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Nobody will take dem people seriously...unless they start waving dey cutlasses and grass knives, and start blocking the road and bunning tyre on the road .... dey have to be like dem GT bannas when they protest on  Regent Street OR like dem Palestinians who wear masks and use slingshots to throw stones.

Otherwise...this protest will die a slow death.

I would like to see Jagdeo leading a protest from Berbice all the way to GT in front of Parliament. Then we will know if the PPP serious about representing workers. 

yuji22 posted:

Guyana needs a truth commission for the PPP and PNC to spill their guts and let the country move forward. It worked in South Africa, why not Guyana ?

We need to stop fighting and pressuring both the PPP and PNC to end this race based politics.


Why do we need a Truth Commission?  You know full well that when it reveals that the PPP is packed with thieves, even if they same is said of the PNC, you will scream about "anti koolie" haters.

Now when you tell us the role that Indians and the PPP have played in this problem then you show that you mean business. 

There has been ample discussion of the role of the PNC and in fact many African intellectuals, among them David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana, have admitted to this. Note that they aren't called "anti black" haters when they admitted the truth that Burnham manipulated African anxieties of the PPP to entrench his dictatorship. Not only have they admitted this but in fact both gentlemen received solid beatings and death threats from the Hammie Green goon squad. Of course you know what happened to Walter Rodney.

So fess up about Indian racism and how black concerns of the PPP need to be addressed and then you will look sincere.

But so deeply brainwashed are you that you "know" that this Truth Commission will only uncover PNC misdeeds, holding the PPP as innocent.

Tola posted:

When no concrete effort  is being made for the workers after the factory is closed, then  its time for a national strike.

The national strike in the 1960's was effective.  A  strike where those in government are experiencing similar  hardships like the sugar workers, they might come up with a better plan  to look after the workers, or tremendous hardships will be experienced.

I believe sugar should be restructured, but a better plan should be implemented for the workers to transfer  their labour, with no significant loss of income.

It is very disappointing that AFC ministers, who receive large support from Berbice  have remained silent on this issue. They will not be very popular in their home county, especially at the next election.

These people are coasting to a healthy pension and seem to care little for the ordinary person.

Absolutely. This should have been done years ago instead of using those poor people any lying to them just to solidify their support. Had this been done, people would have know exactly where they stand. I don't think fact that the estates are bleeding money and are not profitable have been fully and properly conveyed to them. As for the pensions, you all know where I stand there. There needs to be a serious review and raises should have been commensurate with inflation.

caribny posted:
Tola posted:

As long as you people keep bring hateful black-man vs hateful Indians into every discussion, Guyana will continue to deteriorate for everyone.  

I see so it wasn't hateful when the Indo population showed absolutely no sympathy for the plight of the bauxite workers and in fact cheered when the police mowed them down a few years ago.

Always interesting that these kumbaya calls only come up when  Indians are suffering, and yet rejected when its the blacks who felt the pain.

You display a warped sense of purpose.

How does  it all end, by adding more fuel to the fire. What took place  by both races, can seldom be changed.

Do you have the balls to say enough is enough, or will your black hatred and these Indian hatred, take all of you  to your graves ?   


Linden Economic Advancement Programme (LEAP)


EAP is a Government of Guyana and European Union programme with the objective of fostering entrepreneurship and enterprise for economic development of the town of Linden.

In the face of continued decline of the bauxite industry in Region 10, and the consequent severe economic dislocations, the Government of Guyana and European Union initiated efforts to expand Region 10Ò€ℒs economic base through the diversification of the local economy away from the traditional bauxite dependency. The Linden Economic Advancement Programme LEAP was launched in 2002 with a planned injection of Euro Γ’β€šΒ¬12 million for the execution of the project over a seven year period.

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EAP is a Government of Guyana and European Union programme with the objective of fostering entrepreneurship and enterprise for economic development of the town of Linden.

In the face of continued decline of the bauxite industry in Region 10, and the consequent severe economic dislocations, the Government of Guyana and European Union initiated efforts to expand Region 10’s economic base through the diversification of the local economy away from the traditional bauxite dependency. The Linden Economic Advancement Programme LEAP was launched in 2002 with a planned injection of Euro €12 million for the execution of the project over a seven year period.

Billy Ram Balgobin
VishMahabir posted:

Nobody will take dem people seriously...unless they start waving dey cutlasses and grass knives, and start blocking the road and bunning tyre on the road .... dey have to be like dem GT bannas when they protest on  Regent Street OR like dem Palestinians who wear masks and use slingshots to throw stones.

Otherwise...this protest will die a slow death.

I would like to see Jagdeo leading a protest from Berbice all the way to GT in front of Parliament. Then we will know if the PPP serious about representing workers. 

What Jagdeo should do is tell the truth instead of trying to incite riots or  unrest where people can get hurt. THEN, organize peaceful protests and encourage dialogue to restructure and diversify. The only way these estates can stay open is 1. Upgrade and compete on the World market or 2. Keep subsidizing . We don't have the money to upgrade...yet. I am willing to bet though that if and when the oil revenues start coming in, if  Jagdeo slithers his way in, the solution will be to subsidize and sugar will be "saved". I am also willing to bet that if no oil had been found, Jagdeo would be nowhere around. Is this he the only member of the PPP? I refuse to believe there isn't one honest non-racist unbiased individual with the country's interest foremost, left. Maybe electoral reform allowing non party affiliated candidates to run are in order.

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
. they are now questioning the AFC contribution to the last .

I say no more than you did when you boasted that Moses got no votes in his village in 2015.

Just to clarify, are you saying that Moses did not contribute to the last election results for APNU ?

I am saying this of Berbice, and you said the same thing. 

In fact the margin of victory can be explained by the increased turnout in Regions 4, 7, and 10.  The PPP increased its margin of victory in most of its strongholds, but not enough to win overall.

Are you now admitting that in 2015 the AFC did take away votes from the PPP?

I don't even think that Moses will claim a support base in G/T.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyana Marriott Hotel received very good reviews.  Why are we putting down this investment?  Service can be improved at this hotel. It's a beautiful hotel that is attracting more and more people.  It's not a white elephant .


It's already there. Instead of losing more money maybe convert part of it to long term stays. There is a lot that can be done. The big question is, what truly is the state of the hotel? The answers vary depending on who you ask.

GTAngler posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyana Marriott Hotel received very good reviews.  Why are we putting down this investment?  Service can be improved at this hotel. It's a beautiful hotel that is attracting more and more people.  It's not a white elephant .


It's already there. Instead of losing more money maybe convert part of it to long term stays. There is a lot that can be done. The big question is, what truly is the state of the hotel? The answers vary depending on who you ask.

Go and ask Marriott what is their minimum standard for keeping their hotel.  Or check out my FB pics. 

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Nobody will take dem people seriously...unless they start waving dey cutlasses and grass knives, and start blocking the road and bunning tyre on the road .... dey have to be like dem GT bannas when they protest on  Regent Street OR like dem Palestinians who wear masks and use slingshots to throw stones.

Otherwise...this protest will die a slow death.

I would like to see Jagdeo leading a protest from Berbice all the way to GT in front of Parliament. Then we will know if the PPP serious about representing workers. 

What Jagdeo should do is tell the truth instead of trying to incite riots or  unrest where people can get hurt. THEN, organize peaceful protests and encourage dialogue to restructure and diversify. The only way these estates can stay open is 1. Upgrade and compete on the World market or 2. Keep subsidizing . We don't have the money to upgrade...yet. I am willing to bet though that if and when the oil revenues start coming in, if  Jagdeo slithers his way in, the solution will be to subsidize and sugar will be "saved". I am also willing to bet that if no oil had been found, Jagdeo would be nowhere around. Is this he the only member of the PPP? I refuse to believe there isn't one honest non-racist unbiased individual with the country's interest foremost, left. Maybe electoral reform allowing non party affiliated candidates to run are in order.

I agree there should be someone good enough to lead the PPP and not BJ. That man is a liability to the party he should stay out along with big mouth NandaLanda.

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Nobody will take dem people seriously...unless they start waving dey cutlasses and grass knives, and start blocking the road and bunning tyre on the road .... dey have to be like dem GT bannas when they protest on  Regent Street OR like dem Palestinians who wear masks and use slingshots to throw stones.

Otherwise...this protest will die a slow death.

I would like to see Jagdeo leading a protest from Berbice all the way to GT in front of Parliament. Then we will know if the PPP serious about representing workers. 

What Jagdeo should do is tell the truth instead of trying to incite riots or  unrest where people can get hurt. THEN, organize peaceful protests and encourage dialogue to restructure and diversify. The only way these estates can stay open is 1. Upgrade and compete on the World market or 2. Keep subsidizing . We don't have the money to upgrade...yet. I am willing to bet though that if and when the oil revenues start coming in, if  Jagdeo slithers his way in, the solution will be to subsidize and sugar will be "saved". I am also willing to bet that if no oil had been found, Jagdeo would be nowhere around. Is this he the only member of the PPP? I refuse to believe there isn't one honest non-racist unbiased individual with the country's interest foremost, left. Maybe electoral reform allowing non party affiliated candidates to run are in order.

1. When and where has Jagdeo incited riots?

2.  Do you know it was Jagdeo who renewed the Oil Exploration Treaty with Exxon in 2008 which was first signed by Janet in 2002.

Shut your trap if you don't know what you are talking about.


Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Linden Economic Advancement Programme (LEAP)


EAP is a Government of Guyana and European Union programme with the objective of fostering entrepreneurship and enterprise for economic development of the town of Linden.


And what new industries or jobs were created with this fiasco? As I recall it this was to train market vendors.

What Linden should have gotten instead was treatment as an economic processing zone, given that at the time it had the highest concentration of skilled workers, cheap educational costs and the second most educated population behind Region 4.

Try as you wish but the PPP abandoned Linden!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Nobody will take dem people seriously...unless they start waving dey cutlasses and grass knives, and start blocking the road and bunning tyre on the road .... dey have to be like dem GT bannas when they protest on  Regent Street OR like dem Palestinians who wear masks and use slingshots to throw stones.

Otherwise...this protest will die a slow death.

I would like to see Jagdeo leading a protest from Berbice all the way to GT in front of Parliament. Then we will know if the PPP serious about representing workers. 

What Jagdeo should do is tell the truth instead of trying to incite riots or  unrest where people can get hurt. THEN, organize peaceful protests and encourage dialogue to restructure and diversify. The only way these estates can stay open is 1. Upgrade and compete on the World market or 2. Keep subsidizing . We don't have the money to upgrade...yet. I am willing to bet though that if and when the oil revenues start coming in, if  Jagdeo slithers his way in, the solution will be to subsidize and sugar will be "saved". I am also willing to bet that if no oil had been found, Jagdeo would be nowhere around. Is this he the only member of the PPP? I refuse to believe there isn't one honest non-racist unbiased individual with the country's interest foremost, left. Maybe electoral reform allowing non party affiliated candidates to run are in order.

1. When and where has Jagdeo incited riots?

2.  Do you know it was Jagdeo who renewed the Oil Exploration Treaty with Exxon in 2008 which was first signed by Janet in 2002.

Shut your trap if you don't know what you are talking about.


Do you understand written English? I said TRYING to. How quickly we forget. Just a short while ago, didn't Jagdeo encourage the sugar workers to protest but asininely added that he wasn't getting involved because he didn't want to make one of the most political of issues in Guyana, Political. Now please explain that to the other idiot.

GTAngler posted:
Tola posted:


Absolutely. This should have been done years ago instead of using those poor people any lying to them just to solidify their support.

Jagdeo was told that Guyana is a high cost producer of sugar and that the removal of the EU price subsidies would ensure the demise of the sugar.

Jagdeo EXPANDED sugar instead of trying to transition it. Screaming at the EU for removing the price supports and blaming the whole world when his Skeldon monstrosity failed. He also put in incompetent and corrupt party hacks to run GuySICKO.

Now stupid PPP supporters line up behind him again instead of asking him why didn't he transition the industry when he had the time to do so.

Guymine=Guysuco and its hard to explain why Guysuco workers would be treated better than were Guymine. Bauxite workers were thrown to the wolves and no consideration was made of their ability to transition to something else. GAWU in fact should have joined in a championing their cause, because we now see sugar workers also losing their livelihood as an industry heads to its eventual demise.

But I bet that these PPP frauds will conveniently forget that when Linden residents complained they call them lazy and ungrateful blackman and screamed at what little support that they got.

I say set up REAP to train the sugar workers to be market vendors, and give them some computer classes and access to cheap electricity. After all if this was good for the former bauxite workers why not for the soon to be former sugar workers?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

You are a liability to mankind.  A waste of flesh and blood that could have been used by any vampire somewhere in the dungeons of hell.

Do you really wish to go down that road with me Liar woman Bibi? What you speak of there would fit conman BJ and Spermgate Plan a killing NadaLanda visiting your lair.

Last edited by cain
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyana Marriott Hotel received very good reviews.  Why are we putting down this investment?  Service can be improved at this hotel. It's a beautiful hotel that is attracting more and more people.  It's not a white elephant .


Soon after it was opened it already allegedly needs extensive renovations.

The PPP screamed that Guyanese were too lazy and incompetent and that Chinese "slaves" (yes we saw their living conditions) were better.

Guyana does NOT have a shortage of hotel rooms!  What Guyana lacks is a comprehensive tourist product which can be properly promoted. Marriott did NOTHING to solve that issue.

GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Nobody will take dem people seriously...unless they start waving dey cutlasses and grass knives, and start blocking the road and bunning tyre on the road .... dey have to be like dem GT bannas when they protest on  Regent Street OR like dem Palestinians who wear masks and use slingshots to throw stones.

Otherwise...this protest will die a slow death.

I would like to see Jagdeo leading a protest from Berbice all the way to GT in front of Parliament. Then we will know if the PPP serious about representing workers. 

What Jagdeo should do is tell the truth instead of trying to incite riots or  unrest where people can get hurt. THEN, organize peaceful protests and encourage dialogue to restructure and diversify. The only way these estates can stay open is 1. Upgrade and compete on the World market or 2. Keep subsidizing . We don't have the money to upgrade...yet. I am willing to bet though that if and when the oil revenues start coming in, if  Jagdeo slithers his way in, the solution will be to subsidize and sugar will be "saved". I am also willing to bet that if no oil had been found, Jagdeo would be nowhere around. Is this he the only member of the PPP? I refuse to believe there isn't one honest non-racist unbiased individual with the country's interest foremost, left. Maybe electoral reform allowing non party affiliated candidates to run are in order.

1. When and where has Jagdeo incited riots?

2.  Do you know it was Jagdeo who renewed the Oil Exploration Treaty with Exxon in 2008 which was first signed by Janet in 2002.

Shut your trap if you don't know what you are talking about.


Do you understand written English? I said TRYING to. How quickly we forget. Just a short while ago, didn't Jagdeo encourage the sugar workers to protest but asininely added that he wasn't getting involved because he didn't want to make one of the most political of issues in Guyana, Political. Now please explain that to the other idiot.

President Bharrat Jagdeo (right) signing the supplement and addendum to Esso’s Prospecting Licence at the Office of the President yesterday. Jagdeo affixed his signature on behalf of the government while Area Manager of Esso Exploration and Production (Guyana) Limited, Jan-Claire Phillips (also sitting), signed on the company’s behalf. (October 30, 2008)



Images (1)
  • 20081031_oil[1]
Bibi Haniffa

Who gives a shit what Jagdeo signed while in office? Everytime we read of something done during his time which affects the now such as drug runnings and escalating crime etc, you people say who Granger in office, is he own it now, well ditto.

By the wsy, during PNC reign things were dam tough I agree, Burnham was a dam dictator but crime was not as it became during Jagdeo's rule.

Last edited by cain
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyana Marriott Hotel received very good reviews.  Why are we putting down this investment?  Service can be improved at this hotel. It's a beautiful hotel that is attracting more and more people.  It's not a white elephant .


It's already there. Instead of losing more money maybe convert part of it to long term stays. There is a lot that can be done. The big question is, what truly is the state of the hotel? The answers vary depending on who you ask.

Go and ask Marriott what is their minimum standard for keeping their hotel.  Or check out my FB pics. 

There are a couple of things wrong here. First we should not be looking to maintain Marriott's minimum standards but strive to do better. Second, I don't know who you are. Last, I place a lot of importance on credibility and you lost all with me. I know we all go back and forth but sometimes things get to a point where you see a lot more clearly. When someone completely ignores facts even when it's biting them on the ass, you see what they really are and what they really stand for. Point at hand, your comment about the fiber optic cable which never worked to begin with. Akin to Druggie saying Guyana's drug problem only started two years ago. When I came on here and I called Carib a racist you said I was learning fast. Guess what, I have learnt a whole lot more since.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Nobody will take dem people seriously...unless they start waving dey cutlasses and grass knives, and start blocking the road and bunning tyre on the road .... dey have to be like dem GT bannas when they protest on  Regent Street OR like dem Palestinians who wear masks and use slingshots to throw stones.

Otherwise...this protest will die a slow death.

I would like to see Jagdeo leading a protest from Berbice all the way to GT in front of Parliament. Then we will know if the PPP serious about representing workers. 

What Jagdeo should do is tell the truth instead of trying to incite riots or  unrest where people can get hurt. THEN, organize peaceful protests and encourage dialogue to restructure and diversify. The only way these estates can stay open is 1. Upgrade and compete on the World market or 2. Keep subsidizing . We don't have the money to upgrade...yet. I am willing to bet though that if and when the oil revenues start coming in, if  Jagdeo slithers his way in, the solution will be to subsidize and sugar will be "saved". I am also willing to bet that if no oil had been found, Jagdeo would be nowhere around. Is this he the only member of the PPP? I refuse to believe there isn't one honest non-racist unbiased individual with the country's interest foremost, left. Maybe electoral reform allowing non party affiliated candidates to run are in order.

1. When and where has Jagdeo incited riots?

2.  Do you know it was Jagdeo who renewed the Oil Exploration Treaty with Exxon in 2008 which was first signed by Janet in 2002.

Shut your trap if you don't know what you are talking about.


Do you understand written English? I said TRYING to. How quickly we forget. Just a short while ago, didn't Jagdeo encourage the sugar workers to protest but asininely added that he wasn't getting involved because he didn't want to make one of the most political of issues in Guyana, Political. Now please explain that to the other idiot.

President Bharrat Jagdeo (right) signing the supplement and addendum to Esso’s Prospecting Licence at the Office of the President yesterday. Jagdeo affixed his signature on behalf of the government while Area Manager of Esso Exploration and Production (Guyana) Limited, Jan-Claire Phillips (also sitting), signed on the company’s behalf. (October 30, 2008)


Why don't you respond to what I said about Jagdeo and the sugar workers???????

Django posted:



the reply to your post is a picture of BJ signing an agreement.

Ole man had a saying, "dis place gat nuff melody". I have said before and I say again, BOTH damn sides have made mistakes but the blindness and stupidity by some is appalling and frankly speaking aggravating. What is even more aggravating is that they expect people to believe the same nonsense they believe.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Bauxite was lying down on its face during the Hoyte years...

As is sugar now so if selling Guymine made sense so does selling Guysuco. Problem is that sugar is so far gone that no one seems to want it!

Had you all racists sympathized with bauxite workers instead of screaming "black man lazy" maybe you wouldn't have this predicament now. The PPP set a precedent with Guymine and now APNU does the same with Guysuco. 

If Guysuco is so valuable why don't Jagdeo and his friends buy it out? Urge the gov't to sell to them for one dollar the estates that they plan to shut down. They don't because they know that sugar is past its time.

It's two different things.  Like sugar, it was lost-making however, the Forex clearing was much less than sugar.  The critical factor with Bauxite was to try get it to become someone's vertical.  China was a wise move given it was the highest consuming market for the metal.  However, China has now tapered off and that's bad news!

ba$eman posted:

It's two different things.  Like sugar, it was lost-making however, the Forex clearing was much less than sugar. 

So why doesn't Jagdeo and his buddies buy GuySICKO. Put it this way the lucrative forex earnings would make their money laundering much easier.

Note to you.  The gov't CANNOT spend hundreds of millions of US dollars to sustain this loss making industry.  How will they fund this?


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