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August 29 ,2021


Police Commander in the Berbice area, Senior Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan told News Source this morning that 10 suspects have since been arrested for the crime.

A well-loved and respected religious leader in the Berbice area, Pandit Rishi Bharrat was beaten to death on Saturday night after asking a group of men who were gathered outside his yard to lower their music.

Police Commander in the Berbice area, Senior Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan told News Source this morning that 10 suspects have since been arrested for the crime.

According to reports, Pandit Bharrat was at his Crabwood Creek home when he decided to go outside to a group of men who were gathered in front of his house drinking alcohol, using foul language and playing loud music.

The Pandit who armed himself with a piece of wood, reportedly asked the men to move from in front of his yard. A heated confrontation between the 60-year-old and the men started and during the row, one of the men attacked the Pandit while the others joined in and started to beat him savagely.

Pandit Bharrat was left in an unconscious state and later pronounced dead. Police investigators moved in and quickly rounded up and arrested his alleged assailants.

The murder left the Crabwood Creek community and the Hindu community in shock.

In a statement this morning, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha condemned the β€œsavage and heinous beating of the Pandit to death” and asked that the perpetrators of the brutal act face the full force of the law.

Police investigations are ongoing.

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@Mitwah posted:

The PPP and the police is to be blamed for this. I happened to know Panditji. Many times he would call the police and they would not turn up. Perhaps his mistake was to take matters in his own hands. That was a fatal mistake since these young thugs are under some influence of substance or alcohol.  The PPP doesn't care.

Its common knowledge to everyone in Guyana that the police would only do their jobs if fried rice is provided. That doesn’t change whether the PPP or PNC is in power. Ignoring the required fried and take the law into your own hands can cost you your life….as is in this case…


Pandit beaten to death for reprimanding drunken men’s behaviour

Dead: Pandit, Rishi Bharrat

– Eleven in custody

Kaieteur News – Following his efforts to ward off a group of men who were imbibing and behaving in a disorderly fashion in front of his home, a Hindu priest and joiner of Crabwood Creek, lost his life after the said men struck him to death with pieces of wood.
Dead is Rishi Bharrat called β€˜Haribole, of Lot 10, Grant 1806 Crabwood Creek, Upper Corentyne, Berbice.
Kaieteur News was informed that Bharrat ventured out of his home at approximately 22:15 hrs. on Saturday to confront the men who were imbibing opposite his home on a bridge. The 60-year-old had gone there after the men were using indecent language and behaving in a disorderly manner.
However, things got out of hand as an argument erupted and the group of men armed themselves with pieces of wood and battered Bharrat until he was no longer moving. His family, who was in the house, heard the commotion left their home to investigate. It was then that they saw Bharrat’s lifeless body on the ground. He was immediately picked up and rushed to the Skeldon Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The wife of the deceased, Jasma Bharrat told this publication that Bharrat had earlier in the night, cautioned the men through his window about their disorderly behaviour, and peacefully asked them to desist and go elsewhere. The widow related that the men only continued their verbal abuse as they insulted him and the women living in the household. The grieving woman said Bharrat had called the police but β€œafter he called the police and the police didn’t come he probably went out thinking talking to them would help.”

Members of Guyana Police Force with the wife and daughter of the deceased.

She added that there was an argument when he confronted the men, and based on the information provided to her by her son, one of the men dealt her husband a lash to his body. β€œWhen he fell on the ground the rest came, maybe he wasn’t unconscious but he fell and he could not help himself and then the rest came.”
According to the wife, police ranks had said they would come to the scene but they never showed up.
The woman who could hardly hold back her tears divulged that it is a regular occurrence for the men to gather opposite their home and imbibe, oftentimes playing loud music and hurling insults at them.
β€œThis is a regular thing they go on with, they normally gather there, sit on the ground and on the bridge and drink, he would normally go out and try to clear them off and we had contacted the police several times in the past and they showed up, but the men always keep coming back and threatening him and my daughters and me, that they would double bank him and kill him, rape them girls or burn the house down”, she disclosed.
Bharrat leaves behind his wife, four children and a community that respected him.
Meanwhile, senior officers from the division yesterday paid a visit to the family and offered their condolences. Additionally, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha issued a statement expressing sympathy for the death of Bharrat who gave his life in service to the Hindu society.
Investigations into the tragic incident are ongoing.


The wife of the deceased, Jasma Bharrat told this publication that Bharrat had earlier in the night, cautioned the men through his window about their disorderly behaviour, and peacefully asked them to desist and go elsewhere. The widow related that the men only continued their verbal abuse as they insulted him and the women living in the household. The grieving woman said Bharrat had called the police but β€œafter he called the police and the police didn’t come he probably went out thinking talking to them would help.”

She added that there was an argument when he confronted the men, and based on the information provided to her by her son, one of the men dealt her husband a lash to his body. β€œWhen he fell on the ground the rest came, maybe he wasn’t unconscious but he fell and he could not help himself and then the rest came.”

According to the wife, police ranks had said they would come to the scene but they never showed up.

@Mitwah posted:

The wife of the deceased, Jasma Bharrat told this publication that Bharrat had earlier in the night, cautioned the men through his window about their disorderly behaviour, and peacefully asked them to desist and go elsewhere. The widow related that the men only continued their verbal abuse as they insulted him and the women living in the household. The grieving woman said Bharrat had called the police but β€œafter he called the police and the police didn’t come he probably went out thinking talking to them would help.”

She added that there was an argument when he confronted the men, and based on the information provided to her by her son, one of the men dealt her husband a lash to his body. β€œWhen he fell on the ground the rest came, maybe he wasn’t unconscious but he fell and he could not help himself and then the rest came.”

According to the wife, police ranks had said they would come to the scene but they never showed up.

This is totally the PPP's fault.

Yeah right, the PPP instructed them not to show up unless the required fried rice is provided….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]


guyanese need to realize that times have changed. de young people now have a totally different upbringing and mindset from our days, also they drinking and using drugs a lot. if de punks mekking noise outside, lock up you house and stay quiet inside. don't set youself up for murder and other crimes

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

guyanese need to realize that times have changed. de young people now have a totally different upbringing and mindset from our days, also they drinking and using drugs a lot. if de punks mekking noise outside, lock up you house and stay quiet inside. don't set youself up for murder and other crimes

Perhaps the villagers need to organize their vigilante groups and confront them with guns and ropes around their necks. Kill these parasites.


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