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Former Member
Berbicians want change - calls on Nagamootoo to join AFC

Oct. 15, 2011 – Berbicians are going to the polls confident that their desire for change is being realised by the Alliance for Change. More than 600 cane cutters, small farmers, civil servants, teachers and others marched from Port Mourant to Whim on the Corentyne Coast. At Whim, the marchers were joined by another 600 who had gathered for the planned public meeting. Throughout the march there were shouts of “we want change”, “we want change now”, “Nagamotoo coming… how about you”, “PPP must go” and other slogans. The march was led by Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan, Dr. Richard Van West Charles, Dr. Ramayya and other Regional executives. They were the featured speakers at the public meetings. Among the marchers were several relatives of Moses Nagamootoo.

Dr. Van West Charles reiterated that the change must come for the future of Guyana for the youth who are the affected by the PPP. The PPP administration is corrupt and destructive and they must not be given another five years. Khemraj Ramjattan reminded the large gathering that the beginning of the end of the PPP has come, his remarks was greeted with a loud celebration

The atmosphere was festive as persons danced, hugged and cheered for the anticipated change that will come on November 28.

The AFC is Guyana’s only multi-ethnic party contesting the 2011 General Elections with a strong message of economic transformation through job creation, safety and security, social Justice and tax cuts.

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Dr. Van West Charles reiterated that the change must come for the future of Guyana for the youth who are the affected by the PPP.

The PPP administration is corrupt and destructive and they must not be given another five years.

Dr. Van West Charles .. ???

Khemraj Ramjattan reminded the large gathering that the beginning of the end of the PPP has come, his remarks was greeted with a loud celebration.

Personal wishes .. which will not materialise.
PPP winning by fetching persons going all over! Lol........

Like · · Unfollow Post · 17 minutes ago via mobile.

Sabita Ramjeet They can fetch you to the polling booth too but they can't tell you who to vote for
16 minutes ago · Like · 1 person.

Jennifer Williams Haha......those ppl are going freeness n when voting time reached they vote for a change! Lol.
9 minutes ago via mobile · Like.

Jennifer Williams Sab they will not fetch me! No matter s freeness....when done we will die after! I don't her pay off from AFC! We need a change for a better Guyana!
5 minutes ago via mobile · Like.

Sabita Ramjeet Great Jennifer...PPP cannot hold a meeting by themselves...people will not show up..The only party that can keep a meeting in any part of Guyana and get a crowd is the AFC....People are fed up and want to see change...AFC is their only hope and we will not let them down
2 seconds ago · Like
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Noel:
PPP winning by fetching persons going all over! Lol........

Like · · Unfollow Post · 17 minutes ago via mobile.

20,000 in albion.

15,000 in kitty.

10,000 in linden
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Noel:
PPP winning by fetching persons going all over! Lol........

Like · · Unfollow Post · 17 minutes ago via mobile.

20,000 in albion.

15,000 in kitty.

10,000 in linden

Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Noel:
PPP winning by fetching persons going all over! Lol........

Like · · Unfollow Post · 17 minutes ago via mobile.

20,000 in albion.

15,000 in kitty.

10,000 in linden


When is the PPP rally at Port Mourant, so the cane cuitters can run Ramo and his gang out of town, wid dem 22.
Originally Posted by Noel:
Berbicians want change - calls on Nagamootoo to join AFC

Oct. 15, 2011 – Berbicians are going to the polls confident that their desire for change is being realised by the Alliance for Change. More than 600 cane cutters, small farmers, civil servants, teachers and others marched from Port Mourant to Whim on the Corentyne Coast. At Whim, the marchers were joined by another 600 who had gathered for the planned public meeting. Throughout the march there were shouts of “we want change”, “we want change now”, “Nagamotoo coming… how about you”, “PPP must go” and other slogans. The march was led by Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan, Dr. Richard Van West Charles, Dr. Ramayya and other Regional executives. They were the featured speakers at the public meetings. Among the marchers were several relatives of Moses Nagamootoo.

Dr. Van West Charles reiterated that the change must come for the future of Guyana for the youth who are the affected by the PPP. The PPP administration is corrupt and destructive and they must not be given another five years. Khemraj Ramjattan reminded the large gathering that the beginning of the end of the PPP has come, his remarks was greeted with a loud celebration

The atmosphere was festive as persons danced, hugged and cheered for the anticipated change that will come on November 28.

The AFC is Guyana’s only multi-ethnic party contesting the 2011 General Elections with a strong message of economic transformation through job creation, safety and security, social Justice and tax cuts.



This was NOel in fine spirit.  Bossman Amral. Is Noel still banned.  He had fire in his belly that Noel.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Maybe, but they got spitted on, now they running back to the "cup".

Me Fada seh


Only wan cackroach does suck back its vomit.  The people are now FREE.  No going back.


More East Indians braking free every day.



Me Fada seh no coolie man will ever go to the PNC, all of them on a journey to the new Jagan party - the AFC.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Khemraj Ramjattan reminded the large gathering that the beginning of the end of the PPP has come, his remarks was greeted with a loud celebration.

Personal wishes .. which will not materialise.
According to him other views or wishes is unimportant.......          and Only Crab-dog views Important or count.....          REAL PNC THIEFMAN MENTALITY.                           Eee only decide what will materialise..... Words of a Mini-Kabaka

Wha become of Patsalt and eee 55% or better..... Guarantee.


EEE use to pose as some big boy with more knowledge and Info than Khemraj and Moses.

I dont know if it was Lamumba or Kwame was giving ee de Bambo....

But he was sure happy like dem two pigs in $hit......

eee was wineing and carrying on if eee enjoying de big stick

I guess who ever believe him holding 100% Larwa.....


Because De Duck and De Rat failed to get a majority......

Dem lucky Burnham and eeee engineers mek wan constitution that give dem de presidency although dem lost. 


Back den de ole fool was asking about Burnham Son-in-law......

Dr. Van West Charles .. ???

Since Nov 28 eee gone Quiet....

eee aint asking nothing about Burnham Constitution.


Is dis Funny Fella.... a Duck..... or is eee.... a Rat.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Noel:
Berbicians want change - calls on Nagamootoo to join AFC

Oct. 15, 2011 – Berbicians are going to the polls confident that their desire for change is being realised by the Alliance for Change. More than 600 cane cutters, small farmers, civil servants, teachers and others marched from Port Mourant to Whim on the Corentyne Coast. At Whim, the marchers were joined by another 600 who had gathered for the planned public meeting. Throughout the march there were shouts of “we want change”, “we want change now”, “Nagamotoo coming… how about you”, “PPP must go” and other slogans. The march was led by Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan, Dr. Richard Van West Charles, Dr. Ramayya and other Regional executives. They were the featured speakers at the public meetings. Among the marchers were several relatives of Moses Nagamootoo.

Dr. Van West Charles reiterated that the change must come for the future of Guyana for the youth who are the affected by the PPP. The PPP administration is corrupt and destructive and they must not be given another five years. Khemraj Ramjattan reminded the large gathering that the beginning of the end of the PPP has come, his remarks was greeted with a loud celebration

The atmosphere was festive as persons danced, hugged and cheered for the anticipated change that will come on November 28.

The AFC is Guyana’s only multi-ethnic party contesting the 2011 General Elections with a strong message of economic transformation through job creation, safety and security, social Justice and tax cuts.

Nice one from Noel, is where this chap deh?

Last edited by Former Member

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