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Berbice money changer shot, robbed by bandits

A Berbice money changer was on Sunday morning robbed and shot by bandits who pounced on him at Springlands, Corriverton, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).

Money changer Mohamed Abdel Razack, also called Azim

Reports are Mohamed Abdel Razack, also called Azim, of Elijah Avenue, Springlands, was plying his trade at Springlands when the armed bandits attacked him.
Guyana Times was told that the 42-year-old man was standing outside the Boyo’s Beer Garden along the Corriverton Public Road about 05:25h when the incident occurred.
According to information received, the men confronted Razack and pulled him off of the concrete structure where he was sitting and took the money he had in his pocket.
The money changer told this newspaper that he has been in business for over two years and had in excess of 8000 Surinamese dollars (SRD), US$100 and in excess of $200,000 local currency.
“When they pull me off and I fall, one of them take the gun and lash me behind my head and ask where the money,” the man related.
The money changer said he wrestled with the bandits to defend himself and screamed for help, but the road was desolate.
“I hold on on his hand and twist it, because if I did not twist the hand, he could have shot me in my face or stomach.”
He further detailed that a shot was fired, but he did not know at the time that he had been struck.
“I beg a car driver to drop me at the station, because I just get rob and the Police respond to me same time. We went and search in all the back streets and we ain’t find nobody. When we come back to the Station, then I feel the burning on my foot and realised that I get shot in the left thigh,” Razack explained.
He was rushed to the Skeldon Hospital, where he was treated.
All three bandits are said to have been wearing hoods and two of them carried firearms.
The Police are on the hunt for them.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I know this guy. I changed money from him the last time I went to Guyana. This dude use to stand by the 78 Village Masjid and occasionally would venture into the market to change money.


A couple of years ago two Indian fellas from 64 village invited a money changer to change currency and they kill the man and robbed him of his money. Some of you may remember the story. Coole is not you mattie these days.

Prince posted:

A couple of years ago two Indian fellas from 64 village invited a money changer to change currency and they kill the man and robbed him of his money. Some of you may remember the story. Coole is not you mattie these days.

Here you go with your race again. You use a tragedy to get attention. In a man's death, you seek to get attention. Must be a real exhibitionist. I wonder how you will react IF one of your family members is killed and not by and Indian.

Prince posted:

A couple of years ago two Indian fellas from 64 village invited a money changer to change currency and they kill the man and robbed him of his money. Some of you may remember the story. Coole is not you mattie these days.

I probably read too fast and missed something. Where in the article does it state the identity or race of the bandits and why did you feel it necessary to bring up the above? Assuming you know your identity, you must really hate yourself.

Leonora posted:

He should have a gun permit since he is easy target for thieves. Villages need to have Vigilante Groups. 

I don't think vigilante group is the rite term. But weren't there community policing group at one time during the PPP reign? Whatever happen to them?. About gun permit, Khemraj might not want to give any. Then again why is this Cambio chap plying his trade at 5:25 in the morning.  As much as I feel for these victims, I can't help but wonder why do they put themselves in these situations knowing the risks. Wait til dayclean nah man.

GTAngler posted:
Prince posted:

A couple of years ago two Indian fellas from 64 village invited a money changer to change currency and they kill the man and robbed him of his money. Some of you may remember the story. Coole is not you mattie these days.

I probably read too fast and missed something. Where in the article does it state the identity or race of the bandits and why did you feel it necessary to bring up the above? Assuming you know your identity, you must really hate yourself.

Give e a chance. He in jackass mode dis afternoon.

Sheik101 posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prince posted:

A couple of years ago two Indian fellas from 64 village invited a money changer to change currency and they kill the man and robbed him of his money. Some of you may remember the story. Coole is not you mattie these days.

I probably read too fast and missed something. Where in the article does it state the identity or race of the bandits and why did you feel it necessary to bring up the above? Assuming you know your identity, you must really hate yourself.

Give e a chance. He in jackass mode dis afternoon.

Here is Princess in Jackass Mode:




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  • Unknown
  • Unknown-1
Last edited by Former Member

Dem cambio fellow got to go electronic, de cash business don't provide a money trail and this is the lure for many business people, to avoid de taxman. Years ago in the 40's when people used to get paid in cash, it made easy pickings in the us and gave rise to many gangs robbing payroll. Ever since electronic payments and checks were invented, payroll robbery is almost non existent. 

If a shyte hole country like Rawanda can do it then why not Guyana?


Last edited by Former Member
Sheik101 posted:
Leonora posted:

He should have a gun permit since he is easy target for thieves. Villages need to have Vigilante Groups. 

I don't think vigilante group is the rite term. But weren't there community policing group at one time during the PPP reign? Whatever happen to them?. About gun permit, Khemraj might not want to give any. Then again why is this Cambio chap plying his trade at 5:25 in the morning.  As much as I feel for these victims, I can't help but wonder why do they put themselves in these situations knowing the risks. Wait til dayclean nah man.

Berbicians always get up early in the morning. These guys are up early so they can check out the people who just arrived the night before. The first thing the visitors do is to check out what is the exchange. At 5:25 AM, the place is already bright. I would think someone trailed him.


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