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Sugar workers and residents in Berbice took to the streets on Tuesday, less than 24 hours after the combined opposition of Alliance For Change(AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) tabled motions in Parliament on Monday, to cut the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) subsidy, which can see Guyanese pay as much as 28% more on their ‘light bills’.

The APNU/AFC threatened to shave as much as GY$2B off the cash-strapped state-run power company’s 2012 subsidy, which will plunge the company further in debt.

Hundreds of Berbicians picketed the Berbice offices of APNU and AFC, demanding that the parties trash their motions to cut the estimates.

They are also demanding that the opposition which holds a slim one-seat majority in the country’s parliament to think about their welfare, since the proposed cuts can cause the government’s programme to ensure every Guyanese family receive a computer could be closed.

Sugar workers wo are on the protest lines are also demanding that the government proposed bail out of the sugar industry be allowed since it will save their jobs.

Among the slogans ‎ on the placards are “AFC anti working class”, “Ramjattan and Moses betrayed workers”, “AFC/APNU mean poverty”, as the protesters call for the motions to be dropped or fresh elections.

The joint opposition tabled separate motions on Monday to shave some GY$26B off the Office of the President’s budgetary allocations which will affect major programmes including the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF), the Low Carbon Development Strategy, the GPL, the Guyana Elections Commission, The National Parks Commission, the Guyana Energy Agency among others.

These cuts can lead to staff of these agencies being laid off.

Monday evening GPL’s CEO Bharat Dindyal warned that if the GY6B subsidy for his company is slahsed, there can be a huge increase in electricity tariffs, since the company owes fuel suppliers billions of dollars.

He also warned that the power company may be forced to cut staff and there is the likelihood of frequent power outages in an effort to cut back on fuel consumption.

According to the GPL head said that if the opposition pulls the plug on the subsidy, Guyanese will have to brace for the increases, which will be only option for the utility to survive.

” If no subvention is approved GPL would have to increase tariffs by 20 percent to raise the $6B needed to buy URL in 2012. The problem here is that there is a one-month lag between applying for a tariff increase and realizing the revenues, a period when potentially GPL would have very limited cash to buy fuel” he said in a statement.

The opposition’s motion comes even as they pressure the government not to increase the electricity tariff for Lindeners who are paying less than quarter of what the rest of the country pays for electricity.

The country’s finance minister. Dr Ashni Singh on Monday evening called for the opposition to withdraw their motions for the cuts which he described as “unjustified, alarming and surprising”

Singh said his government was surprised that the opposition will make such a
submission, even as they government and the APNU have been engaging in talks
on the budget since last week.

” Given that these talks were ongoing, it come somewhat as a surprise, the tabling of these proposed and it comes as an even greater surprise, if one peruses the cuts that are being proposed and I have to say that they are
extremely alarming to put it mildly and very surprising, in fact, I would hope and would call on the opposition to reconsider the cuts they have
proposed, both the apnu and the afc because some of them really completely defy reasons” Singh said.

The motions will be officially tabled later Tuesday.



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"the Budget, in its present form, does not meet their demands for changes to stimulate growth, lower the cost-of-living and improve the quality of life for ordinary people"


The statement said that the main demands of the Opposition are:


  • Reduction in the Value-Added Tax rate.
  • Reduction in the Berbice River Bridge toll rate.
  • Increase in the salaries of public servants.
  • Effectively re-establishing the functioning of Public Service Collective Bargaining.
  • Cease the blatant abuse of the mechanism of Contract Employees in the Public Service.
  • Increase in the subvention to the University of Guyana.
  • Increase in the retirement age of public servants.
  • Guarantee the independence of the constitutional offices – Parliament Office; GECOM and the Service Commissions – by their removal as Budget Agencies under the Office of the President and ensure that they receive their subventions directly from the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GUYSUCO and GPL to make them into viable corporations.
  • Restructure NICIL to bring its financial assets into the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GINA and NCN to make them into responsible national institutions.
  • Establish the long delayed Constitutionally mandated Public Procurement Commission as a matter of urgency.
  • Establish appropriate arrangements for the governance of key projects and entities, ranging from NICIL, the Amaila Falls Hydro power project and the  NIS, with a view to greater transparency in decision-making, eliminating corruption and making them more
    responsive to public wishes.
  • Devote more urgent attention and resources to the plight of the unemployed, the youth of Guyana and the depressed communities and areas.

Hi Albert, do you think the above can be construed to be speaking to the PRADOVILLE class rather than working class?


I wonder if you will post when the chop GINA budget and Misir and Kwame little propaganda machine gets suffocated! You are one working class I would like fired!


The Guyanese Populace are weary of the attempts by the joint opposition to put them and their families on the breadline, the very opponents of the state who calm they had the working class at their heart are now attempting to shaft the working class. The Guyanese Populace are condemning in the strongest terms the proposed cuts of the AFC/APNU


They are weary of being taken to th cleaners by the PPP thieves. We want to know where and how much Brassington has in his slush fund. We want an accounting for the sale of the telecoms stock. Most of all we want accounting for every line item so we do not spend the same amount twice as we did for two stellings or for a white elephant sugar mill or to fund Fip deficient learning curve at building roads. Yes we want to track our money.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace are weary of the attempts by the joint opposition to put them and their families on the breadline, the very opponents of the state who calm they had the working class at their heart are now attempting to shaft the working class. The Guyanese Populace are condemning in the strongest terms the proposed cuts of the AFC/APNU

LOL! six drunkies trying to stand up in the picket line is the Guyanese populace. hahahahahahahah!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace are weary of the attempts by the joint opposition to put them and their families on the breadline, the very opponents of the state who calm they had the working class at their heart are now attempting to shaft the working class. The Guyanese Populace are condemning in the strongest terms the proposed cuts of the AFC/APNU

LOL! six drunkies trying to stand up in the picket line is the Guyanese populace. hahahahahahahah!

Remember the time the went and collected Amerindians in front of the hostel to picket the APA? These are some skunks!


The people in Berbice knows should the AFC/APNU goes ahead with the proposed cuts, thousands of working class Guyanese families will be put on the breadline, so they are voicing their concerns


You have no authority to speak for them. Instead of spinning a web of lies on supposed proposed cuts maybe you can tell us as to the specific line items being affected.


The PPP ruined the sugar industry and that has some 25 thousand on a life line.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A picture is worth thousands of words.

Yeah words such as;



Originally Posted by cain:

Yeah words such as;









Still speechless, Cainsta?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

"the Budget, in its present form, does not meet their demands for changes to stimulate growth, lower the cost-of-living and improve the quality of life for ordinary people"


The statement said that the main demands of the Opposition are:


  • Reduction in the Value-Added Tax rate.
  • Reduction in the Berbice River Bridge toll rate.
  • Increase in the salaries of public servants.
  • Effectively re-establishing the functioning of Public Service Collective Bargaining.
  • Cease the blatant abuse of the mechanism of Contract Employees in the Public Service.
  • Increase in the subvention to the University of Guyana.
  • Increase in the retirement age of public servants.
  • Guarantee the independence of the constitutional offices – Parliament Office; GECOM and the Service Commissions – by their removal as Budget Agencies under the Office of the President and ensure that they receive their subventions directly from the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GUYSUCO and GPL to make them into viable corporations.
  • Restructure NICIL to bring its financial assets into the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GINA and NCN to make them into responsible national institutions.
  • Establish the long delayed Constitutionally mandated Public Procurement Commission as a matter of urgency.
  • Establish appropriate arrangements for the governance of key projects and entities, ranging from NICIL, the Amaila Falls Hydro power project and the  NIS, with a view to greater transparency in decision-making, eliminating corruption and making them more
    responsive to public wishes.
  • Devote more urgent attention and resources to the plight of the unemployed, the youth of Guyana and the depressed communities and areas.


It is troubling that the opposition is calling for increased spending and have no plan on how to pay for these increases. Also of note is their intent on stopping progress in the nation by opposing national projects. What is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC/PNC.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

"the Budget, in its present form, does not meet their demands for changes to stimulate growth, lower the cost-of-living and improve the quality of life for ordinary people"


The statement said that the main demands of the Opposition are:


  • Reduction in the Value-Added Tax rate.
  • Reduction in the Berbice River Bridge toll rate.
  • Increase in the salaries of public servants.
  • Effectively re-establishing the functioning of Public Service Collective Bargaining.
  • Cease the blatant abuse of the mechanism of Contract Employees in the Public Service.
  • Increase in the subvention to the University of Guyana.
  • Increase in the retirement age of public servants.
  • Guarantee the independence of the constitutional offices – Parliament Office; GECOM and the Service Commissions – by their removal as Budget Agencies under the Office of the President and ensure that they receive their subventions directly from the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GUYSUCO and GPL to make them into viable corporations.
  • Restructure NICIL to bring its financial assets into the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GINA and NCN to make them into responsible national institutions.
  • Establish the long delayed Constitutionally mandated Public Procurement Commission as a matter of urgency.
  • Establish appropriate arrangements for the governance of key projects and entities, ranging from NICIL, the Amaila Falls Hydro power project and the  NIS, with a view to greater transparency in decision-making, eliminating corruption and making them more
    responsive to public wishes.
  • Devote more urgent attention and resources to the plight of the unemployed, the youth of Guyana and the depressed communities and areas.


It is troubling that the opposition is calling for increased spending and have no plan on how to pay for these increases. Also of note is their intent on stopping progress in the nation by opposing national projects. What is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC/PNC.

Maybe if dem stap ova taxin' abie and stap payin' dem fake PPP contracta employees 500k per month dem goa find dah money fah meaningful development.  Maybe if dem stap dah Govt waste and fake jobs, dem a gos manage.  PPP ah di masta tiefman govt, dem bettah dan dah PNC.


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