumigated we can become productive.


Lots of PPP ideas. No money except to take 50% raises and spend on dancing and eating without thinking about tomorrow.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

You all will note that so far there has been no new ideas from this govt. One would expect that they has economic plans before they came into power as it appeared that they had all the answers for developing Guyana. So far we have not heard or seen any of these plans from the afc/apnu regime. I submit that these folks are merely squatting in office with no real plan to develop the nation.

They have lots of ideas but no money and I am happy they are not doing like the PPP; simply borrowing for wasteful big ticket items that become non producing assets.

I hope they conserve, kill the underground economy and drug culture, get a grasp on crime and begin to regularize all processes so we can become a normal society. With spending contain, crooked leech projects contained, leeches and assorted parasites fumigated we can become productive.


Lots of PPP ideas. No money except to take 50% raises and spend on dancing and eating without thinking about tomorrow.

fifty percent raise still left all of them making less than a MacDonald manager. Most are at line worker wages. If they could keep their hands our of the till or just steal 50 percent less than the PPP we would have monumental savings.

You forget the PPP was raiding the treasury by putting on big concerts on behalf of their party at National park. I do not see the celebration of the national independence day as a crime or the spending they proposed as exorbitant.

And for your information, the PPP had no idea. All of the projects they proposed were boutique projects that came from big loans with lots of graft options to fill their pockets.

Nehru posted:

KIm Sung Il of Giyana. Bloody PARASITES!!!!!!!!!!!

At least Kim Jung and Sung use the money to advance their technologies, regardless of their intention. What does Guyana have to show ?.. 50% raises and eat, drinK and be merry. Tomorrow, we will chew dry coconut and beat pot and kaharee and dance our hungry bellies.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

You all will note that so far there has been no new ideas from this govt. One would expect that they has economic plans before they came into power as it appeared that they had all the answers for developing Guyana. So far we have not heard or seen any of these plans from the afc/apnu regime. I submit that these folks are merely squatting in office with no real plan to develop the nation.

They have lots of ideas but no money and I am happy they are not doing like the PPP; simply borrowing for wasteful big ticket items that become non producing assets.

I hope they conserve, kill the underground economy and drug culture, get a grasp on crime and begin to regularize all processes so we can become a normal society. With spending contain, crooked leech projects contained, leeches and assorted parasites fumigated we can become productive.


Lots of PPP ideas. No money except to take 50% raises and spend on dancing and eating without thinking about tomorrow.

After 8 months ,the biggest achievement by this PNC government is the longest flag pole, close to Cuffy holding his big stick. How can them build Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Hotels etc, if it takes a whole coalition government to build ONE FLAG POLE.

kp posted:

After 8 months ,the biggest achievement by this PNC government is the longest flag pole, close to Cuffy holding his big stick. How can them build Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Hotels etc, if it takes a whole coalition government to build ONE FLAG POLE.

You must think very highly of the new govt if you expect them to build buildings, roads, bridges and hotels in 8 months when the PPP can claim only a few cosmetic accomplishments whose primary purpose was the diverting of funds into private accounts, in over two decades.

antabanta posted:
kp posted:

After 8 months ,the biggest achievement by this PNC government is the longest flag pole, close to Cuffy holding his big stick. How can them build Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Hotels etc, if it takes a whole coalition government to build ONE FLAG POLE.

You must think very highly of the new govt if you expect them to build buildings, roads, bridges and hotels in 8 months when the PPP can claim only a few cosmetic accomplishments whose primary purpose was the diverting of funds into private accounts, in over two decades.

If you really and truly believe this, then you are stifling your conscience or you are extremely out-of-touch with Guyana.  No one in their right mind can deny the development of Guyana under the PPP. 

Bibi Haniffa

The PPP needs to document a list of their accomplishments and publish it for all to see.  I was at that Giftland Mall in Lillendaal a few months ago and was astonished at the place.  You would think you are in New York or some such place.  There is state of the art stores, restaurants, movie theater and huge parking lot with shuttle busses to take patrons to either of the main roads.  It is next door to the Caricom Secretariat Compound which is in itself another architectural feat. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

After 8 months ,the biggest achievement by this PNC government is the longest flag pole, close to Cuffy holding his big stick. How can them build Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Hotels etc, if it takes a whole coalition government to build ONE FLAG POLE.

You must think very highly of the new govt if you expect them to build buildings, roads, bridges and hotels in 8 months when the PPP can claim only a few cosmetic accomplishments whose primary purpose was the diverting of funds into private accounts, in over two decades.

If you really and truly believe this, then you are stifling your conscience or you are extremely out-of-touch with Guyana.  No one in their right mind can deny the development of Guyana under the PPP. 

On the contrary, I am extremely in touch with Guyana, moreso than you can ever be or possibly imagine, and my conscience is quite clear. What development other than the cosmetic projects whose sole purpose was the diversion of funds?

baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:

You must think very highly of the new govt if you expect them to build buildings, roads, bridges and hotels in 8 months when the PPP can claim only a few cosmetic accomplishments whose primary purpose was the diverting of funds into private accounts, in over two decades.

If you really and truly believe this, then you are stifling your conscience or you are extremely out-of-touch with Guyana.  No one in their right mind can deny the development of Guyana under the PPP. 

Shameless racists PNCites and crab louse katahars girl!!

Dem deh round!!

You really like fa buse people. You is one a dem lady who does sell fish in the market?


Bibi, the number of handles doesn't matter to me. A few others have multiple handles and I could not care less. In fact I would like to think the racist bilge posted on this board emanates from just one human using multiple handles. That would be a comforting thought - that there is not really a racist tag team but one misguided person posting by other pseudonyms. Who knows?! 

We all take what we choose from others' posts, I do it and clearly so do you. For me the emphasis is on the wiliness of Kishan or Brian in planting ideas that others pick up and run with as if he had written Gospel. He must be thrilled. 

Feel free to take only what appeals to you. 

baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
susan posted:

Kishan / Brian (whichever handle it was) effectively planted ideas and some run with it like it is the Gospel. He must be grinning from ear to ear.  

Lol.  Susan you are learning fast!!!!  There are 3 or 4 more handles to this group

Funny "she" mentioned those coupled handles when neither started nor commented on this thread thus far!!

Base, Shhhhhhhhh! She might suspect "sumtin".

baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

If you really and truly believe this, then you are stifling your conscience or you are extremely out-of-touch with Guyana.  No one in their right mind can deny the development of Guyana under the PPP. 

On the contrary, I am extremely in touch with Guyana, moreso than you can ever be or possibly imagine, and my conscience is quite clear. What development other than the cosmetic projects whose sole purpose was the diversion of funds?

That says a lot of your predisposition and prejudice on issues in Guyana.  People refer to me as Mr "Simpleton", well I guess I have lot's of company!!

You are a liar and lack credibility.  It's such posting from people like you which drove people like Sir Baseman to become Mr "Simpleton" when addressing any issue!!

Any chance you can explain these accusations further? And refrain posts about yourself, no one really cares what drove Baseman to what. Your posts speak well enough for who and what you are.

Can you at least take your hands off your hips, leave the fish-vendor busing for fish vendors, and show the developments in Guyana that are nothing but cosmetic?

baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

On the contrary, I am extremely in touch with Guyana, moreso than you can ever be or possibly imagine, and my conscience is quite clear. What development other than the cosmetic projects whose sole purpose was the diversion of funds?

That says a lot of your predisposition and prejudice on issues in Guyana.  People refer to me as Mr "Simpleton", well I guess I have lot's of company!!

You are a liar and lack credibility.  It's such posting from people like you which drove people like Sir Baseman to become Mr "Simpleton" when addressing any issue!!

Any chance you can explain these accusations further? And refrain posts about yourself, no one really cares what drove Baseman to what. Your posts speak well enough for who and what you are.

Can you at least take your hands off your hips, leave the fish-vendor busing for fish vendors, and show the developments in Guyana that are nothing but cosmetic?

Your "simpleton" posts speaks for itself.  I did not refer to myself, just I'm constantly being referred to as Mr "simpleton".  I just wanted to point out I have company!!

What I am accused of, you, and many like you, are also!!!

Good, so to you the developments are cosmetic, so you stay deh and I say hey and "never the twain shall meet".

That's it? You just bandy about unrelated phrases, buse like fish vendor, then run away with your tail between your legs?

baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
baseman posted:

Your "simpleton" posts speaks for itself.  I did not refer to myself, just I'm constantly being referred to as Mr "simpleton".  I just wanted to point out I have company!!

What I am accused of, you, and many like you, are also!!!

Good, so to you the developments are cosmetic, so you stay deh and I say hey and "never the twain shall meet".

That's it? You just bandy about unrelated phrases, buse like fish vendor, then run away with your tail between your legs?

Exactly what is there to discuss??  Move on banna!!

A friken to repeat what's already stated before you put on another busing.

Cobra posted:

You can eat grass. You can walk naked. We don't care as long as the flag is big and the pole is long. Our supporters are trained to accept fried chicken and Banks beer and come to our rescue - Granger/Nagamootoo/Ramjattan.  




More objective, rational criticism? I guess you're saying the new government bankrupted the nation in 9 months?

antabanta posted:
Cobra posted:

You can eat grass. You can walk naked. We don't care as long as the flag is big and the pole is long. Our supporters are trained to accept fried chicken and Banks beer and come to our rescue - Granger/Nagamootoo/Ramjattan.  




More objective, rational criticism? I guess you're saying the new government bankrupted the nation in 9 months?

The PNC is no stranger to bankrupt Guyana and put an already poor nation into drowning debts. They did it before and they will do it (AGAIN). After May 26, you will see the true colors of the PNC under David G1. 

Cobra posted:
antabanta posted:
Cobra posted:

You can eat grass. You can walk naked. We don't care as long as the flag is big and the pole is long. Our supporters are trained to accept fried chicken and Banks beer and come to our rescue - Granger/Nagamootoo/Ramjattan.  




More objective, rational criticism? I guess you're saying the new government bankrupted the nation in 9 months?

The PNC is no stranger to bankrupt Guyana and put an already poor nation into drowning debts. They did it before and they will do it (AGAIN). After May 26, you will see the true colors of the PNC under David G1. 

So your comments are based on nothing current? If you're using the past, then we can safely say should the PPP ever regain power there will be massive corruption, misuse and misappropriation of state assets, including land, abuse of power, murder, injustice, raping of the nation?

baseman posted:

PNC Guyana:




PPP Guyana:




Sure I have questions. Why is jim jones horror contrasted with PPP loose government. Princess came into fruition because jagdeo give buddy 800,000 dollars in exchange for freebies to party acolytes. That is clearly theft of state assets. Buddy sold it to a dubious character for 25 mil. Why did we not get back our money? I bet Jagdeo got his rent check.

I could also post ground shots of the reeking garbage, the falling Stabroek wharf, etc but what good does that do to a PPP shill who does not care that they are crooks?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Base - you forgot to put a pic of that majestic Marriott and Berbice bridge, among others.  This is the land that Jagdeo built!!

That bridge is an ugly monstorsity and given our third world status, the first of its kind to prohibit pedestrian. Further, it was built on 90% of state assets and turned over completely to croneys of the administration who levied the heaviest toll for crossing an mile of water in the west. Guyanese makes an average of 300 dollars US a month yet these crooks charge 11 US to cross. It is a rip off of he people assets plain and simple.


And then there is the Marriott? Why was it built again? It was another project built on scarce guyanese funds that was going to be passed off to some PPP crony for pittance again while under the table the PPP fellows had their hand out for cash. It was never a sound business model. It was built at more than a third the cost in excess of similar hotels elsewhere in the Caribbean. Guyanese could not get work there even to drive nail because they were banned. Even today it is still less than three quarters finished. It was opened, with half of its rooms not complete prior to the elections as an election prop.  The present regime is stuck with a financial disaster keeping this monstrosity afloat. Hopefully they can salvage something and sell it to some guyanese to recoup the cost.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

After 8 months ,the biggest achievement by this PNC government is the longest flag pole, close to Cuffy holding his big stick. How can them build Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Hotels etc, if it takes a whole coalition government to build ONE FLAG POLE.

You must think very highly of the new govt if you expect them to build buildings, roads, bridges and hotels in 8 months when the PPP can claim only a few cosmetic accomplishments whose primary purpose was the diverting of funds into private accounts, in over two decades.

If you really and truly believe this, then you are stifling your conscience or you are extremely out-of-touch with Guyana.  No one in their right mind can deny the development of Guyana under the PPP. 

The PPP participated in big ticket useless boutique projects to skim from the guyanese people while racking up a billion US in debt.  As I noted, they did not invest in small manufacturing. Instead of giving away 15 million to Motilal; 35 million wasted By A Ramotar; 185 million debt to move the transmitters at sparandam passed to NCN as development cost so PPP can get cheap land; we could be funding lots of small manufacturing projects. And that is just a snippet of their gross mismanagement of the state coffers during their tenure.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Guyana is now the North Korea of the West!!

There may be no jobs and people may be blind and starving. As long as the flag is big and the pole is high...everything is OK.

Cobra Bhai,

You have been on fire lately, exposing the AFC/PNC idiots.

Their only achievement in one year is a flag pole. They give Guyanese the pole.

These AFC/PNC idiots are worse than their God and Murderer Burnham.


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