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‘Being a dual citizen is not a crime’, ANUG pushes ahead without Terrence Campbell

Ralph Ramkarran and Dr Henry Jeffery

The newly formed political party – A New and United Guyana (ANUG) – says it will advocate for the abolition of the rule prohibiting dual citizens from membership of the National Assembly, noting that it is an “anachronism”, which is not enforced by political parties.

A statement from ANUG late Monday night responded to the sudden withdrawal of one of its founders, business mogul, Terrence Campbell, mere days after the Party was announced.

Mr Campbell, on his Facebook Page, revealed that he decided to leave the new political party as a result of “polarization” in the political climate and the fact that the issue of dual citizenship is being pushed by the APNU+AFC Government in its fight against a No-Confidence vote which toppled the administration on December 21, 2018.

But ANUG, in its statement, emphasized that “being a dual citizen is not a crime. There are thousands of dual citizens living and working in Guyana and some of them are our supporters. We welcome them.”

The Party noted that the issue of dual citizens as Members of the National Assembly came up for discussion at its meeting on Friday last, which was not attended by Mr Campbell.

“…we also acknowledged that in the meantime we will observe the law and will not include any dual citizens on our list of candidates, as the three political parties represented in the National Assembly have always done,” ANUG stated.

Mr Campbell, in walking away from the Party, had stated that the ANUG steering committee probably has three dual citizens.

This is what the Party said in response: “There are only three others of us on the Steering Committee, namely, Henry Jeffrey, Timothy Jonas and Ralph Ramkarran. Terrence is, therefore, accusing all of us of being dual citizens. We will not dignify this worthless accusation, based on hearsay evidence, with a response.”

Terrence Campbell

Mr Campbell, who owns the Church’s Chicken franchise, which has over a dozen stores across Guyana, also alleged that there was a campaign afoot by APNU+AFC supporters to boycott businesses owned by him.

But ANUG noted that its other members too have come under pressure “from official sources very recently, as a consequence of association with ANUG, and in the past.”

“We have endured and survived and expect to continue to do so in the future. We intend to build our movement to offer the Guyanese people an entirely different and creative political choice that will lead to a new and united Guyana.”

See the Party’s full statement below: 

A New and United Guyana (ANUG) has noted a statement publicized by the media indicating that Mr. Terrence Campbell has withdrawn from ANUG. An email on the morning of January 7 by Terrence indicated that he did not feel that he could add value to our efforts in the days ahead. His reason appeared to be the charged political situation arising from the no confidence motion passed by the National Assembly against the Government on December 21. As an aside he alleged that three members of the Steering Committee had dual citizenship.

The email to us was published in the Stabroek News online edition yesterday and the report appeared on other news outlets. It made no reference to “a knife” being stuck in his back by his “own people.” It is clear that Terrence has come under severe pressure because of his leading role in establishing ANUG. Some of us have also come under pressure from official sources very recently, as a consequence of association with ANUG, and in the past. We have endured and survived and expect to continue to do so in the future. We intend to build our movement to offer the Guyanese people an entirely different and creative political choice that will lead to a new and united Guyana.

There are only three others of us on the Steering Committee, namely, Henry Jeffrey, Timothy Jonas and Ralph Ramkarran. Terrence is therefore accusing all of us of being dual citizens. We will not dignify this worthless accusation, based on hearsay evidence, with a response. But we want to emphasize that being a dual citizen is not a crime. There are thousands of dual citizens living and working in Guyana and some of them are our supporters. We welcome them.

This issue of dual citizens as Members of the National Assembly came up for discussion at our meeting on Friday last, which was not attended by Terrence. We confirmed that the rule prohibiting dual citizens from membership of the National Assembly is an anachronism, is not enforced by our political parties and we would advocate its abolition. But we also acknowledged that in the meantime we will observe the law and will not include any dual citizens on our list of candidates, as the three political parties represented in the National Assembly have always done.

We wish Terrence well

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

You can go and serve your country in various capacities. You just cannot be an MP. I don't see that as being unfair if it's enforced across the board. As an alternative, change the constitution if you will allow dual citizenship for MP's.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

You can go and serve your country in various capacities. You just cannot be an MP. I don't see that as being unfair if it's enforced across the board. As an alternative, change the constitution if you will allow dual citizenship for MP's.

Owww baiiii...yuh swallow dem PNC bai koolaid. Hey hey hey...ALL dem MPs with dual citizen living in Guyana. Dem didnt go back to be MP, but the status come in time. 

Labba posted:

ANUG can get 3 seats. But dem need bout 7 to 8 to really mek wan dent. 

Uncle Ralphie nuh guh effecting PPP.  He guh whattack PNC.  Why you think is PNC beating up dem kit and kin joining ANUG.   All Nagamootoo cane cutters dun run back wid Bharrat (Juggernaut) Jagdeo party.  

Me prediction:  PPP 34, APNU 26, ANUG 3, AFC 2. Duh mek 65, me tinks!!   

Mars, check mi numba deh!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

Chase dem raas when dem come here with dem hat in hand.  Canadians are allowed to take foreign citizenship while keeping their Canadian citizenship.

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:

ANUG can get 3 seats. But dem need bout 7 to 8 to really mek wan dent. 

Uncle Ralphie nuh guh effecting PPP.  He guh whattack PNC.  Why you think is PNC beating up dem kit and kin joining ANUG.   All Nagamootoo cane cutters dun run back wid Bharrat (Juggernaut) Jagdeo party.  

Me prediction:  PPP 34, APNU 26, ANUG 3, AFC 2. Duh mek 65, me tinks!!   

Mars, check mi numba deh!!

Ha..ha.. that prediction seems overstretched, will still celebrate with the Jonny Walker Blue.

Labba posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

You can go and serve your country in various capacities. You just cannot be an MP. I don't see that as being unfair if it's enforced across the board. As an alternative, change the constitution if you will allow dual citizenship for MP's.

Owww baiiii...yuh swallow dem PNC bai koolaid. Hey hey hey...ALL dem MPs with dual citizen living in Guyana. Dem didnt go back to be MP, but the status come in time. 

Nothing to do with any party, Knucklehead. It's what stated in the Constitution and that's the law of the land. All MP's of every party should adhere to the law or change the constitution. Like yuh get promise MP wuk dis time by the PPP and yuh don't want to give up dat U.S. passport. Careful with your expectations though. Remember you and flour boy Sase thought y'all wuz gettin minituh wuk wit PNC and y'all leff holein larr. Now y'all mo bittuh dan green karila. 

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

Chase dem raas when dem come here with dem hat in hand.  Canadians are allowed to take foreign citizenship while keeping their Canadian citizenship.

That's ayuh, not we in the USA.

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

Chase dem raas when dem come here with dem hat in hand.  Canadians are allowed to take foreign citizenship while keeping their Canadian citizenship.

Are Canadians allowed to be MP's in the Canadian Parliament while holding dual citizenship? It's not allowed in Australia and many other Commonwealth Countries.  

Mars posted:
Labba posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

You can go and serve your country in various capacities. You just cannot be an MP. I don't see that as being unfair if it's enforced across the board. As an alternative, change the constitution if you will allow dual citizenship for MP's.

Owww baiiii...yuh swallow dem PNC bai koolaid. Hey hey hey...ALL dem MPs with dual citizen living in Guyana. Dem didnt go back to be MP, but the status come in time. 

Nothing to do with any party, Knucklehead. It's what stated in the Constitution and that's the law of the land. All MP's of every party should adhere to the law or change the constitution. Like yuh get promise MP wuk dis time by the PPP and yuh don't want to give up dat U.S. passport. Careful with your expectations though. Remember you and flour boy Sase thought y'all wuz gettin minituh wuk wit PNC and y'all leff holein larr. Now y'all mo bittuh dan green karila. 

Hey hey hey...Bai I is a cane juice stann man. Me doan know bout minista wuk. I does plant peppah and sell cane juice and polourie. A like how yuh pickin and choosin yuh clause from Burnham-Shahab-Ramphal constitution. De ting gat more holes dan be polourie basket..hey hey hey...

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Bai I is a cane juice stann man. Me doan know bout minista wuk. I does plant peppah and sell cane juice and polourie. A like how yuh pickin and choosin yuh clause from Burnham-Shahab-Ramphal constitution. De ting gat more holes dan be polourie basket..hey hey hey...

Do they allow you to have a cane juice stand at the Ranch or you have a stand at the school? Like dis professuh wuk ain't payin too much. No wonder you was kissin up to Granger fuh a lil ministuh wuk.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship? 

Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

In Canada there are about 40 Members of Parliament and 10 Senators who have dual citizenship. One of its former Prime Minister, John Turner,  has dual citizenship -- British and Canadian.

There are numerous countries whose elected MPs have dual citizenship.

There are countries which do not allow its citizens with dual citizenship to become MPs.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Uncle Ralphie nuh guh effecting PPP.  He guh whattack PNC.  Why you think is PNC beating up dem kit and kin joining ANUG.   All Nagamootoo cane cutters dun run back wid Bharrat (Juggernaut) Jagdeo party.  

Me prediction:  PPP 34, APNU 26, ANUG 3, AFC 2. Duh mek 65, me tinks!!   

Mars, check mi numba deh!!

Ha..ha.. that prediction seems overstretched, will still celebrate with the Johnny Walker Blue.

Once again, you off on some foolhardy naivety and you will be singing the BLUES come election night just like you were in the night of Dec 21!  Remember, "bring it on!"

When this is over, ask Admin to change your handle to "MOODY BLUES!"

Prashad posted:

Prashad predicts that the Rank's party will get NO seats.

I have to re-look.  Things looking bad.  He guh pull only dem PNC friends, but Blackman nah stupid! 

If he pulls nothing, I give it all to PNC!  PPP still wins!

Mars posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

Chase dem raas when dem come here with dem hat in hand.  Canadians are allowed to take foreign citizenship while keeping their Canadian citizenship.

Are Canadians allowed to be MP's in the Canadian Parliament while holding dual citizenship? It's not allowed in Australia and many other Commonwealth Countries.  

As a dual citizenship debacle rocks Australia's political world, Canada's Parliament embraces sitting MPs and Senators who were born around the world and hold dual, or even triple, citizenship.

There are now at least 56 sitting parliamentarians — 44 MPs and 12 senators — born in countries outside Canada, according to information from the Library of Parliament and websites.

At least 22 of them have citizenship from other countries, CBC News confirmed through queries to parliamentarians' offices.



Tim Jonas as the front man for this party will get votes. Guyanese don't give a damn about the Rank, his family or his trusted sidekick Jeff Henry. What the Rank should do is this. Get Gerhard and team him up with Tim Jonas. That would be the ticket. Also get Baseman's cousin Ginger on board to attract the Rasta vote. Get Joey on board with his one thousand votes and get the Tiger Party man on board also.

Last edited by Prashad
Baseman posted:

Me prediction:  PPP 34, APNU 26, ANUG 3, AFC 2. Duh mek 65, me tinks!!   

Mars, check mi numba deh!!

And then a few months later the Guyana Yellow Jackets emerge when President Anil starts behaving in his usual arrogant and racist manner.

President Anil better look at President Macron and learn that excluding large swathes of people and ignoring what they say can have repercussions.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Ha..ha.. that prediction seems overstretched, will still celebrate with the Jonny Walker Blue.

Unless something changes within the next 2 months this will be a very angry and tribal election.

Which might also mean that many will stay home.  Not making any predictions on this one. 

It isnt like 2015, when at least 50% of the population wanted unity, even as Jagdeo was screaming "Moses say he not an Indian,"  and Rohee confirmed that the "PPP is a 'coolie people' party".  And impersonations of lynched blacks went up on posts in a few PPP areas.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

You can go and serve your country in various capacities. You just cannot be an MP. I don't see that as being unfair if it's enforced across the board. As an alternative, change the constitution if you will allow dual citizenship for MP's.

Then 10 PNC MPs should immediately resign. That includes Harmon. 



Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 

Canada has no problem with dual citizenship MP’s.

yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

You can go and serve your country in various capacities. You just cannot be an MP. I don't see that as being unfair if it's enforced across the board. As an alternative, change the constitution if you will allow dual citizenship for MP's.

Then 10 PNC MPs should immediately resign. That includes Harmon. 


MP's from all parties (not only the PNC) should adhere to the laws as stipulated in the Constitution. If they want to allow dual citizenship for MP's, then amend the Constitution accordingly.

yuji22 posted:

Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 

Canada has no problem with dual citizenship MP’s.

So why didn't the PPP change the constitution to allow that? You cannot use the constitution as it suits you.  If the constitution said that a dual citizen shouldn't be an MP then they cannot be an MP. As a noted jurist said, "clear all of them out"!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 

Canada has no problem with dual citizenship MP’s.

So why didn't the PPP change the constitution to allow that? You cannot use the constitution as it suits you.  If the constitution said that a dual citizen shouldn't be an MP then they cannot be an MP. As a noted jurist said, "clear all of them out"!

Isn't this is what Basil Williams and the PNC are doing? Granger did it too with the selection of GECOM chairman. Why should the PPP change the constitution when PNC rules?

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 

Canada has no problem with dual citizenship MP’s.

So why didn't the PPP change the constitution to allow that? You cannot use the constitution as it suits you.  If the constitution said that a dual citizen shouldn't be an MP then they cannot be an MP. As a noted jurist said, "clear all of them out"!

Isn't this is what Basil Williams and the PNC are doing? Granger did it too with the selection of GECOM chairman. Why should the PPP change the constitution when PNC rules?

Is Williams doing something that is not allowed by the Constitution? If so, please state for us how he's in contradiction with the Constitution. Granger's selection of Patterson has been ruled by the courts as being in accordance with the Constitution, Monsieur Van Winkle.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 

Canada has no problem with dual citizenship MP’s.

So why didn't the PPP change the constitution to allow that? You cannot use the constitution as it suits you.  If the constitution said that a dual citizen shouldn't be an MP then they cannot be an MP. As a noted jurist said, "clear all of them out"!

Isn't this is what Basil Williams and the PNC are doing? Granger did it too with the selection of GECOM chairman. Why should the PPP change the constitution when PNC rules?

Is Williams doing something that is not allowed by the Constitution? If so, please state for us how he's in contradiction with the Constitution. Granger's selection of Patterson has been ruled by the courts as being in accordance with the Constitution, Monsieur Van Winkle.

Now man. The man is trying to change the value of 32 and 33. He is dictating to the Guyanese people that he knows a majority than a minority. He is supporting dictatorship in Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 

Canada has no problem with dual citizenship MP’s.

So why didn't the PPP change the constitution to allow that? You cannot use the constitution as it suits you.  If the constitution said that a dual citizen shouldn't be an MP then they cannot be an MP. As a noted jurist said, "clear all of them out"!

Isn't this is what Basil Williams and the PNC are doing? Granger did it too with the selection of GECOM chairman. Why should the PPP change the constitution when PNC rules?

Is Williams doing something that is not allowed by the Constitution? If so, please state for us how he's in contradiction with the Constitution. Granger's selection of Patterson has been ruled by the courts as being in accordance with the Constitution, Monsieur Van Winkle.

Now man. The man is trying to change the value of 32 and 33. He is dictating to the Guyanese people that he knows a majority than a minority. He is supporting dictatorship in Guyana.

He thinks that he has a valid argument along with the dual citizenship issue. Regardless of how frivolous you think his case might be, he's allowed his day in court just like the PPP went to court after losing the elections in 2015. Dictatorship would be trying to deny him his right to have a ruling by the courts.

yuji22 posted:

Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 


So why did your PPP/C not make a move to change the constitution during their 23 years?

itwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Then 10 PNC MPs should immediately resign. That includes Harmon. 


And what about the 15 PPP MPs?

If they all have to go, then all Non-Guyanese CARICOM nationals should be banned from holding elective offices. Is that fair?

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Anyone born as a Guyanaese should be able to serve their country in any capacity including an MP despite having dual citizenship. 


So why did your PPP/C not make a move to change the constitution during their 23 years?

PPP delivered its pre-1992 promise of Constitutional Reform


By: Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP


 Last week, the Stabroek news (2018.02.24) published a letter by Vishnu Bisram under the caption “Jagan and the PPP broke their promise to revoke the Burnham Constitution”. This letter provides me with the opportunity to address a falsehood that has been peddled with alarming frequency by a misguided few.

Bisram wrote, “Jagan made a commitment in 1992 before the first democratic election was held that should he win the Presidency, his first act would be to replace the constitution. Jagan and the PPP broke their promise. …Nandlall and his colleagues, including Bharrat Jagdeo and Frank Anthony, are on record as supporting the Burnham constitution.”

I am indeed, disappointed that a person of Bisram’s political acumen and academic stature would make such careless statements. Neither Dr. Cheddi Jagan,  nor the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) promised to “revoke” the 1980 “Burnham Constitution”. Neither was there a promise to do so as a “first act” of Government. Anyone familiar with constitutional workings would know that either of those promises would have been reckless to make because they are both, practically and politically, nearly impossible to deliver. Revoking a Constitution is a highly technical, financially exorbitant and time-consuming process and it would have been politically suicidal for the PPP to attempt any such thing as its first act of Government after the 1992 elections, having regard to the charged political environment pervading at the time. More on this will have to be the subject of an article set aside for that purpose.

Prior to the 1992 elections, what Dr. Jagan and the PPP promised was “constitutional reform” with emphasis on the reduction of the heavy concentration of power in the Executive, generally and the President, specifically. As soon as it became reasonably possible, the PPP commenced a course of action designed to deliver on this promise. Thus, in 1994, a Constitutional Reform Committee of the National Assembly was established, headed by then Attorney General, Mr. Bernard DeSantos SC. Unfortunately, before this Committee could have completed its work, the life of that Parliament came to an end. Then came the 1997 elections.  The PPP’s victory at the polls brought about widespread protests, burning, looting and street violence instigated by the PNC. An intervention by Caricom produced the Herdmanston Accord which embraced constitutional reform.

Constitutional Reform Commission

In consequence, by an Act of Parliament, piloted by the PPP Government in 1999, a most broad based Constitutional Reform Commission was legally established. This Commission comprised of the political parties, the religious organisations, the private sector, the labour movement, ethnic based organisations, women’s organisations, Amerindian organisations, farmer’s organisations and important civil society stakeholder organisations such as the Guyana Bar Association. Significantly, this Commission was endowed with an unfettered statutory mandate to review the Constitution in its entirety. In the discharge of this mandate, it was empowered to consult “…within the widest possible geographical area, with as many persons, groups, communities, organisations and institutions as possible including, but not restricted to, religious and cultural organisations, political parties, youth organisations, high school and university students, women’s organisations, private sector organisations, professional bodies and the media.” Ralph Ramkarran S.C. chaired this Commission and Haslin Parris was its secretary.

I pause here to point out that the PPP did not seek to monopolize nor dominate this initiative, but rather,magnanimously, delegated it to a multiple-partisan body, vested with an untrammelled mandate to consult with all and sundry across the length and breadth of Guyana with a view of reviewing the Constitution in its entirety. It is difficult to conceive a more effectual and exigent mechanism, which could have been fashioned in order to deliver Dr. Jagan and the PPP’s promise of reform to the 1980 Constitution.

This Commission worked for over two years and produced over 200 recommendations, which were culled, refined and crystallised into over 180 amendments that were all incorporated into the 1980 Constitution.

A distillation of these recommendations and consequential amendments can be summarized thus: there were formidable diminution of executive powers, including the powers and immunities of the President; there was a discernible devolution of most of these powers to the Legislature, the Political Opposition and other agencies of State, including, the Local Democratic Organs; there was expansions of the powers of Parliament and the establishment of a series of checks and balances to increase scrutiny of the executive’s exercise of power and an appreciable augmentation of civil liberties and human rights.

It would be impossible for me to elaborate on or even list the reforms made. Nevertheless, I will highlight only a few.

Presidential Powers

In terms of the Executive President, the controversial immunities with which the President was endowed for acts committed after he demitted office, were removed and what now exists is a compendium of immunities, which most Heads of State throughout the Commonwealth enjoy. The power which a President enjoyed to dissolve a Parliament, moving to remove him from office was excised and the number of votes required to move a Motion of that type in the National Assembly was reduced. The powers which the President had to unilaterally appoint a Chancellor of the Judiciary, a Chief Justice and a Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) are now shared with the Leader of the Opposition. The power that the President hitherto enjoyed to unilaterally appoint members of all the Service Commissions is now shared with the National Assembly and the Leader of the Opposition. The President is now mandated to act upon the recommendations of the Service Commissions. A discretionary power, which existed before has been removed. A two-term limit has been imposed on the Presidency. In most of the important constitutional appointments where the President enjoys the power of appointment, he is mandated to engage in “meaningful consultation” with the Leader of the Opposition and “meaningful consultation” is now defined by the Constitution, itself.

In terms of Parliament, an Opposition, now for the first time, can remove a Government by virtue of a no confidence Motion. Standing Committees in the Parliament have been constitutionalized. The National Assembly now recommends persons to be appointed on the various Service Commissions and on the Rights Commissions established by these constitutional amendments. The fiscal autonomy and independence of a number of institutions of the state, including the Judiciary, the Auditor General Office and a host of other State “watchdog” agencies have been constitutionalized. An independent Elections Commission, differently constituted, has been established. A modified electoral system was promulgated with greater geographic representation.

Democratic Polity

In terms of individual rights, the fundamental rights and freedoms section of the Constitution was expanded and new rights introduced. For example: the right to work, the right to pension and gratuity, equality for women, indigenous peoples rights, the right to establish private schools etc., have all been made fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual. All international treaties dealing with human rights to which Guyana is a signatory, were to some extent incorporated and made part of our Constitution and those charged with the responsibilities of interpreting the human rights embraced by the Constitution, are mandated to take into account the provisions of these international treaties. None of these were in the 1980 Constitution. The Rights Commission for example: the Indigenous People Commission, the Woman and Gender Equality Commission, the Human Rights Commission, the Rights of the Child Commission, were all established under these amendments. So was the Public Procurement Commission.

The above is by no means exhaustive but it provides a fleeting insight into some of the changes, which were made to the 1980 Constitution. These changes, cumulatively, have immeasurably, liberalised the democratic polity, enhanced the juridical structure and augment the human tights content of the Constitution rendering it radically different from the 1980 document. Therefore those who continue to propagate the view that the PPP did not change the 1980 Constitution and that the 1980 Constitution is alive, are not speaking from a position of knowledge, but are parroting the views of the uninitiated.

Should there be more changes? Of course! Constitutional reform, like life and society, is an ongoing and evolutionary process. As an organic document, a Constitution must always remain fluid and dynamic, ready to adapt to the vicissitudes and exigencies of the evolving society in which it operates.


If they all have to go, then all Non-Guyanese CARICOM nationals should be banned from holding elective offices. Is that fair?

Name the Bajans and Trinis who are MPs or cabinet ministers in Guyana.  In fact most CARICOM nations bar dual citizenship people.  This is an ongoing issue in Jamaica.

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How hell they expect people to go back and serve their country if they're against dual citizenship?  Most Guyanese have adopted citizenship in US, Canada, and other foreign countries. 

Chase dem raas when dem come here with dem hat in hand.  Canadians are allowed to take foreign citizenship while keeping their Canadian citizenship.

I hope you follow through when you fabily Ramjattan visits Canada.


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