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Dem boys seh…Me, You and Burnham payin fuh Jagdeo belly wuk


De holey book seh, de evil that men do lives after dem. Dem boys want fuh change wha de holey book seh to de evil dat men do lives within dem. De holey book also seh that de evil you do pun dis earth, you gun pay fuh it right hey. Dem boys seh yuh mus also suffer and Donald seh dat you must punish.
Jagdeo nah raise dem nurse pay; he nah raise de pay fuh dem police who do all de hard wuk; he nah raise de pay fuh dem porter who had to push he pun de plane.
He really put pressure pun de poor people of dis country. Instead he tek de poor people money and decide fuh build a big Marriott wha he, nor dat fat crook Brazzy or nobody else can explain to dis day. He done spend more than 30million US dollar pon a road to nowhere and yet de Amaila Falls project dry up and drop dead before it start.
De Skeldon factory never get off de ground, he can’t explain de Sanata complex wha he give to de man wha follow he all around. As a matter of fact he can’t explain nothing and all de time is de poor people got to feel de squeeze.
De last wicked thing he do before he lef office was give way de radio licence; in fact, de whole airwaves in Guyana. He give five channel to that same fake doctor who does follow he around every way he go including de toilet. He also give de man half of Guyana which dem boys plan to tek back anyhow by hook or by crook. And dem boys got de holey book pun dem side fuh this one.
Jagdeo suh greedy and full ah he self dat he want bring a Specialty hospital fuh put dem other hospital out of business.
but dem boys seh dat he could build how much hospital he want and put wha he want fuh put inside, nothing could save he. De Creator seh he is in control and when he call yuh name, you gat to answer; whether is Adam, Donald or Glenn, yuh can’t hide.
You can even pass wha law you want, it nah gon save you.
Imagine dis same Jagdeo pass a law dat he could call a special aircraft from America, Europe China or India if he sneeze two time or get diarrhea, and guess who gat fuh pay, is de poor people.
Friday gone, he call fuh a plane dat cost $20 million fuh fly he to a hospital in Florida. But is not only de plane you payin fuh, you gat to pay another $20 million hospital bill plus another $20 million fuh he kavakamite friends dem, wha travelling with he and staying at dem fancy hotel.
Ramotar use to cuss and seh how de law dat Jagdeo pass fuh give heself all dat benefits was too lavish. But when Granger and Ramjatan decide fuh chop it and send it fuh Donald sign, he refuse. Dem boys seh he now see and smelling de sweetness.  Jagdeo de refuse to give money to dem children who need heart surgery in India, but he was quick to claim de same money fuh he belly wuk and so call fever. He stay quiet and watch de hospital in India sue he wife fuh money she owe fuh dem poor children dat she de carry fuh surgery.
Burnham dead right in Guyana. He didn’t got no special bill. Jagdeo behave like Burnham but he refuse to live like Burnham. Burnham didn’t have special plane fuh fly he to de States when he get belly wuk, he had to use de latrine. But Jagdeo can fly out with de snap of he fingers or de switch of a button, and guess who paying de bill, me, you and Burnham.
Dem boys seh Cheddie used to cuss up Uncle Sam morning, noon and night, and is right deh he go and dead.
Jagdeo cuss Uncle Sam every minute of de day but dem boys ain’t want he dead deh yet, but as Donald seh, he muss live fuh suffer and dem boys seh he muss punish before he dead.
Talk half and watch Jagdeo and he retribution.

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Jagdeo de refuse to give money to dem children who need heart surgery in India, but he was quick to claim de same money fuh he belly wuk and so call fever. He stay quiet and watch de hospital in India sue he wife fuh money she owe fuh dem poor children dat she de carry fuh surgery.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

I hear Yugi open book and find out dat the PPP karma cause the jagabat shitting.... and the remedy is to use the baton wid a condom as a butt plug....

Incidentally he is in a place called "Baton Rouge".


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