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Berbice hospital files $100M libel suit against AFC Councillor, TV station


The Anamayah Memorial Hospital, a private medical facility in Berbice, has filed a $100M libel suit against AFC Councillor Donna Mathoo over statements she made during a television broadcast about the safety of the hospital’s medication.

DTV Channel 8 has also been named as a defendant in the suit, for airing the broadcast, ‘Alliance on the Move’ on March 8, 2014.

Mathoo is a medical doctor and regional councillor for the Alliance for Change (AFC) in Berbice. She is accused of making false and malicious statements against the hospital, in addition to injuring the reputation of the facility.

The hospital issued a press release yesterday describing Mathoo’s statements aired during the programme as “an unwarranted attack on the good name of the institution.” It assured the public and its patients that it has always acted in full compliance with the laws with regards to the disposal of expired pharmaceuticals.

“At no time has any expired drugs been dispensed or administered to any patient”, the hospital stated. In addition to filing the lawsuit, the hospital has registered complaints with leaders of the Alliance for Change Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo.

Dr. Ryan Anamayah, part owner of the hospital, was named as the plaintiff in the case and he is seeking damages in excess of $100M.

He said that his personal and professional reputation, and his station as a medical doctor and part owner and operator of the Anamayah Memorial Hospital was seriously damaged following Mathoo’s statement.

He also said in court documents that he has suffered considerable distress, public embarrassment and was brought into ridicule, odium and contempt.

He is also seeking an injunction restraining the defendants from further publishing or broadcasting or causing to be published any similar libel of and concerning the plaintiffs.

In the statement of claim, Dr Anamayah said that Mathoo’s statements could be taken to mean a number of things: First, that the hospital would intentionally dispense and/or administer expired drugs to patients; second that they should not be trusted to treat patients seeking medical attention; third, that it was unsafe and dangerous for persons to seek medical attention at the hospital; and fourth, that they are guilty of criminal negligence and deliberately endangered the lives of their patients.

The hospital, which was opened two and half years ago, operates at Lot 14 B Belvedere, Corentyne, Berbice. Attorney Murseline Bacchus filed the lawsuit on behalf of the facility.


source: stabroeknews

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP is in the suing mode! What a laugh! The hospital will get its ass handed to them since on a platter.  What good reputation again? I am sure there are a dozen patients wh o will affirm being mishandled.  I saw a few claims in the press as well about incompetence, negligence and unprofessionalism.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP is in the suing mode! What a laugh! The hospital will get its ass handed to them since on a platter.  What good reputation again? I am sure there are a dozen patients wh o will affirm being mishandled.  I saw a few claims in the press as well about incompetence, negligence and unprofessionalism.

sound like hospital bar-rat should check into


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