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Not being a Trump supporter, I am starting to reassess how I view Trump. I think he will have a hard time governing the country over the next 4 years and he will face a relentless challenge from the left led by people from, Black Lives Matter, etc. He controls the Executive, Republicans dominate the Congress and they will soon control the Supreme Court. This bothers me because checks and balances may not be an effective check on his power. But I don’t think Trump and his supporters really believe that he was serious about all of the issues he said he will. He will have to compromise on some issues.

Having said this, here are some things to consider (I might be wrong about some of them):

  1. White Backlash: We are immigrants to this country and I always felt that this is white people country. We are guests here. I believe whites were fed up with seeing their privileges and opportunities dwindling. This election was a white backlash.
  2. America needs to pull back from the Left: America has moved too far to the left. There needs to be some balance on the continuum. Hillary Clinton made speeches in which she pleaded with whites to understand the plight of blacks and other minorities. She took the concerns of whites, particularly of the poor whites in the Midwest, for granted.
  3. Electoral College: The electoral college is a core principle of the Constitution. It will not be changed, despite those people who are calling for a popular vote system based on one man one vote.

4.Misguided Protests:  The protesters are misguided. Trump was given a mandate to govern. They need to get with it and get over it. They need to focus on ways to influence the system and help the democrats reorganize and prepare for 2020. The type of violence we are seeing is the kind of violence reminiscent to the dark days in Guyana when the PNC refused to accept a PPP win, when Afros beat up on Indos. Check out this video.:

This is nothing but bullyism. It goes to show you that its not only the Trump people who are engaged in bigotry. This only reinforces the divide on both sides.

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Why is Black lives matter a political wedge? They are not a broad base movement and do not focus on political action in full social spectrum. They are criminal justice reform movements.


This is also not a white country. This election is the last time a white only electorate can win the presidency. It is a multicultural country and the arrogance of a dominant view as norm is the conflict to be resolved in people like you and in whites on the other side.


White people have an advantage being withe that is measurable even now. It is not a question that any left wing agenda dispossessed white people and is responsible for their impoverishment. It is technology...coal for example is a mining enterprise that uses very few people these days, and so does heavy machine manufacture. These people need to be retooled to meet the new technological society and be introduced to a new model for employment.


The electorial college is becoming increasingly unfair. It water down the vote of people in large states like California and Texas and give undue influence to small states. They already get the same advantage in the senate so these are appropriate features of the democracy to look at.if the one man one vote is to matter in national elections and national political action.


Trump has no mandate. 51 percent is not a mandate. He is obliged to govern from the middle and the reality of what he intends is troubling and there has to be push back. These people protesting may be expressing steam but it is their right. The other side did the same with obama and he had what could be considered a mandate.

Last edited by Former Member

I think that it is disingenuous to suddenly decide that the electoral college was wrong because it delivered a result that we didn't like.

Did we speak against the college when it gave Obama 68% of the seats when he won 53% of the votes in 2008, or in 2012 when he got 52% of the votes but 62% of the seats?

No we did not. We were proud that Obama won a landslide, when in actuality a 52% vote indicates a divided nation.

This is just another tactic by Democratic partisans to avoid the fact tat Hillary didn't connect, and that her campaign strategies were wrong.

In fact even Bill Clinton was trying to tell them that their messaging was wrong. Rendell, a DEMOCRATIC former governor of PA warned them that there was a silent Trump vote that wasn't being reflected in the polls.

Others were musing about the degree to which the Obama coalition would last after Obama left.

We have been hearing of the Demographic destiny which guaranteed the Democratic party victories at the presidential levels. As it is even with this coalition Obama only eked out a victory in 2012, based on the national vote.  

So now we have the white working class feeling ignored by an East Coast elite, who they think mocks them. We have blacks who think that it is back to the same old white faces, and it isn't as if their position in this country drastically improved over the past 8 years. And Millennials clearly didn't like Hillary.

Rather than whining for the impossible the Democrats need to focus on the possible. There is NO branch of government which the Democrats control there is NO WAY that there will be a change in the constitution to allow the end of the electoral college.

If Democrats cannot even get their base to show up, or to vote for them then why waste time with wanting the end of the electoral college.


Vishmahabir you sound like a racist.

Why the HELL do you think that African Americans, whose ancestry in this country has been LONGER than that of most white Americans need to be told that this is a "white man's country and that they are guests?" 

What about the many Hispanics whose ancestors were in this country when this country decided to change its borders and suddenly they found themselves living here?

And of course there are the Native Americans. No more need be said.

Now go and make it easy for white supremacist do deprive YOUR children their rights as Americans. YOU might be a guest in this country, but they aren't because they aren't Guyanese.


There are Americans and Visitors. America is a white country. Expect Trump to move voting districts around to suit the whites dominance at voting. The Visitors are born and bred in undemocratic societies and will never be free in choice selection. The Democrats move, to solicit the ethnic votes of muslims, hispanics and blacks was the eye opener for whites. The character of the country has changed. And Whites intends to modify or quantify their rights with the ballot.

Just reading this BB is an indicator of how the Visitors think.

Good for White people that they alone changed the path of their country. The Visitors simply stayed home or voted for Obama surrogate.

Last edited by seignet

Carib J

I think that it is disingenuous to suddenly decide that the electoral college was wrong because it delivered a result that we didn't like. … This is just another tactic by Democratic partisans to avoid the fact tat Hillary didn't connect, and that her campaign strategies were wrong. …

Others were musing about the degree to which the Obama coalition would last after Obama left. …..

So now we have the white working class feeling ignored by an East Coast elite, who they think mocks them. We have blacks who think that it is back to the same old white faces, and it isn't as if their position in this country drastically improved over the past 8 years.

And Millennials clearly didn't like Hillary. Rather than whining for the impossible the Democrats need to focus on the possible. There is NO branch of government which the Democrats control there is NO WAY that there will be a change in the constitution to allow the end of the electoral college.


I made a comment on the perennial comment that the electoral college is antiquated as well as the manner of allocating senators. It is not to say Ma C lost unfairly. I would more comment on the modern day southern strategy of the GOP and the voter suppression tactics in many areas. Willian Barber must be commended for fighting so hard on suppression here. Turn out was down fifteen percent in Milwaukee because of suppression tactics. That is where my perspective rests. I cannot blame others for their high tolerance for a man with low morals.

Another strategy needs to be in place. Hillary performed well in specific areas so if there are criticisms it is not on the candidate. She came on with 30 years of maligning and disinformation and lost by young voters voting third party or not voting. Blame Bernie dragging on his campaign for months.

Last edited by Former Member

Seignet I would like you to tell a Native American that they are a visitor. A Hispanic, whose ancestors trace back 300 years that they are a visitor.  I will like you to tell a black American, almost all descended from peoples who were present in this country when it was a British colony, that they are a visitor.

Especially when the vast majority of white Americans are descendants of people who arrived on those shores less than 200 years ago!

But you are a slave. You feel inferior to whites. You look to whites as the master race so none of this logic will make sense to you.

How about this  in another 20 years from now non Hispanic whites will be less than 50% of the population, that is unless they suddenly start accepting as white the millions of people of mixed European and Amerindian ancestry who they currently revile


Danyael. It was obvious that the weakest part of Hillary's ability to win was in the Midwest. THAT is why I alluded to the Midwest surprise when I told you and Kari not to celebrate. 

She did poorly against Bernie.  Hillary is the consummate East Coast liberal intellectual who these people love to hate.   They voted for Obama, so why is Hillary's loss reduced to racism. 

I read the NYT and in that I discover that even Bill Clinton was arguing with Hillary's campaign team that they ought to improve their messaging to the white working class.

Hillary's team wrote off the white working class because they bought into the nonsense that they didn't need them as college educated whites were going to offset this.

Well the white working class of the Midwest was very much a part of the Obama coalition, even if the work white class of the South wasn't. THAT is why Obama won in states with large white working class populations in WI, MI, and PA, and even OH.

But we now hear that Hillary didn't event visit WI after the primaries.

The same racist rhetoric was very much a feature of the 2012, the reason why there was a massive black turn out, as many blacks, especially in states like OH, VA, and NC, took these comments personally.

Voter suppression was obviously going to be a factor as well, especially with the ending of the voting rights act. Even I knew this and said that it was going to be a real risk in states like NC and FL, where GOP voting tactics are already suspect.

So now you mention this as if it was a surprise?

And what proof do you have that the vote was down 15% because of voter suppression. Maybe it was down because blacks just didn't feel motivated to vote for one of two old white people, to quote comments made by some black millennials.

The Dems need to understand that they made huge mistakes because this was a campaign led by a bunch of white Ivy League liberal intellectuals, who don't know, and don't care about those outside of their carefully selected social networks. Yes they know some blacks and some Latinos. Yes blacks and Latinos who share their mindset.


And Danyael tell me why the folks in the Midwest, an almost one industry region with the auto industry being the driver, weren't bombarded with ads with Trump screaming that Obama was wrong to bail out that industry. And that the industry was failing because American workers are lazy and demand too much pay.

Instead they were bombarded with ads about Trump the sex pig. Now we hear them say that Trump's character wasn't an important issue for them. His focus on bringing back decent paying jobs was.

But the folks with their Yale, Princeton, and Brown degrees just don't understand this. When Rendell, and Bill Clinton (who despite his Ivy credentials is still very much Bubba) warned them, they were arrogantly dismissed.

The longer you all take to acknowledge the facts the more entrenched the GOP will be. 2018 is coming and I understand that quite a few Democratic senators in swing states are up for re election.  Will 2018 be a repeat of 2010, 2014, and 2016!

You do know that the Dems have lost every election from 2010 where Obama wasn't at the head of the ticket!  This was a warning that the Dems will die if they don't go and heal themselves.


Bhai, I bin dealing with White People since 1983 in the business circles, AMericans, Canadians, Germans-mainly Europeans. Never have I felt inferior in any way. I speak reasonable good english with my Guyanese accent. Never, even tried to speak like White people. And when I introduce myself, is wid meh two Hindu surnames. And we linger on it until dey pronounce it correctly.

White People are superior. Just look at their achievement. You all razz still cannot decipher a good politician from a bad one. That is why Guyana is soooo messed up.


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