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Former Member


They let their cronies post and say all sorts on nonsense in the comment section  and they refuse to let responses to them appear on the thread.  These crooks are testing credibility on all level. To the crooks who manage the Chronicle; I will use this thread to illustrate every post of mine you refuse to display.

For those of you who write on the comment section of this news paper; do not be gulled into thinking your comments show up. If you look at the thread it may appear so. Use another secure browser to look at the thread with you not signed into DISQUS, if you are shadow banned youe comments  will not show up. That is the cleaned up comment section they want to show the world.  If you need evidence of how obscently crooked this regime is, that is your example. They cannot tolerate the slightest dissent. 

I will begin to cut and paste t he difference here when I get the time.

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Last week, the Madburo regime raided several tv stations which covered Guaido activities. We are thankfully not at that level but the Chronicle whether under the PNC or PPP has always been no more than a mouthpiece for the government. None of the dailies in Guyana can rise to the level of the Catholic Standard.

Drugb posted:

Careful now, druggie worked hard over the years to develop an upstanding reputation not for you to put in the gutters. 

Why don't you stay out of big people's business, crip? Me and the man were buddies. He needed good advice, being a little bit dumb,  and that was only made worse after  his swim.

Everyone here knows that spindly legged, knockneed fellow with a goodie.  As you say he is not you so how would you know his habits? Anyways, he is the iggi poster. I just help now and then.

yuji22 posted:

They should Kick D2/Storm/Miss Daniela behind more. This clown is on record stating that he prefers the PNC and Granger. Looks good on him ! PNC yes men crew shoved a pole on his behind.

iF one is speaking of mangy dogs then that one has less mange! They lock me out...the PPP crew threatened to kill me! Like you they are allergic to truth!

Last edited by Former Member

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