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Over 1,300 Berbicians caught stealing electricity in 2014 -GPL


By Leon Suseran
Over 1,300 Berbicians were caught by the Guyana Power & Light Inc. (GPL) stealing electricity last year.

Mr. Phyalyanjee Nandkumar

Mr. Phyalyanjee Nandkumar

Most of them were placed before the courts, said Loss Reduction Manager, Mr. Phyalyanjee Nandkumar, at the company’s Berbice office.
Tampering with meters; bypassing the network and illegal diversions were just a few methods that Berbicians used to steal electricity. Over 350 cases alone dealt with tampering of meters, he added. Once you are caught stealing electricity, you are arrested.
The majority of the cases had persons receiving a non-custodial sentence; some were given a suspended sentence. However, if they commit any other crime in the future, they would head straight to prison for one year.
Numerous large companies, too, were caught stealing electricity in Berbice last year. Nandkumar said that these companies were prosecuted and back- billed. “If they don’t pay, no power, and the penalty now is high for electricity theft.”
Currently, the penalty for stealing electricity is one year imprisonment and a minimum of $500,000 fine. Nandkumar also said that the company won a lot of the cases that were brought before the courts. Many others were dismissed due to perpetrators not attending court. “They leave the location….so those cases (were) lost.”
The official noted that arrest warrants have been issued for several persons caught stealing electricity and who seem to be eluding the law. “They can be picked up anytime; never mind the case is struck out…The arrest warrant is still valid, because you didn’t attend court.”
He did state, though, that the court process is a bit slow. It is not dealing with the defaulters in the expeditious manner it should. “But we hope to improve it in 2015.”
The Loss Reduction Manager also said that customers are inventing newer methods of stealing electricity. They are also coming up with ways to steal electricity from the pre- paid metering system and GPL is working to improve that situation, he added.
The company is looking carefully at customers who have not purchased credit for electricity meters for the past two months. “And we are picking up a lot of straight connections— Probably the crew did it and it’s not in the system. But we would back-bill (the user) and charge them.”
“Probably, customers run out of credit; they get somebody to give them a straight connection, so the system picks it up that this customer did not buy credit for two or three months….so we remove the meter and back-bill them because it’s a bypass.”
Nandkumar is urging pre- paid customers to not let credit run out, because they are saving themselves money as well as inconvenience. If a pre- paid customer runs out of credit, the meter will shut down and a fee of $12,000 would be charged to re-activate the meter. “When the credit finishes, it (the meter) shuts down— there’s a process to link the meter back,” he stated.
If tenants wish to move out of buildings, he urged landlords to not let tenants leave with the meter. “The meter can’t work, because there is not another keypad to synchronize …the landlord and tenant should sort it out— the keypad can remain on the building in case someone else wants to rent the building.”
He noted, too, that if a meter is found to be tampered with, an instrument is used to test the meter for accuracy. If over 90 per cent of accuracy is found on the meter, the customer will not be prosecuted, “but the ones below 90 per cent (accuracy), we arrest, back bill and prosecute.”
As long as customers are found with a bypass, they are automatically arrested and prosecuted.
Nationally, the losses from stealing electricity from the power grid he said, is 31 per cent. The company, he said, loses over $2B in electricity theft on an annual basis.
Nandkumar described 2014 as a “very good year” for loss reduction in East and West Berbice. The widespread campaign to unearth illegal connections helped the company to reduce its losses, he stated.
Angoy’s Avenue, one of Guyana’s largest squatter settlements, with over 4,000 residents, had the largest amount of electricity theft in Berbice, with over 99 per cent of customers stealing current. However, this amount has been reduced to 90 per cent, with the ongoing electrification drive in that housing scheme. The figure will reduce further, he noted.
Those illegal connections were removed by the company’s loss reduction teams which were accompanied by police officers. “As we find our illegal connections, the police work with us and we do our prosecutions and arrests,” he revealed.
“My staff is working and they are supportive,” he mentioned. He cautioned customers to not allow any sort of corruption, in terms of bribing GPL crew members into establishing illegal connections on their premises. “
Nandkumar therefore urged customers in Berbice and Guyana as a whole, to stop stealing electricity and also report these cases promptly.
“Now when your neighbour is stealing electricity, it’s like you are paying for them; because a lot of people are complaining that their neighbours are stealing (electricity) while their bills are high.”
“We are working furiously and we want to reduce these losses to zero. If it happens, it will be excellent for Guyana and GPL, because at the end of the day, when customers steal, the State loses and taxpayers lose too,” he added.
While the electricity theft crew needs a bit more resources, the official said that the company is doing the best it could to eradicate electricity theft in Berbice.
“We know fuel prices are down, but the costs are still high because we buy fuel at high prices…so stop stealing and probably one day, your bills will go down— support our drive to stop electricity theft. If you know your neighbour is stealing, please report to us and it would be confidential.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!


Thiefman shelly and fookeetutu who claims they fram berbice are all in de thiefman bizness anyway. 


Dem gat to be proud.........Dem proud of de PPP so why wouldn't they be proud?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!


Stealing is a crime. Try stealing electricity in the west and you go to jail.


Gil raised a valid question and is sharp as razor as usual.


The high cost of electricity is a contributing factor and the PPP has plans in place to address the matter. In fact, Berbicians could have had cheap electricity already had the opposition AFC/PNC not destroyed the Hydro Electric project in Parliament.


The AFC and PNC is to blame.


How about Linden receiving almost free Electricity ?


Berbicians will receive Electricity in the PPP's soon to be had Majority in Parliament. A vote for PPP = A vote for cheap electricity.


A vote for AFC = Free Electricity for PNC stronghold, Linden. AFC = PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!


Stealing is a crime. Try stealing electricity in the west and you go to jail.


Gil raised a valid question and is sharp as razor as usual.


The high cost of electricity is a contributing factor and the PPP has plans in place to address the matter. In fact, Berbicians could have had cheap electricity already had the opposition AFC/PNC not destroyed the Hydro Electric project in Parliament.


The AFC and PNC is to blame.


How about Linden receiving almost free Electricity ?


Berbicians will receive Electricity in the PPP's soon to be had Majority in Parliament. A vote for PPP = A vote for cheap electricity.


A vote for AFC = Free Electricity for PNC stronghold, Linden. AFC = PNC.

This happens when people like you support condone thiefing...the result now become a culture.... The one and only solution is the removal of the thiefing PPP any means necessary...

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!


Stealing is a crime. Try stealing electricity in the west and you go to jail.


Gil raised a valid question and is sharp as razor as usual.


The high cost of electricity is a contributing factor and the PPP has plans in place to address the matter. In fact, Berbicians could have had cheap electricity already had the opposition AFC/PNC not destroyed the Hydro Electric project in Parliament.


The AFC and PNC is to blame.


How about Linden receiving almost free Electricity ?


Berbicians will receive Electricity in the PPP's soon to be had Majority in Parliament. A vote for PPP = A vote for cheap electricity.


A vote for AFC = Free Electricity for PNC stronghold, Linden. AFC = PNC.

Stealing is a crime? have you told Anil Nandlall dat?


You could be a PPP wise man......

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!

Berbice students at one time topped Guyana for education, year after year, especially when UG just started.  Then everything fell apart after independence.

Now students not only drop out of school, they commit suicide in large numbers due to hopelessness. And there don't seem to be any resolve with the present government.


The people in Berbice are suffering a lot and they are very angry, so stealing electricity is getting back at the present government.

Unless significant changes take place, the situation will get much worse.


Moses is our hope for the promise land.     

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!

Berbice students at one time topped Guyana for education, year after year, especially when UG just started.  Then everything fell apart after independence.

Now students not only drop out of school, they commit suicide in large numbers due to hopelessness. And there don't seem to be any resolve with the present government.


The people in Berbice are suffering a lot and they are very angry, so stealing electricity is getting back at the present government.

Unless significant changes take place, the situation will get much worse.


Moses is our hope for the promise land.     

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!

Berbice students at one time topped Guyana for education, year after year, especially when UG just started.  Then everything fell apart after independence.

Now students not only drop out of school, they commit suicide in large numbers due to hopelessness. And there don't seem to be any resolve with the present government.


The people in Berbice are suffering a lot and they are very angry, so stealing electricity is getting back at the present government.

Unless significant changes take place, the situation will get much worse.


Moses is our hope for the promise land.     

STABROEK NEWS, JANUARY 1 --- Even as two power plants were commissioned on Wakenaam Island yesterday, and the promise of 24-hour electricity floated, residents were asked not to get irritated if blackouts came once in a while.


Dem PPP bai mekking allowance fe spontaneous blackout. Dem na stupid. Dem na want get slap.


Last edited by Former Member

But all of Georgetown and Berbice still getting daily rounds sometimes twice and 3 times a day blackout?


How many persons served in those communities versus regions 4,5 and 6?


Do the math, this is nothing more than propaganda.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Where are our Berbician friends? Defend your county and countymen.

In the PNC time some Berbicians used to boil and drink trench water, according to His Excellency yuji22.

In the PPP time some Berbicians are stealing electricity.

Methinks, it's time for the AFC!

Berbice students at one time topped Guyana for education, year after year, especially when UG just started.  Then everything fell apart after independence.

Now students not only drop out of school, they commit suicide in large numbers due to hopelessness. And there don't seem to be any resolve with the present government.


The people in Berbice are suffering a lot and they are very angry, so stealing electricity is getting back at the present government.

Unless significant changes take place, the situation will get much worse.


Moses is our hope for the promise land.     

STABROEK NEWS, JANUARY 1 --- Even as two power plants were commissioned on Wakenaam Island yesterday, and the promise of 24-hour electricity floated, residents were asked not to get irritated if blackouts came once in a while.


Dem PPP bai mekking allowance fe spontaneous blackout. Dem na stupid.





I remember that the area that I lived in Guyana was singled out by the rotten PNC because it was a PPP stronghold.


It was a first area where the PNC and their army met resistance in 1973. The people refused to hand over a ballot box at No, 70 Village polling station after it was revealed that the PNC was rigging the results of the election.


For almost ten years this area did not receive electricity and a running water well because they were a area for resistance against the PNC.


The PPP has done Guyana good, unlike the PNC which tried to destroy people who did not support them.


Kudos to the PPP for providing Guyanese electricity. Let us give credit where credit is due.


More nonsense from the unschooled baboo. None of this is based on fact it is all bullshit and these unschooled dullards feel if they repeat that shit enough that people will begin to believe it.


The bottom line is Amerindians are much smarter than these fools give them credit for and they have realized that the PPP is a parasite to their communities.


The starve and feed approach by the PPP to their communities has created a lot of division not unity and the people have awoken to this and they are not going to tolerate the PPP any longer. Manzoor Nadir who benefited from much of those votes decades ago now cannot get a single vote in region 7, 8 or 9.


John Adams will be the rallying cry for the amerindians uniting against the PPP.

Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman family thieving electricity these people thief anything that move 

Why you think they defend the PPP so aggressively?


Thiefman has to defend thiefman.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


I remember that the area that I lived in Guyana was singled out by the rotten PNC because it was a PPP stronghold.


It was a first area where the PNC and their army met resistance in 1973. The people refused to hand over a ballot box at No, 70 Village polling station after it was revealed that the PNC was rigging the results of the election.


For almost ten years this area did not receive electricity and a running water well because they were a area for resistance against the PNC.


The PPP has done Guyana good, unlike the PNC which tried to destroy people who did not support them.


Kudos to the PPP for providing Guyanese electricity. Let us give credit where credit is due.

Has the PPP provided electricity to the Guyanese people or was electricity already available as far back as during British rule?

It seems to me that the PPP is taking credit for work started under previous administration. The PPP is still trying to get Amilia off the ground, which is the only known electricity generating project that the PPP has so far unsuccessfully been attempting. All other projects are from GPL.


PPP are thieves and cowards. Who lying morning noon and night.


The Fact is the PPP has been economically devastating to berbicians. The Berbice Bridge toll at 11 Dollars USD to cross per day for cars is outrageous........


The PPP is about punishing and persecuting the poor in Guyana and that includes berbicians.


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