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Berbice Bridge Company gives Gov’t ultimatum


With just one week before the date of implementation for its proposed toll increases, the Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated (BBCI) has put in a new demand for the Government to grant a 40-year extension to its concession period, that is an additional 19 years.

In a letter addressed to Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson on Friday last, the BBCI said such an agreement will “avoid the need for implementation of toll increases announced by the Company on October 16, 2018 and the implementation of toll increases in the immediate future.”

As such, the BBCI said it is seeking a meeting with the Minister “in good faith and in public interest, without prejudice,” on Monday, November 05, 2018.

The company assured that if the Government honours its demands, it will withdraw the implementation of the toll adjustments announced on October 16.

The Bridge Company in the letter signed by Finance Controller and Corporate Secretary, Stephen Rambajan, said such an extension to its concession will enable the BBCI to approach its lenders to renegotiate terms and conditions of its debts.

“If these negotiations with the lenders are successful, it will provide much needed relief to the cash requirement burden and, therefore, the need for toll increases at present and in future.”

“We are convinced that this proposal will allow the tolls to remain as is, and provides opportunities for toll reduction in the near future, removing the need for Government subsidy to the tolls and maintenance of pontoons,” the letter added.


The BBCI said it expects a response by Monday.

On October 16, Dr Surendra Persaud, the company’s Chairman at a press conference announced a revised fee structure that will take effect November 12, 2018 since it is operating at a loss.

To cross the bridge, cars and minibuses will have to pay $8,040; small trucks, pickups and four-wheel drive vehicles $14,600; medium trucks $27,720; large trucks $49,600; boats $401,040; and freight $1,680.

The Bridge Company says it is proceeding with the increases based on legal advice obtained from the Cameron and Shepherd Law Firm.

The proposed increase was rejected by the Government which said it will be examining its options to stop the company from implementing the increase.

The Government currently provides a subsidy to the BBCI but it has also offered to maintain the 39 pontoons of the bridge for the nine remaining years of the concession period.

The BBCI claimed that it is $6B in debt and was asked to submit its financial statements to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pointblank posted:

Why would you want to keep a company that is not making money?

How do you define "making money?"  Do you think the Demerara bridge "makes money" on a stand-alone basis?  Making money, as a stand-alone entity, should never be the imperative of a key infrastructure!

Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:

Why would you want to keep a company that is not making money?

How do you define "making money?"  Do you think the Demerara bridge "makes money" on a stand-alone basis?  Making money, as a stand-alone entity, should never be the imperative of a key infrastructure!

jagdeo high wire act in motion, nothing more

pseudo-businessman babby advising . . .

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:

Why would you want to keep a company that is not making money?

How do you define "making money?"  Do you think the Demerara bridge "makes money" on a stand-alone basis?  Making money, as a stand-alone entity, should never be the imperative of a key infrastructure!

jagdeo high wire act in motion, nothing more

pseudo-businessman babby advising . . .

I'm surprised investors think they could make it work when the WB said it was not viable!  The hurdle is even higher as a private venture!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:

Why would you want to keep a company that is not making money?

How do you define "making money?"  Do you think the Demerara bridge "makes money" on a stand-alone basis?  Making money, as a stand-alone entity, should never be the imperative of a key infrastructure!

jagdeo high wire act in motion, nothing more

pseudo-businessman babby advising . . .

I'm surprised investors think they could make it work when the WB said it was not viable!  The hurdle is even higher as a private venture!

it was a crony set up from the get go . . . let's just stop the pretense

NEPS hubris envisioned PPP holding power beyond the horizon

with unconscionable taxpayer subsidies fattening the pockets of 'investor' rapists for at least a generation

Last edited by Former Member

The government can give them back their 5% stake and nationalize the bridge. The government could also arrest the directors of the company for involvement in a scam to defraud taxpayers. And lastly, the government could arrest the directors for attempting to blackmail the government, which is treason under international law. Granger could increase his popularity by just arresting these crooks and making it free to cross the bridge.

Mr.T posted:

The government can give them back their 5% stake and nationalize the bridge. The government could also arrest the directors of the company for involvement in a scam to defraud taxpayers. And lastly, the government could arrest the directors for attempting to blackmail the government, which is treason under international law. Granger could increase his popularity by just arresting these crooks and making it free to cross the bridge.

Bai, yuh stupidy or yuh stupidy

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

Airlines?   You could in bridges, but not with tolls as the only source of revenue.  The way to do it is via government backed bonds, not equity!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

There are some private bridges in the US that made their owners billionaires. Prashad don't mind owning a chunk of shares in private bridges that connects the US with Canada. In Guyana the government or a billionaire (Us standard) has to own the bridge because all of the equipment has to be imported.

Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

There are some private bridges in the US that made their owners billionaires. Prashad don't mind owning a chunk of shares in private bridges that connects the US with Canada. In Guyana the government or a billionaire (Us standard) has to own the bridge because all of the equipment has to be imported.

Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

There are some private bridges in the US that made their owners billionaires. Prashad don't mind owning a chunk of shares in private bridges that connects the US with Canada. In Guyana the government or a billionaire (Us standard) has to own the bridge because all of the equipment has to be 

A business need to make a profit to sustain its operation, unless you want to bankrupt the damn business.. Guyana don’t have the vehicle traffic compare to the States, as a result the toll will be higher in Guyana.. it’s common sense 

Dave posted:
Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

There are some private bridges in the US that made their owners billionaires. Prashad don't mind owning a chunk of shares in private bridges that connects the US with Canada. In Guyana the government or a billionaire (Us standard) has to own the bridge because all of the equipment has to be imported.

Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

There are some private bridges in the US that made their owners billionaires. Prashad don't mind owning a chunk of shares in private bridges that connects the US with Canada. In Guyana the government or a billionaire (Us standard) has to own the bridge because all of the equipment has to be 

A business need to make a profit to sustain its operation, unless you want to bankrupt the damn business.. Guyana don’t have the vehicle traffic compare to the States, as a result the toll will be higher in Guyana.. it’s common sense 

So you lied when you said that it was the APNU+AFC raising the tolls as a LGE election ploy.


What nonsensical stupidity to compare the massively built up USA with massive volumes with a Guyana scenario.  Yes, there are private highways in the USA and Canada but you bet, they ensured a viable model before the invested.  People in the USA and Canada are willing to pay for convenience, avoid traffic jams.   However, the other alternatives are available for those not willing.  Furthermore, before you jokers compare, consider affordability.  How could the Guyanese afford a USA price level with 10% nominal income equivalent?

Dont rush for the lowest common denominator just because.

I see this ending really bad for the investors.  Dem all screwed.  

Dave posted:
Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

There are some private bridges in the US that made their owners billionaires. Prashad don't mind owning a chunk of shares in private bridges that connects the US with Canada. In Guyana the government or a billionaire (Us standard) has to own the bridge because all of the equipment has to be imported.

Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't invest in bridges or airlines.  You are looking for real trouble.  Lol

There are some private bridges in the US that made their owners billionaires. Prashad don't mind owning a chunk of shares in private bridges that connects the US with Canada. In Guyana the government or a billionaire (Us standard) has to own the bridge because all of the equipment has to be 

A business need to make a profit to sustain its operation, unless you want to bankrupt the damn business.. Guyana don’t have the vehicle traffic compare to the States, as a result the toll will be higher in Guyana.. it’s common sense 

You answer all your own questions.  So the lack of common sense was to invest in the unaffordable!!

Dem all screwed.  Seems BJ did not close the loop on the GoG legal commitment to back-stop. So much for prudence.  Trouble brewing!!  Me see nuff cussing and lawsuits coming!

Mitwah posted:

What's the next move? Send the directors on leave? Reduce the fare to increase the traffic? 

dont you think something is amiss with the management here if the demerara bridge  cost vastly less and has been serving us for decades. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This issue is going to end up in the CCJ.  Very soon the CCJ will be known as Guyana's Quarrel Arena.

I agree, it might end up at CCJ. It will become a legal rumble.

This will roll over to the 2020 election.

D2 posted:
Mitwah posted:

What's the next move? Send the directors on leave? Reduce the fare to increase the traffic? 

dont you think something is amiss with the management here if the demerara bridge  cost vastly less and has been serving us for decades. 

Inflation... the cost of living.


What many at GNI intentionally forgot to mention is that the PPP maintained and subsidized the DHB for 23 years. Portions of it used to float away due to a lack of maintenance under the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I see a bunch lawyers lining up. This will be a Big Legal Brawl in Berbice. We need to see a copy of the agreement. DJ, do you have access to it or a link ?

Second time posting, alyuh download um nah.



BREAKING: Government takes control of Berbice Bridge from Today

In a statement issued this morning, the Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson announced that "in accordance with the powers conferred upon the Minister by Sections 4 (1) and 11 of the Berbice River Bridge Act, in the interests of public safety, the Minister issued (today) an Order declaring that the functions of the Concessionaire to maintain and operate the Bridge shall be exercised by the Government of Guyana as of 5th November 2018 until the date the Minister specifies by notice on the cessation of the threat to public safety."

BREAKING: Government takes control of Berbice Bridge from Today

The Government of Guyana today announced that it has made a decision to take control of the Berbice Bridge in the interest of public safety.

In a statement issued this morning, the Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson announced that “in accordance with the powers conferred upon the Minister by Sections 4 (1) and 11 of the Berbice River Bridge Act, in the interests of public safety, the Minister issued (today) an Order declaring that the functions of the Concessionaire to maintain and operate the Bridge shall be exercised by the Government of Guyana as of 5th November 2018 until the date the Minister specifies by notice on the cessation of the threat to public safety.”

The statement added that the Government will do everything in its powers to alleviate disruption to the public and ensure that the assumption of these functions is as smooth as possible.

“The truth is, too many of our citizens are dependent on the continuous operations and use of the Berbice Bridge and we should not allow anyone to unreasonably and capriciously endanger their livelihood and public order in one of our vital regions”, the Minister said.

He added that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure would like to assure the citizens of Berbice and the public in general that there will be no change to the present toll structure and all exemptions presently in place will remain in effect.

“Equally, there will be no change to the staffing complement, contractors and suppliers as we transition into this new and hopefully temporary arrangement”.

Minister Patterson said the Government and the Board of Directors of the Berbice Bridge Company Limited (BBCI) have been engaged in a public dispute regarding a unilateral announcement on October 16, 2018 by the Bridge company to impose “draconian toll increases at the Berbice River Bridge.”

The Berbice Bridge Company wants to increase tolls by more than 300% and last Friday issued a letter to the Government demanding an extension of the concession on the bridge by 19 years if it does not want the increases to go ahead.

Today, the Government said it has stated publicly that it cannot support the “unreasonable demand for an increase in toll on the public which is based on a flawed formula and computation”.

The Government announced that as it takes control, it intends to continue dialogue with the Bridge Company in expectation of an amicable resolution to the dispute.


yuji22 posted:

What many at GNI intentionally forgot to mention is that the PPP maintained and subsidized the DHB for 23 years. Portions of it used to float away due to a lack of maintenance under the PNC.

Taking the words of the MP from WBD, the one that don't know how government works.

yuji22 posted:

What many at GNI intentionally forgot to mention is that the PPP maintained and subsidized the DHB for 23 years. Portions of it used to float away due to a lack of maintenance under the PNC.

The Demerara bridge was always a government owned asset.   BJ built Bbce with private investors money using a private entity model.  He did so because the WB rejected on viability grounds.  

It seems he never roped the GoG in with any guaranteed backstop, so the  GoG has no obligation.  Seems the entire thing was screwed up from the get go, both financially and legally, so the GoG seh Alyuh try deh!!


I can only comment until I read the agreement so I cannot comment on the guaranteed backstop. Did you read the agreement or is it an assumption ?

I will await for the lawyers to present the facts before drawing any conclusions. This matter is not as simple as it appears on the surface.


yuji22 posted:

I can only comment until I read the agreement so I cannot comment on the guaranteed backstop. Did you read the agreement or is it an assumption ?

I will await for the lawyers to present the facts before drawing any conclusions. This matter is not as simple as it appears on the surface.


yuji22 posted:

I can only comment until I read the agreement so I cannot comment on the guaranteed backstop. Did you read the agreement or is it an assumption ?

I will await for the lawyers to present the facts before drawing any conclusions. This matter is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

There is none or the management and BJ would have enforced.  It’s cut and dry where that goes.

Yes, I did and look for that specifically!  I did not see the GoG on the hook legally.


This will definitely end up at CCJ.

"In a statement issued this morning, the Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson announced that “in accordance with the powers conferred upon the Minister by Sections 4 (1) and 11 of the Berbice River Bridge Act, in the interests of public safety, the Minister issued (today) an Order declaring that the functions of the Concessionaire to maintain and operate the Bridge shall be exercised by the Government of Guyana as of 5th November 2018 until the date the Minister specifies by notice on the cessation of the threat to public safety.”"

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I can only comment until I read the agreement so I cannot comment on the guaranteed backstop. Did you read the agreement or is it an assumption ?

I will await for the lawyers to present the facts before drawing any conclusions. This matter is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

The fact that they are now asking for longer exclusivity tells me they are up shit creek with no paddle.    

They have gone to the last resort in one stroke.  This is a reopening of the agreement which the GoG can say take a hike!!


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